The Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is the average price an instrument has traded at throughout the day, based on both volume and price. There are two types of VWAP values:
Intraday - Real time VWAP calculated and distributed for all Repo products. Intraday VWAP is calculated from start of day through the workup that just ended. US Repo Intraday VWAP values are calculated at the end of every workup. EU Repo Intraday VWAP values are calculated after every trade. Cancellations and amendments are reflected in VWAP updates.
Daily Averages - Sent
at 8at 8:30 AM ET, 10 AM ET and Previous day 10 AM ET (at session start) for US Repo. Daily VWAP averages are calculated from trades up to and including the Average Time (e.g., business open up to and including Workups that end by 10 AM ET). Trade cancellations/corrections disseminated through MDP are reflected in any future published 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM averages, but averages already published are not republished. Similarly, the previous day 10:00 AM reflect the actual published value.
Separate VWAPs are not disseminated for AON instruments. AON Trades are included in the VWAP for the parent instrument.
FIX Syntax for VWAP
Tag Number | Tag Name | Valid Values | Description |
279 | MDUpdateAction | 0=New 2=Delete | Type of market data update action. |
269 | MDEntryType | 9=VWAP | Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). |
48 | SecurityID | Unique instrument ID as qualified by the exchange. | |
270 | MDEntryPx | Price of the market data entry. | |
286 | OpenCloseSettlFlag | 100=Intraday VWAP 101=Repo Average 8:30 AM ET 102=Repo Average 10 AM ET 103=Previous Session Repo Average 10 AM ET | Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) type. |