Drop Copy for iLink 3 Binary Order Entry
iLink 3 has the following considerations for Drop Copy Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) customers:
Drop Copy supports both iLink 3 and iLink 2 source sessions
Drop Copy Convenience Gateway (CGW) message payload conforms to iLink 2 formats and encoding.
Client System Considerations
This section describes each iLink 3 Drop Copy impact in detail.
Deprecated Message Tags
With iLink 3, tag 41-OrigClOrdID (will default to value 0) and tag 9717-CorrelationClOrdID are deprecated in the following Drop Copy message type payloads;
Trade Execution Reports including:
Execution Report - Fill Notice (complete and partial fills)
Order Entry Acknowledgments including:
Client systems previously processing tag 41-OrigClOrdID and tag 9717-CorrelationClOrdID for order chain management can leverage tag 37-OrderID.
Change to FIX Type for Tag 548-CrossID
With iLink 3, the FIX type for tag 548-CrossID—String(32) in iLink 2—changes to Integer(20) in Drop Copy Market Segment (MSGW) messages payload.
Tag | Name | Current FIX Type | New FIX Type | Description |
548 | CrossID | String(32) | Int(20) | Identifier for a cross order. |
Additional Enumeration for Tag 59-TimeInForce
With iLink 3, an additional enumeration for tag 59-TimeInForce=4 is published in the Drop Copy Market Segment (MSGW) messages payload.
Tag | Name | Current Enumeration | New Enumeration | Description |
59 | TimeInForce | 0=Day | 0=Day 4=Fill or Kill (FOK) | Specifies how long the order remains in effect. |
Drop Copy Messages Payload Mapping
The following tables summarize ASCII encoded tags which have their equivalent in Simple Binary Encoding tags and enumerations in Drop Copy messages payload. Customers can use these tables to map Drop Copy Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) payload message tags to their iLink 3 source session equivalent.
Standard Header Mapping
The listed FIX ASCII tags in the standard header of Drop Copy message payloads map to the following iLink 3 source session message tags.
Drop Copy Message Tag | iLink 3 Source Message Tag | ||||
FIX Tag | FIX Name | Binary Tag | Binary Name | Enumeration | Description |
34 | MsgSeqNum | 9726 | SeqNum | Sequence number sent by CME Globex. | |
43 | PossDupFlag | 9765 | PossRetransFlag | FIX: 43= Y 43 = N Binary: 9765 = 1 9765 = 0 | During a normal processing state, tag 43-PossDupFlag is typically not present. If tag 43-PossDupFlag is present, it is set to N (binary=0) |
49 | SenderCompID | 1691 1693 | PartyDetailID PartyDetailRole=1 | Binary: When PartyDetailRole = 1, this indicates that the corresponding PartyDetailID value is equivalent to SenderCompID value. | Value from order entry tag 56-TargetCompID. |
50 | SenderSubID | 5392 | SenderID | Assigned value used to identify specific message originator. For iLink messages sent over the Market Segment Gateway CME Globex will echo back the tag 57-TargetSubID value. | |
56 | TargetCompID | 1691 1693 | PartyDetailID PartyDetailRole=1 | Binary: When PartyDetailRole = 1, this indicates that the corresponding PartyDetailID value is equivalent to TargetCompID value. | This tag consists of 2 subcomponents and a constant: session ID, Firm ID and Fault Tolerance Indicator (FTI). Session ID is the left-most 3 characters. The next 3 characters represent Firm ID. The last character is always the FTI that was sent back on the log-on ack. |
57 | TargetSubID | 5392 | SenderID | Assigned value used to identify specific individual or unit intended to receive message. | |
128 | DeliverToCompID | 9937 | OriOrderUser | Represents the original SenderComp for whom orders or quotes are to be cancelled. See iLink 3 Trading on Behalf of a Client for more information. | |
143 | TargetLocationID | 9537 | Location | Contains value sent by client system in tag 142-SenderLocationID. |
Message Body Mapping
The listed FIX ASCII tags in the message body of Drop Copy message payloads map to the following iLink 3 source session message tags.
Trade Execution Reports including:
Order Entry Acknowledgments including:
Drop Copy Message Tag | iLink 3 Source Message Tag | |||||
FIX Tag | FIX Name | Binary Tag | Binary Name | Enumeration | Description | |
1 | Account | 1691 1693 | PartyDetailID PartyDetailRole=24 | Binary: When PartyDetailRole = 24, this indicates that the corresponding PartyDetailID value is equivalent to Account value. | Unique account identifier. