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This page and all the related pages define the Fpml message specifications of all the messages supported by clearing. The message maps from the field name/meaning to the specific location in the XML instance document.  Mappings are shown using XPath notation. Also included is a brief description of the element, possible enumeration/values and if the element is custom. 

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FpML Messages 



clearingConfirmed message

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clearingConfirmed Message
clearingConfirmed Message

requestConsent message

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requestConsent Message
requestConsent Message

consentGranted message

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consentGranted Message
consentGranted Message

consentRefused message

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consentRefused Message
consentRefused Message

consentException message

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consentException Message
consentException Message

clearingRefused message

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clearingRefused Message
clearingRefused Message

FpML Product Specifications

Swap Element

The Swap component, which is comprised of SwapStreams, is used to define the product economic fields between the principal parties involved in the Swap. The SwapStream component can be used to specify the payment streams associated with the swap. These can be fixed or float payment streams. This component is also used to specify the elements needed to specify calculations associated with each stream. 

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Swap Element Specification

NS: Not Supported

Field Name



Enumeration / Coding Scheme

Fixed/Float, Basis, OIS, ZCS

Calculation Period dates

Calculation period date schedule for floating and fixed leg


Unadjusted Effective Date

Effective Date 

Date when the floating accruals or fixed accruals on the swap or begin. The first day of the term of the trade. This day may be subject to adjustment in accordance with a business day convention. 

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates/ effectiveDate/unadjustedDate

Business Day Convention

The business day convention to apply to each calculation period end date if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day in the specified financial business centers

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /effectiveDate/dateAdjustments/businessDayConvention









Business Center reference and Business Center

A reference to a set of financial business centers used to determine whether a particular day is a business day or not.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /effectiveDate/dateAdjustments/ businessCentersReference

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /effectiveDate/dateAdjustments/ businessCenters/businessCenter

Adjusted Effective Date

Effective Date (Adjusted)

The start date of the calculation period. This date should already be adjusted for any applicable business day convention. This is also the date when the observed rate is applied, the reset date

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /effectiveDate/adjustedDate

Unadjusted Termination Date

Termination Date

Date when fixed accruals or floating accruals stop. The last day of the term of the trade. This day may be subject to adjustment in accordance with a business day convention. 

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /terminationDate/unadjustedDate

Business Day Convention

The business day convention to apply to each calculation period end date if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day in the specified financial business centers

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /terminationDate/dateAdjustments/businessDayConvention









Business Center reference and Business Center

A reference to a set of financial business centers used to determine whether termination date is a business day or not.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /terminationDate/dateAdjustments/ businessCentersReference

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /terminationDate/dateAdjustments/ businessCenters/businessCenter

Adjusted Termination Date

Termination Date

he end date of the calculation period. This date should already be adjusted for any applicable business day convention

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates /terminationDate/adjustedDate

Calculation Period Frequency

Calculation Frequency Period

Frequency at which the calculation period ends for the regular part of the calculation period schedule for the fixed or float leg based on the Stream.

A time period, e.g. a day, week, month, year or term of the stream. If the periodMultiplier value is 0 (zero) then period must contain the value D (day).

swap/swapStream[$fixedSide/floatSide]/ calculationPeriodDates/calculationPeriodFrequency/period

Calculation Frequency Period Multiplier

A time period multiplier, e.g. 1, 2 or 3 etc. A negative value can be used when specifying an offset relative to another date, e.g. -2 days. If the period value is T (Term) then periodMultiplier must contain the value 1

swap/swapStream[$fixedSide/floatSide]/ calculationPeriodDates/calculationPeriodFrequency/ periodMultiplier

D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

Calculation Period Frequency Roll convention

The convention for determining the sequence of calculation period end dates. It is used in conjunction with a specified frequency and the regular period start date of a calculation period, e.g. semi-annual IMM roll dates.

calculationPeriodDates/calculationPeriodFrequency/ rollConvention

Stub Details

Stub Period Type

An optional element to allow the definition of how any irregular period should be handled. This element can be present along with the explicit dates but if this is the case there is a rule that the dates generated using the stubPeriodType should be consistent with the dates present within calculationPeriodDates

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates / stubPeriodType





First Regular Period Start Date

This element is specified for a front Stub. This date marks the end of the stub period calculation and the date on which the regular period begins. This date has to be greater than the Swap effective date if specified

