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FIX TagField NameFIXML Attribute NameData TypeDescriptionNew for BrokerTecOMnet MappingGenium FIX MappingSupported Values
568TradeRequestIDReqIDStringRequired Trade Capture Report Request ID 

1003TradeIDTrdIDStringThe unique ID assigned to the trade entity once it is received or matched by the exchange or central counterparty.

1040SecondaryTradeIDTrdID2StringUsed to carry an internal trade entity ID which may or may not be reported to the firm

569TradeRequestTypeReqTypintType of Trade Capture Report.

  • 0 - All Trades (NOTE: this is only available for the FIX API, not the FIXML API)
  • 1 - Matched trades matching criteria provided on request (Parties, ExecID, TradeID, OrderID, Instrument, InputSource, etc.) 
  • 3 - Unreported trades that match criteria
263SubscriptionRequestTypeSubReqTypcharSubscription Request Type

  • 0 - Snapshot
  • 1 - Snapshot + Updates (Subscribe)
11ClOrdIDClOrdIDStringUnique identifier for Order as assigned by the buy-side (institution, broker, intermediary etc.) (identified by SenderCompID (49) or OnBehalfOfCompID (5) as appropriate). Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day. Firms, particularly those that electronically submit multi-day orders, trade globally or throughout market close periods, should ensure uniqueness across days, for example by embedding a date within the ClOrdID field.

715ClearingBusinessDateBizDtLocalMktDateThe "Clearing Business Date" referred to by this maintenance request.

442MultiLegReportingTypeMLegRptTypcharUsed to indicate what an Execution Report represents (e.g. used with multi-leg securities, such as option strategies, spreads, etc.).

  • 2 - Individual leg of a multi-leg security
  • 3 - Multi-leg security
578TradeInputSourceInptSrcStringType of input device or system from which the trade was entered. Possible values include: BTC - BrokerTec Clearing, BTD - BrokerTec Direct, GLBX - Globex, XPIT - Externally registeredBTC, BTD


Date/time which subscription should start pull data from.

Format: YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS (UTC time zone)

  • Request without tag 779-LastUpdateTime will default to current date and time.

This tag is not used for Snapshot requests and will be ignored if present.

Example: 20200514-06:20:37


Start date/time of snapshot request.

Format: YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS (UTC time zone)

Required for Snapshot requests (tag 263 - SubscriptionRequestType = 0)

Client is allowed to submit requests covering period of 31 calendar days.


End date/time of snapshot or subscription request.

Optional for 

Snapshot requests .(tag 263- SubscriptionRequestType =0)

Format: YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS (UTC time zone)

Client is allowed to submit requests covering period of 31 calendar days.

10059IncludeCollateralIndicatorCollIndcharIndicates whether collateral should be returned in request result.New field.

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No

448→PartyIDIDStringParty identifier/code. See PartyIDSource (447) and PartyRole (452).

452→PartyRoleRintIdentifies the type or role of the PartyID (448) specified.

  • 7 - Trading (Entering) Firm
  • 30 - Inter Dealer Broker
  • 49 - Asset Manager
  • 79 - Prime Broker


55→SymbolSymStringTicker symbol. Common, "human understood" representation of the security. SecurityID (48) value can be specified if no symbol exists (e.g. non-exchange traded Collective Investment Vehicles)Use "[N/A]" for products which do not have a symbol.New field.

48→SecurityIDIDStringThe Clearing Product ID.

167→SecurityTypeSecTypStringEnables a requestor to filter for a specific SecurityType.New values BOND, EUSOV, EUSUP, FUT, MLEG, REPO, SOV, SUPRA, TB, TBA, TBILL, TBOND, TNOTE

  • BOND - Bond (generic)
  • EUSOV - Euro Sovereigns
  • EUSUP - Euro Supranational Coupons
  • FRA - Forward Rate Agreement
  • FUT - Future
  • FWD - Forward
  • IRS - Interest Rate Swap
  • MLEG - Multi Leg (Combo)
  • OPT - Option
  • REPO - Repurchase
  • SOV - UK Gilt
  • SUPRA - USD Supranational Coupons
  • SWAPTION - Swaption
  • TB - Treasury Bill - non US
  • TBA - To Be Announced
  • TBILL - US Treasury Bill
  • TBOND - US Treasury Bond
  • TNOTE - US Treasury Note
207→SecurityExchangeExchExchangeMarket used to help identify a security.New values BTEU, BTUS

  • BTEU - BrokerTec EU
  • BTUS - BrokerTec US
  • CBT - Chicago Board of Trade
  • CEE - Stock Exchange Group
  • CMD - Credit Default Swap Exchange
  • CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
  • COMEX - Commodities Exchange, Inc
  • DME -
  • Gulf Mercantile Exchange
  • FXS - FX Spot
  • IFUS - Intercontinental Exchange
  • NGXC - Natural Gas Exchange
  • NODX - Nodal
  • NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange
  • NYMSW - CME Swaps - NYMEX
  • XNAS - Nasdaq
  • XXXX - OTC Trades

75→TradeDateTrdDtLocalMktDateIndicates date of trade referenced in this message in YYYYMMDD format. Absence of this field indicates current day (expressed in local time at place of trade).
