Tag 78-NoAllocs has a length of 1 byte, while tag 79-AllocAccount is 11 bytes long. These tags must be used in conjunction with each other or the following reject scenarios occur:
If tag 78-NoAllocs is sent without tag 79-AllocAccount, a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message is returned.
Reject Message - 'Missing Tag 78'
Panel |
8=FIX.4.2|9=158|35=3|34=1360823|69=40617|52=20080922-21:03:47.334|49=CME|50=G|56=qa4648P|57=648|45=40617|58=Business Reject: Required Field Missing 'Required Tag 78 missing'|10=063 |
If tag 79-AllocAccount is sent without tag 78-NoAllocs, a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message is returned.
Reject message - 'Missing Tag 79'
Panel |
8=FIX.4.2|9=158|35=3|34=1528993|69=41090|52=20080926-15:19:52.933|49=CME|50=G|56=qa4648P|57=648|45=41090|58=Business Reject: Required Field Missing 'Required Tag 79 missing'|10=085 |
If tag 78-NoAllocs is sent with a value other than '1', a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message is returned.
Reject Message - 'Tag 78 Not Equal to 1'