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates/ firstRegularPeriodStartDate

Last regular Period End Date

This field is specified for a back Stub. This date marks the end of the last regular period and the date on which the final stub period begins. This date has to be less than the Swap termination date if specified.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodDates/ lastRegularPeriodEndDate

Calculation Period and Amount Details

Notional Amount

The notional amount associated with the calculation period for the stream

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/notionalSchedule/notionalStepSchedule/ initialValue/

Known Amount

The known amount can be specified instead of a notional amount. This is the final amount that will be paid out at the end of the swapstream period This is used sometimes in Zero coupon swaps for the fixed leg.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ knownAmountSchedule/initialValue

Notional amount Schedule

The schedule of step date and non-negative value pairs. On each step date the associated step value becomes effective. A list of steps may be ordered in the document by ascending step date.

This will be used in amortizing swaps.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/notionalSchedule/notionalStepSchedule/ step/stepDate

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/notionalSchedule/notionalStepSchedule/ step/stepValue

Notional Amount Currency

The currency associated with the notional amount of the notional amount schedule.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/notionalSchedule/notionalStepSchedule/ currency

Day count Fraction

Day count basis convention to use to find the period between two dates

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/dayCountFraction

Fixed Rate

The fixed rate.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/fixedRateSchedule/initialValue

Floating Rate Index

The index used for calculating the floating leg.

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/floatingRateCalculation/floatingRateIndex

Please refer to the Product Scope for the supported indices.

Floating Rate Index Tenor

The tenor or the designated maturity of the floating rate index.

Frequency at which the calculation period ends for the regular part of the calculation period schedule for the fixed or float leg based on the Stream.

A time period, e.g. a day, week, month, year or term of the stream. If the periodMultiplier value is 0 (zero) then period must contain the value D (day).

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/floatingRateCalculation/ indexTenor/periodMultiplier

A time period multiplier, e.g. 1, 2 or 3 etc. A negative value can be used when specifying an offset relative to another date, e.g. -2 days. If the period value is T (Term) then periodMultiplier must contain the value 1

swap/swapStream/calculationPeriodAmount/ calculation/floatingRateCalculation/ indexTenor/period

Initial Stub Rate

An actual rate to apply for the initial stub period may have been agreed between the principal parties (in a similar way to how an initial rate may have been agreed for the first regular period). If an actual stub rate has been agreed then it would be included in this component. It will be a per annum rate, expressed as a decimal. A stub rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05.

swap/ swapStream/ stubCalculationPeriodAmount/ initialStub/ stubRate

Initial Stub floating Rate designated maturity (Index tenor)

This specifies the tenor information if a floating rate index is specified for the initial stub

swap/ swapStream/ stubCalculationPeriodAmount/ initialStub/ floatingRate/floatingRateIndex/indexTenor/ period

D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

swap/ swapStream/ stubCalculationPeriodAmount/ initialStub/ floatingRate/floatingRateIndex/indexTenor/ periodMultiplier

Final Stub Rate

An actual rate to apply for the final stub period may have been agreed between the principal parties (in a similar way to how an initial rate may have been agreed for the first regular period). If an actual stub rate has been agreed then it would be included in this component. It will be a per annum rate, expressed as a decimal. A stub rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05.

swap/ swapStream/ stubCalculationPeriodAmount/ finalStub/ stubRate

Initial Stub floating Rate designated maturity (Index tenor)

This specifies the tenor information if a floating rate index is specified for the final stub

swap/ swapStream/ stubCalculationPeriodAmount/ finalStub/ floatingRate/floatingRateIndex/indexTenor/ period

D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

swap/ swapStream/ stubCalculationPeriodAmount/ finalStub/ floatingRate/floatingRateIndex/indexTenor/ periodMultiplier

Reset Dates for Floating Rate Stream

Reset Date calculation period dates Reference

This element is used to generate reset dates schedule and associated fixing dates related to a floating rate Stream. The reset dates are determined relative to the calculation periods schedules dates. This element is used to specify the reference to the floating rate calculation period dates.

swap/ swapStream/ resetDates/ calculationPeriodReference

Reset date relative to

This is used to specify whether the reset dates are determined with respect to each adjusted calculation period start date or adjusted calculation period end date. If the reset frequency is specified as daily this element must not be included.

swap/ swapStream/ resetDates/ resetRelativeTo

Reset Frequency

The frequency at which reset dates occur. In the case of a weekly reset frequency, also specifies the day of the week that the reset occurs. If the reset frequency is greater than the calculation period frequency then this implies that more than one reset date is established for each calculation period and some form of rate averaging is applicable.

