Mandatory Migration - iLink 3 Binary Order Entry Protocol for CGW
In Q1 2024, CME Group will launch the iLink 3 Convenience Gateway for trading futures and options on futures on CME Globex. iLink 2 and iLink 3 for CGW will run in parallel until Q4, 2024. All customers connected via the Convenience Gateway (CGW) are encouraged to migrate to iLink 3 as early as possible prior to the iLink 2 decommission.
The iLink 3 order entry protocol on CME Globex provides:
Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) for faster message encoding and decoding
A simple, lightweight, point-to-point session layer protocol using FIX Performance (FIXP)
More efficient iLink FIX messaging
Standard message size, fixed positions, and fixed-length fields
A consistent encoding method for order entry and market data
XML schema and templates for order entry as with MDP 3
Lean messages move administrative information out of order entry business message
All newly created iLink 3 CGW sessions will be created with Cancel on Disconnect (COD) enabled.
To disable COD, Clearing Firm Administrators must enter the change request via Firm Admin Dashboard (FADB).
- 1 Revision History
- 2 Key Events and Dates
- 3 Session Management
- 4 Testing and Certification
- 5 Mock Trading Sessions
- 6 iLink 3 on CGW Availability
- 7 iLink 2 on CGW Decommission
- 8 Order Entry Service Gateway (OESGW) - SFTP Site Information
- 9 System Architecture
- 9.1 Current State
- 9.2 Parallel State
- 9.3 Final State
- 10 Developing from iLink 2 to iLink 3
- 11 Simple Binary Encoding
- 12 iLink 3 CGW Session Layer
- 13 iLink 3 CGW Business Layer
- 14 iLink 3 CGW Messaging Impacts
- 15 iLink 3 Sample Messages
- 16 Good Till Cancel (GTC) and Good Till Date (GTD) orders
- 17 Market Integrity Controls
- 18 iLink 3 CGW Message Specifications