Header Parameters
Ref | Parameter | Name | Type | Multi-ple | Values | Usage | Description |
1 | CME-Application-Name | Application Name | string | No | REQUIRED | Name of the customer system that generated the message. | |
2 | CME-Application-Vendor | Application Vendor | string | No | REQUIRED | Name of the vendor who provided the customer system. For a proprietary system, use the firm name. | |
3 | CME-Application-Version | Application Version | string | No | REQUIRED | Version identifier for the customer system. |
Query Parameters
Ref | Parameter | Name | Type | Multi-ple | Values | Usage | Description |
1 | productCodes | Product Code | string | Yes | XEURBI | OPTIONAL | Indicates the underlying asset code (Product Code). Clients can currently query for one Product Codes. |
2 | date | Date | string | No | OPTIONAL | A parameter to be used by the customer to specify a single date for which they want to obtain the rates. Format YYYY-MM-DD | |
3 | startDate | Start Date | string | No | OPTIONAL | A parameter to be used by the customer to specify the lower bound within the desired date range. Format YYYY-MM-DD | |
4 | endDate | End Date | string | No | OPTIONAL | A parameter to be used by the customer to specify the upper bound within the desired date range. Format YYYY-MM-DD |
Response Headers
Ref | Parameter | Name | Type | Multi-ple | Values | Usage | Description |
1 | sentTime | Sent Time | TimeStamp | No | REQUIRED | Time the message was published | |
2 | version | Version | String | No | REQUIRED | Version Number of the application generating the message | |
3 | dataset | Data Set | string | No | REQUIRED | Represents the type of data the application is generating |
Response - 200
Successfully retrieved
Ref | Field | Name | Data Type | Values | Usage | Description |
1 | businessDt | Business Date | string | REQUIRED | Trade date of published data. The relevant date for which the Cross Currency rates are in reference to. Format YYYY-MM-DD | |
2 | indexValue | Cross Currency index | number | REQUIRED | The index value for the Cross Currency Product (EUR / USD). We support negative values | |
3 | immStartDt | Cross Currency Date | number | REQUIRED | IMM / International Monetary Market start date (i.e the first date for the basis calculation). | |
4 | immEndDt | Cross Currency Date | number | REQUIRED | IMM / International Monetary Market end date (i.e the end date for the basis calculation). | |
5 | instrument[] | Instrument | instrument | REQUIRED | ||
6 | → guidInt | Instrument GUID Int | integer | REQUIRED | Unique Instrument ID | |
7 | →productCode | Product Code | string | XEURBI | REQUIRED | Indicates the underlying asset code (Product Code). |
Response - 500
Internal Server Error
Response - 400
Bad request Exception from incorrect user input e.g. incorrectly formatted date