The specific averaging method of calculation is specified in FloatingRateCalculation. In case the reset frequency is of value T (term), the period is defined by the swap\swapStream\calculationPerioDates\effectiveDate and the swap\swapStream\calculationPerioDates\terminationDate.

swap/ swapStream/ resetDates/ resetFrequency

Reset Frequency Period

Frequency at which resets occur.

A time period, e.g. a day, week, month, year or term of the stream. If the periodMultiplier value is 0 (zero) then period must contain the value D (day).

swap/ swapStream/ resetDates/ resetFrequency/period

D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

swap/ swapStream/ resetDates/ resetFrequency/ periodMultiplier

Reset Date Adjustments

Reset Date Adjustment business day convention

The business day convention to apply to each reset date if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day in the specified financial business centers.

Fixing Dates for Floating Rate Stream

Fixing Date Period

Specifies the fixing date relative to the reset date in terms of a business days offset and an associated set of financial business centers. The href attribute on the dateRelativeTo element should reference the id attribute on the resetDates element.

swap/ swapStream/resetDates/fixingDates/ period

D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

swap/ swapStream/resetDates/fixingDates/ periodMultiplier

Fixing Date relative to

Specifies the anchor date as an href attribute. The href attribute value is a pointer style reference to the element or component elsewhere in the document where the anchor date is defined

swap/ swapStream/resetDates/fixingDates/ dateRelativeTo

Fixing date business day convention

The convention for adjusting the fixing date if it falls on a day that is not a business day.

swap/ swapStream/resetDates/fixingDates/ businessDayConvention

Fixing Date Business Centers

A reference to a set of financial business centers used to determine whether fixing date is a business day or not.

swap/ swapStream/resetDates/fixingDates/ businessCenters/businessCenter

Fixing Date Offset Period

Specifies the fixing date relative to the reset date in terms of a business days offset and an associated set of financial business centers. The href attribute on the dateRelativeTo element should reference the id attribute on the adjustedEffectiveDate element.

Payment Dates Calculation (swap/swapStream/paymentDates)

Defines all the dtaes and calculations required to calculate the payment date.

Reference to the Calculation period Date

A Reference to the calculation Period date

swap/ swapStream/paymentDates/ calculationPeriodDatesReference

Payment Date Frequency

The frequency at which regular payment dates occur. If the payment frequency is equal to the frequency defined in the calculation period dates component then one calculation period contributes to each payment amount. If the payment frequency is less frequent than the frequency defined in the calculation period dates component then more than one calculation period will contribute to the payment amount. A payment frequency more frequent than the calculation period frequency or one that is not a multiple of the calculation period frequency is invalid. If the payment frequency is of value T (term), the period is defined by the swap\swapStream\calculationPerioDates\effectiveDate and the swap\swapStream\calculationPerioDates\terminationDate

swap/ swapStream/paymentDates/ paymentFrequency/ periodMultiplier

swap/ swapStream/paymentDates/ paymentFrequency/ period

D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

Payment Date Relative to

This element specifies whether payments occur relative to the calculation period start or end date, or the reset date

swap/ swapStream/paymentDates/ payRelativeTo






Payment Date Business Day convention

The business day convention to apply to each payment date if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day in the specified financial business centers.

swap/ swapStream/paymentDates/ paymentDatesAdjustments/ businessDayConvention









Payment Date Business Center Reference

A reference to a set of financial business centers used to determine whether the payment date is a business day or not.

swap/ swapStream/paymentDates/ paymentDatesAdjustments/ businessCenters/ businessCenter

CashFlows swap/swapStream/cashFlows

Defines all the cash flows associated with the swap.

The cleared confirm will include all the cashflows associated with the swap for the life of the swap.

Cash Flow Match Parameter

A true/false flag to indicate whether the cashflows match the parametric definition of the stream, i.e. whether the cashflows could be regenerated from the parameters without loss of information.

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/cashflowsMatchParameters

Adjusted Payment Date

The adjusted payment date and associated calculation period parameters required to calculate the actual or projected payment amount. A list of payment calculation period elements may be ordered in the document by ascending adjusted payment date.

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ adjustedPaymentDate

Adjusted Calculation period Start date

The calculation period start date, adjusted according to any relevant business day convention.

