The CME STP BaCE API uses standard Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web services calls secured by Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2. The API supports both querying and submitting data. All API calls must be must be encoded for SOAP.
Info |
In this specification, only the example for changing a user password is encoded for SOAP. For clarity, all other examples are unencoded. |
Info |
Do not add UTF encoding. CME STP BaCE adds UTF-16 encoding during processing. |
The following topics describe each function available through the API and the supporting XML methods and elements.
Table of Contents | ||
The following diagram shows the basic communications model of CME STP BaCE API.
Gliffy | ||||
API Functions
You can submit the following types of data as XML through the API:
When you submit trade records to CME STP BaCE, you can use either standard CME STP BaCE reference data values, or your company’s own data values, which are mapped by CME STP BaCE.
The following table summarizes the actions available from the API, which are described in greater detail below.
Action | API Method |
saveDeals(username, password, CHML.Deals.Deal) | |
Verify and reject trades, and update reference numbers for trades | updateDeals(username, password, CHML.CHRequest.UpdateRequest) |
getReferenceData(username, password, CHML.CHRequest.RefDataQuery) | |
changePassword(username, password, newPassword) |
API Methods and XML Elements
The following diagram maps the given API method to its corresponding XML element.
Gliffy | ||||
Uniquely Identifying Trades
You use the following trade identifiers to uniquely identify a trade in CME STP BaCE:
Trade Identifier | Description | Example - New Trade | Example - Amended Trade |
CHDealID | CME STP BaCE uses this to uniquely identify a trade. This ID does not change across multiple versions of a trade. | CHDealID="10261356" | CHDealID="10261356" |
CHTransactionID | CME STP BaCE uses this to uniquely identify a version of a trade. This ID changes for each version of a trade, and it is globally unique. | CHTransactionID=""1242334" | CHTransactionID=""1258794" |
CHVersionID | CME STP BaCE uses this to uniquely identify the version number of the trade. It is incremented with each trade amendment. | CHVersionID="1" | CHVersionID="2" |
Submitting Trade Records (saveDeals)
Use the saveDeals method to submit trade records to CME STP BaCE,
saveDeals(username, password, CHML.Deals.Deal)
Parameter | Description | Type |
username | Username provided by CME STP BaCE. Usually a username dedicated to the API. | string |
password | Password provided by CME STP BaCE. | string |
CHML.Deals.Deal | An XML string that represents one or more deals (trade records). For a complete list of request parameters, refer to "Submitting trade records (CHML.Deals.Deal)" in the CME BaCE XML Schema Reference. To submit multiple trade records, create the Deals element, which can contain multiple Deal elements. | string |
Example: Broker-Submitted Trade
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<?xml version="1.0"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ch=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <ch:saveDeals> <!--Optional:--> <ch:username>adamax1</ch:username> <!--Optional:--> <ch:*acmepassword>***password12***</ch:acmepassword> <!--Optional:--> <ch:deals> <?xml version="1.0"?><CHML SchemaVersion="6.2"> <Deals> <Deal Active="1" CommodityID="2" Commodity="Power" DealType="Financial" TradeTypeID="18" TradeType="Power Financial Fixed-For-Float Swap" TradeTypeCode="Fin FFF Swap" CompanyAttn="Duke Energy Ohio Inc" CompanyContact="Don Hughes" CompanyContactNumbers="Telephone 555-555-5555; Fax 555-555-5555" TotalQuantity="1600" TotalQuantityTypeID="7" TotalQuantityType="MWh" TimeZoneID="2" TimeZone="CPT" TradeDate="2013-01-01T08:54:00" DeliveryPointCode="Cin Hub" DeliveryPoint="Cinergy Hub" DeliveryPointID="10" Cleared="1"> <Submitter CreatedDate="2013-01-01T10:02:24.587" LastModifiedDate="2013-01-01T10:02:24.617" SubmitterTypeID="1" SubmitterTypeName="Broker" SubmitterID="100000" SubmitterName="Adamax Broker 1" SubmitterDealID="1234567B" SubmitterDealIDQualifier="BrokerSoft" BidFlag="0" VersionID="1" /> <Periods> <Period PeriodOrder="1" UnitQuantity="50" UnitQuantityTypeID="7" UnitQuantityType="MWh" StartDate="2013-01-01" EndDate="2013-12-31" /> </Periods> <Broker ParentBrokerageCompanyID="100000" ParentBrokerageCompany="Adamax Broker 1" BrokerageCompanyID="100000" BrokerageCompany="Adamax Broker 1" BrokerageCompanyNumbers="Telephone 555-555-5555; Fax555-555-5555" BrokerageCompanyAddress="One Sugar Creek Center Blvd., Suite 700, Sugar Land, TX 77478" BrokerDealID="1234567B" BrokerName="Ben Lundquist" CompanyCommRate="0.01" CompanyComm="16.000" CompanyCommFlatRateFlag="0" CompanyCommCurrencyID="2" CompanyCommCurrency="USD" CompanyCommUnitID="7" CompanyCommUnit="MWh" CompanyTotalAmountDue="16.000" > <ExecutionSystem SystemName=”Acme System” SystemTradeID=”999” SystemTradeSubID=”001” ExecutorRole=”Aggressor” /> <CounterpartyBroker ParentBrokerageCompanyID="100000" ParentBrokerageCompany="Adamax Broker 1" BrokerageCompanyID="100001" BrokerageCompany="Adamax Broker 1" BrokerageCompanyNumbers="Telephone 555-555-5555; Fax 555-555-5555" BrokerageCompanyAddress="One Sugar Creek Center Blvd., Suite 700, Sugar Land, TX 77478" BrokerDealID="1234567CB" BrokerName="Bryan McSpadden" /> <TradingCompany CompanyID="100003" Company="Adamax Test Company 4" CompanyCode="Adamax Test Company 4" CompanyTrader="Don Hughes" CompanyTraderNumbers="Telephone 555-555-5555; Fax 555-555-5555" ReferenceNumber="" BidFlag="0" Notes="" /> <Counterparty ReferenceNumber="" BidFlag="1" CompanyID="1027" CompanyCode="Brudner Energy Partners LP" Company="Brudner Energy Partners LP" CompanyTrader="Jeff Coats" CompanyTraderNumbers="Telephone 555-555-5555; Fax 555-555-5555" /> <SellerPrice PriceCurrencyID="2" PriceCurrency="USD" IndexID="14" Index="Midwest ISO's Day-Ahead LMP" IndexLocationID="10" IndexLocation="Cinergy Hub" SellerPriceDisplay="Midwest ISO's Day-Ahead LMP at Cinergy Hub" /> <BuyerPrice Price="38" PriceUnitID="7" PriceUnit="MWh" PriceCurrencyID="2" PriceCurrency="USD" IndexID="14" Index="Midwest ISO's Day-Ahead LMP" IndexLocationID="10" IndexLocation="Cinergy Hub" BuyerPriceDisplay="$38 USD/MWh" /> <CommodityType ProductID="91" Product="Power"> <Power PowerPeakTypeID="3" PowerPeakType="Off-peak" PowerScheduleTypeID="35" PowerScheduleTypeCode="2x16 EPT" PowerScheduleType="2x16, Saturday-Sunday Hours Ending 08:00-23:00 (EPT), Excluding NERC Holidays" /> </CommodityType> </Deal> </Deals> </CHML> </ch:deals> </ch:saveDeals> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |
Updating Trade Records (updateDeals)
Trading companies use the updateDeals method to verify and reject trade records and to update the reference number for a trade.
