A subset of options on futures have truncated strike prices in tag 55-Symbol of the market data Security Definition message.
CME Group strongly encourages clients to use tag 202-StrikePrice to determine the strike price. However, the strike price in tag 202 for options on 2-Year T-Note futures is also truncated. For these products only, client systems using tag 202-StrikePrice must determine the full strike price . by postpending "5" when the value in tag 202 ends in the numbers "2" or "7".
Options on 2-Year T-Note futures
OZT - Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
VT1-VT5 - Weekly Monday Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
WT1-WT5 - Weekly Wednesday Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
ZT1 – ZT5 - Weekly Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
Info |
Reference Data API and Reference Data Warehouse support the full strike price without truncation. |
The following options on futures have truncated strike prices in tag 55-Symbol of the market data Security Definition message.
SR3 - Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures
S0 - One-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures
S2 - Two-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures
SR1 - Options on One-Month SOFR Futures
S3 - Three-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures
EJ - Options on Euroyen Futures
BTC - Options on Bitcoin Futures
OZQ - Options on 30 Day Federal Funds Futures
ZQ6 - One-Year Mid-Curve
options onoptions on 30 Day Federal Funds Futures
ZQ1 - Two-Year Mid-Curve
options onoptions on 30 Day Federal Funds Futures
OZT - Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
Please note: the strike price for OZT options is also truncated in tag 202-StrikePrice. Clients must determine the full strike price by postpending "5" when the published price ends in the numbers "2" or "7"VT1-VT5 - Weekly Monday Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
WT1-WT5 - Weekly Wednesday Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures
- (
ZT1 – ZT5
)- Weekly
optionsOptions on 2-Year T-Note Futures
OZF - Options on 5-Year T-Note Futures
- (
ZF1 – ZF5
)- Weekly options on 5-Year T-Note Futures
If using tag 55-Symbol to determine the strike price, the following rules apply:
CME products:
If strike ends in "2" or "7", postpend "5"
CBOT products
If strike ends in "2" or "7", postpend "5"
If strike ends in "1" or "6", postpend "25"
If strike ends in "3" or "8", postpend "75"