iLink 3 Binary Order Entry
The iLink 3 order entry protocol on CME Globex provides:
Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) - optimized for low latency of encoding and decoding
FIX Performance (FIXP) protocol - supports simple session layer management; no session-level information (e.g. headers) required
Optimized order entry on the CME Globex platform for futures, options, BrokerTec, and EBS markets
Lean messages move administrative information out of order entry business message
Standard message size, fixed positions, and fixed length fields
Consistent encoding method for market data and order entry
XML schema and templates for order entry as with MDP 3
All iLink 3 sessions are Cancel on Disconnect (CoD) mandatory, except iLink 3 CGW sessions for futures and options markets.
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Video Overview
View the video for the iLink Order Entry module of CME Globex 101.
iLink 3 Gateway Considerations
iLink 3 launch has the following considerations for Convenience Gateway (CGW), Market Segment Gateway (MSGW), and Drop Copy Gateway (DCGW) customers:
| CGW |