updateDeals(username, password, CHML.CHRequest.UpdateRequest)
Parameter | Description | Type |
username | Username provided by CME STP BaCE. Usually and API dedicated username. | string |
password | Password provided by CME STP BaCE. | string |
CHML.CHRequest.UpdateRequest | An XML string that represents the information to update in the trade. There are three types of update:
| string |
Example: Accept a Single Deal - Submission and Response
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Submission updateDeals ("acme_api", "acme_old_password", "<CHML SchemaVersion="6.2"> <CHRequest> <UpdateRequest> <AcceptRequest CHTransactionID="1242334"/> </> </UpdateRequest> </CHRequest> </CHML>") Response "<CHML> <CHResponses Code="1"> <CHResponse Code="0" CHTransactionID="1232332"/> </CHResponse> </CHResponses> </CHML>" |
Example: Accept Deal and Update Reference Number in a Single Call
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updateDeals ("acme_api", "acme_old_password", "<CHML SchemaVersion="6.2"> <CHRequest> <UpdateRequest> <AcceptRequest CHTransactionID="1242334"/> </> <UpdateRefNumberRequest CHTransactionID="1242334" ReferenceNumber="mynum_009988"/> </> </UpdateRequest> </CHRequest> </CHML") |
Querying Reference Data (getReferenceData)
Use the getReferenceData method to retrieve CME STP BaCE reference data.
getReferenceData(username, password, CHML.CHRequest.RefDataQuery)
Parameter | Description | Type |
username | Username provided by CME STP BaCE. Usually a username dedicated to the API. | string |
password | Password provided by CME STP BaCE. | string |
CHML.CHRequest.RefDataQuery | An XML string that represents query parameters. For a complete list of request parameters, refer to "Querying CME STP BaCE for reference-data tables in the database (CHML.CHRequest.RefDataQuery)" in the CME STP BaCE XML Schema Reference. | string |
Filter Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type |
TableName | Table name to query for reference data. If this is not specified, CME STP BaCE returns all tables in the reference data. | string |
UpdatedSinceDate |
The date and time have the following format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnn, for example, 2012-03-05T10:02:24. |
617 | dateTime |
Example: Retrieving All Reference Data Tables
getReferenceData("acme_api", "***acmepassword***",
"<CHML SchemaVersion="6.2">
Example: Retrieving All Reference Data Tables that Have Changed Since Given Date
getReferenceData("acme_api", "***acmepassword***",
"<CHML SchemaVersion="6.2">
UpdatedSinceDate ="2013-02-01"/>
Example: Retrieving only the COMPANY Table
getReferenceData("acme_api", "***acmepassword***",
"<CHML SchemaVersion="6.2">
TableName ="COMPANY"/>
Change User Password (changePassword)
Use the changePassword method to change a user password.
changePassword(username, password, newPassword)
Info |
All CME STP BaCE passwords expire after 90 days. CME STP BaCE recommends that all API interfaces use the changePassword method to automatically change the password to avoid API account interruptions. |
Parameter | Description | Type |
username | Username provided by CME STP BaCE. Usually an API dedicated username. | string |
password | Password provided by CME STP BaCE. | string |
newPassword | New password. | string |
Example: Change User Password
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ch="">
Example: Change User Password - Unencoded
changePassword ("acme_api", "acme_old_password", "acme_new_password")
API Error Codes
The following error codes may be returned after calling an API method:
The error code is displayed in the CHResponse.Code element.
The error message is displayed in the CHResponse.Details element.
Error Code | Description | Recommendation |
3 | This indicates password or account errors. | Generate an alert, pause the service, and inspect your credentials. |
10 | This indicates that the submitted XML document has an unknown format. | Generate an alert. Do not retry the transaction, which is problematic and must be corrected. |
12 | This indicates an error in the request due to invalid XML. This may be caused by one of the following, as indicated in the error message:
| Generate an alert. Do not retry the transaction, which is problematic and must be corrected. |
17 | This indicates an error in the request for one of the following reasons, as indicated in the error message:
| Generate an alert. Do not retry the transaction, which is problematic and must be corrected. |
26 | This indicates an expired password. | Generate an alert, pause the service, and inspect your credentials. Use the changePassword API method to change your password. You can resubmit after changing your password. |
100 | This general service error often indicates connection timeouts or other system issues not captured by other error codes. | Generate an alert, but keep retrying the transaction. The CME STP BaCE API service may be unavailable some nights and weekends for regular maintenance. Please consider this in your alerting mechanism. |