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ calculationPeriod/adjustedStartDate

Adjusted Calculation period End date

The calculation period end date, adjusted according to any relevant business day convention.

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ calculationPeriod/adjustedEndDate

Notional Amount

The amount that a cashflow will accrue interest on

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ calculationPeriod/notionalAmount

Adjusted Fixing Date

The adjusted fixing date, i.e. the actual date the rate is observed. The date should already be adjusted for any applicable business day convention.

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ calculationPeriod/floatingRateDefinition/ rateObservation/ adjustedFixingDate

Floating Rate

The actual observed rate before any required rate treatment is applied, e.g. before converting a rate quoted on a discount basis to an equivalent yield. An observed rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ calculationPeriod/floatingRateDefinition/ rateObservation/ observedRate

Fixed rate

The calculation period fixed rate. A per annum rate, expressed as a decimal. A fixed rate of 5% would be represented as 0.05.

swap/ swapStream/cashFlows/ paymentCalculationPeriod/ calculationPeriod/fixedRate

FRA Element

The Fra component is also used to specify the elements needed to specify calculations associated with the payment and maturity of the fra contract.Image Removed

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Fra Element Specification

Field Name



Enumeration / Coding Scheme

Effective Date (Adjusted)

The start date of the calculation period. This date should already be adjusted for any applicable business day convention. This is also the date when the observed rate is applied, the reset date

 fra/ adjustedEffectiveDate

Termination Date

he end date of the calculation period. This date should already be adjusted for any applicable business day convention

 fra/ adjustedTerminationDate

Calculation Period and Amount Details

Notional Amount

The notional amount associated with the calculation period for the stream


Notional Amount Currency

The currency associated with the notional amount of the notional amount schedule.


Day count Fraction

Day count basis convention to use to find the period between two dates


Fixed Rate

The fixed rate.


Floating Rate Index

The index used for calculating the floating leg.


Please refer to the Product Scope for the supported indices.

Floating Rate Index Tenor

The tenor or the designated maturity of the floating rate index.

Frequency at which the calculation period ends for the regular part of the calculation period schedule for the fixed or float leg based on the Stream.

A time period multiplier, e.g. 1, 2 or 3 etc. A negative value can be used when specifying an offset relative to another date, e.g. -2 days. If the period value is T (Term) then periodMultiplier must contain the value 1


A time period, e.g. a day, week, month, year or term of the stream. If the periodMultiplier value is 0 (zero) then period must contain the value D (day).


D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

Calculation Period Number of Days

The number of days from the adjusted effective date to the adjusted termination date calculated in accordance with the applicable day count fraction.


FRA Discounting

Specifies whether discounting applies and, if so, what type.



Fixing Dates Offset Calculation

Specifies the elements needed for calculating the fixing date.

Fixing Date Offset Period

Specifies the fixing date relative to the reset date in terms of a business days offset and an associated set of financial business centers. The href attribute on the dateRelativeTo element should reference the id attribute on the resetDates element.



D - Day

W - Week

M - Month

Y - Year

T - Term

Fixing Date Offset Day Type

In the case of an offset specified as a number of days, this element defines whether consideration is given as to whether a day is a good business day or not. If a day type of business days is specified then non-business days are ignored when calculating the offset. The financial business centers to use for determination of business days are implied by the context in which this element is used. This element must only be included when the offset is specified as a number of days. If the offset is zero days then the dayType element should not be included








Fixing date business day convention

The convention for adjusting the fixing date if it falls on a day that is not a business day.

fra/fixingDateOffset/ businessDayConvention









Fixing Date Offset Business Center

This set of business centers is used to determine whether a particular day is a business day or not.


Fixing Date Offset relative to

Specifies the anchor date as an href attribute. The href attribute on the dateRelativeTo element should reference the id attribute on the resetDates element.


Payment Details

Unadjusted Payment Date

The payment date. This date is subject to adjustment in accordance with any applicable business day convention.

fra/paymentDate/ unadjustedDate

Payment Date Business Day convention

The business day convention to apply to each payment date if it would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day in the specified financial business centers.

fra/paymentDate/dateAdjustments/ businessDayConvention









Payment Date Business Center Reference

A reference to a set of financial business centers used to determine whether the payment date is a business day or not.

fra/paymentDate/dateAdjustments/ businessCenters/ businessCenter