iLink 3 Binary Order Entry

iLink 3 Binary Order Entry

The iLink 3 order entry protocol on CME Globex provides:

  • Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) - optimized for low latency of encoding and decoding 

  • FIX Performance (FIXP) protocol - supports simple session layer management; no session-level information (e.g. headers) required

  • Optimized order entry on the CME Globex platform for futures, options, BrokerTec, and EBS markets

  • Lean messages move administrative information out of order entry business message

  • Standard message size, fixed positions, and fixed length fields 

  • Consistent encoding method for market data and order entry

  • XML schema and templates for order entry as with MDP 3 

All iLink 3 sessions are Cancel on Disconnect (CoD) mandatory, except iLink 3 CGW sessions for futures and options markets.

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Video Overview

View the video for the iLink Order Entry module of CME Globex 101.

iLink 3 Gateway Considerations

iLink 3 launch has the following considerations for Convenience Gateway (CGW), Market Segment Gateway (MSGW), and Drop Copy Gateway (DCGW) customers: