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Field NameFIXML Attribute NameData TypeDescriptionPresent for Security TypePresent for Asset ClassPresent for Outright or SpreadSupported Values
Message ID RptID StringA Message ID to identify the Trade Capture Report AcknowledgementAcknowledgment.ALLALLBoth
Trade Transaction Type TransTyp intIndicates the action being taken on a trade. The Acknowledgement Acknowledgment echoes back the Trans Type from the inbound message.ALLALLBoth
  • 0 - New
  • 1 - Cancel
Trade Report Type RptTyp intIndicates the type of Trade Report being sent. The Acknowledgment message echoes back the Report Type from the initial submission.ALLALLBoth
  • 0 - Submit
  • 3 - Decline
Trade Type TrdTyp intType of Trade.ALLALLBoth
  • 1 - Block Trade
  • 2 - EFP (Exchange for physical)
  • 11 - Exchange for Risk (EFR)
  • 22 - Over the Counter Privately Negotiated Trades (OPNT)
  • 54 - OTC / Large Notional Off Facility Swap
  • 58 - Block swap trade
Trade Sub Type TrdSubTyp intFurther qualification to the trade type

36 - Converted SWAP (Aged Deal)

Original Trade Date OrigTrdDt LocalMktDateUsed to preserve the original trade date when original trade is being referenced in a subsequent trade transaction such as a transfer.

Original Trade ID OrigTrdID StringLinks an original voided trade report (which has been submitted within regulatory time restrictions) with the resubmitted trade.
1. A trade with Trade ID of 10001234 is entered into ClearPort API.
2. Trade with Trade ID of 10001234 is voided.
3. A new trade with a Trade ID of 10007777 is entered as a resubmission for the earlier voided trade, and the OrigTrdID can be set as: 10001234.

Message Reference ID RptRefID StringThis is the Report of the original Trade Report that resulted in the AcknowledgementAcknowledgment.ALLALLBoth
Trade Report Status TrdRptStat intStatus of Trade in the system.ALLALLBoth
  • 0 - Accepted
  • 1 - Rejected
  • 2 - Cancelled
  • 4 - Received Not yet Processed
  • 100 - Unmatch
Reject Reason RejRsn intAn Internal system assigned reason code associated with the Rejection of Trade Report.

  • 1 - Invalid party information
  • 2 - Unknown instrument
  • 3 - Unauthorized to report trades
  • 4 - Invalid trade type
  • 99 - Other
Execution ID ExecID StringExchanged assigned Execution ID (Trade Identifier). Is not generated on single-sided Trade Submission.

Secondary Execution ID ExecID2 StringUsed to echo back the client's Trade ID referenced in the submission.ALLALLBoth
Price Type PxTyp intCode to represent the price type.
(For Financing transactions PriceType implies the "repo type" - Fixed or Floating - 9 (Yield) or 6 (Spread) respectively - and Price (44) gives the corresponding "repo rate".
See Volume : "Glossary" for further value definitions)
  • 1 - Percentage (i.e. percent of par)
  • 2 - Per unit (i.e. per share or contract)
Quantity Type QtyTyp intType of quantity specified in a quantity field:ALLALLOutright
  • 0 - Notional / Units
  • 1 - Contract term
Trade Quantity LastQty QtyQuantity (e.g. shares) bought/sold on this (last) fill.
(Prior to FIX 4.2 this field was of type int)
Trade Price LastPx PricePrice of this (last) fill.ALLALLOutright
Venue Type VenuTyp charIdentifies the type of venue where a trade was executed.

  • E - Electronic
  • O - Off facility swap
  • P - Pit
  • R - Registered Market (SEF)
  • X - Ex-Pit
Contra Amount CalcCcyLastQty QtyUsed for the calculated quantity of the other side of the currency trade. Can be derived from LastQty and LastPx.

Currency Ccy CurrencyPrimary currency of the specified currency pair. Used to qualify LastQty and GrossTradeAmoutALLOTC FXBoth
Trade Date TrdDt LocalMktDateIndicates date of trade referenced in this message in YYYYMMDD format. Absence of this field indicates current day (expressed in local time at place of trade). Conditionally present for all accepted trades.

Clear Date BizDt LocalMktDateThe "Clearing Business Date" referred to by this message. Conditionally present for all accepted trades.

Transaction Time TxnTm UTCTimestampTime ACK was issued by matching system, trading system or counterpartyALLALLBoth
Execution Method ExecMeth intSpecifies whether the transaction was executed via an automated execution platform or other method.

3 - Voice Brokered
Confirmation Method CnfmMeth intIndication of how a trade was confirmed.

  • 0 - non-electronic
  • 1 - electronic
Verification Method VerfMeth intIndication of how a trade was verified.

  • 0 - non-electronic
  • 1 - electronic
Regulatory Report Type RegRptTyp Reserved100PlusType of regulatory report being submitted.

  • 1 - Primary economic terms (PET)
  • 4 - Combination of RT and PET
Trade Acknowledgement Acknowledgment Status TrdAckStat intThe Status of the Trade Report that was submitted.ALLALLBoth
  • 0 - Accepted
  • 1 - Rejected
Reject Text RejTxt StringUsed by firms to send a reason for rejecting a trade in an allocate claim model.

Upfront Points UpfrntPts floatThe Upfront Points that can be exchanged as part of a deal.

External Spread IndicatorExtSprdIndcharOptional indicator for block trade strategies involving a CME Group exchange product and a product on any non-CME Group exchange

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
StandardHeader Hdr
→ Sender ID SID StringThis attribute identifies the party or the Submitter of the message. This is set to CME.ALLALLBoth
→ Target ID TID StringThis attribute identifies the receiver of the message. This could be a Broker or Platform or any other valid Trading entity. This value is pre-assigned by CME.ALLALLBoth
→ MsgSeqNum SeqNum SeqNum(Can be embedded within encrypted data section.)

→ Sender Qualifier SSub StringThis attribute qualifies the Sender. For messages sent by the CME ClearPort API this is set to CPAPI.ALLALLBoth
→ Target Qualifier TSub StringThis qualifies the receiver of the message. This is set to the CME ClearPort UserID of the Sender.ALLALLBoth
RegulatoryTradeIDGrp (repeating) RegTrdID
→ Regulatory Trade ID ID StringRegulatory Trade ID. Will be used to communicate the Unique Swap Identifier associated with a trade execution as required by the CFTC.

→ Regulatory Trade ID Source Src StringID of reporting entity assigned by regulatory agency.

→ Regulatory Trade ID Event Evnt intEvent causing origination of the ID. For combinations, use the higher enumeration value. E.g. for Allocation plus Clearing use the value 2.

  • 0 - Initial block trade
  • 1 - Allocation (or determination that the block trade will not be further allocated)
  • 2 - Clearing
→ Regulatory Trade ID Type Typ intThe type of Regulatory Trade ID being sent.

  • 0 - Current (the default)
  • 1 - Previous (e.g. when reporting a cleared trade or novation of a previous trade)
  • 2 - Block (e.g. when reporting an allocated subtrade)
→ Regulatory Trade ID Scope Scope intIncluded when a trade must be assigned more than one identifier, e.g. one for the clearing member and another for the client on a cleared trade as with the principal model in Europe. Omit if scope does not apply to this instance.

  • 1 - Clearing member
  • 2 - Client
RootParties (repeating) Pty
→ Root Party ID ID StringUsed to identify the Party.

→ Root Party ID Source Src charUsed to identify source source of PartyID value (e.g. LEI).


→ Root Party Role R intIdentifies the type of PartyID (e.g. the original Swap Data Repository, the Execution Venue, etc.)

  • 73 - Execution Venue
  • 102 - Data Repository (e.g. SDR)
Instrument Instrmt
UnderlyingInstrument (repeating) Undly
→ Underlying Product Code ID StringUsed as the primary identifier for the underlying instrument.OPTALLBoth
→ Underlying Product Code Source Src StringIdentifies the source responsible for assigning the security identifier of the underlying security. This may be the exchange, CCP, or an international organization.OPTALLBothH - Clearing House / Clearing Organization

→ Underlying Security Type SecTyp StringUsed to indicate the type of underlying security being reported; Future, Option on Physical, Option on Future, or Multi-leg for spreads.OPTALLBoth
  • FUT - Future
  • FWD - Forward
  • MLEG - Multi Leg (Combo)
→ Underlying Maturity MMY MonthYearThe expiration period code of an underlying instrument. Used in combination with UnderlyingSymbol or UnderlyingSecurityID to specify the instrument identifier. The value can be expressed as YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMwN where w represents a reference to week.OPTALLBoth
→ Underlying Product Exchange Exch ExchangeThe exchange where the underlying security is listed and has tradedOPTALLBoth
  • CBT - Chicago Board of Trade
  • CEE - Stock Exchange Group
  • CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
  • COMEX - Commodities Exchange, Inc
  • DME - Gulf Mercantile Exchange
  • NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange
  • NYMSW - CME Swaps - NYMEX
PositionAmountData (repeating) Amt
→ Amount Type Typ StringThe type of amount being expressed in the Trade Report.

  • CRES - Cash Residual Amount
  • ICPN - Initial Trade Coupon Amount
  • IPMT - Upfront Payment
  • PREM - Premium Amount
  • TVAR - Trade Variation Amount
→ Amount Amt AmtThe amount associated with the trade.

→ Amount Currency Ccy StringThe currency that the Amount associated with the trade is being denominated in.

TrdInstrmtLegGrp (repeating) TrdLeg
TrdRegTimestamps (repeating) TrdRegTS
→ Timestamp TS UTCTimestampExecution time for the deal.ALLALLBoth
→ Timestamp Type Typ intIndicates type of timestamp.ALLALLBoth1 - Execution Time
TrdCapRptAckSideGrp (repeating) RptSide
PaymentGrp (repeating)Pmt
→Payment TypeTypIntType of Payment 10=Option PremiumOOPTOTCFX10
→Payment CurrencyCcyStringCurrency of paymentOOPTOTCFXUSD
→ Payment AmountAmtAmt

The total payment amount

  • Can be positive or negative, depending on side
    • Buyer = negative
    • Seller = positive
→Payment DateDtLocalMktDateAdjusted payment dateOOPTOTCFX2016-09-30
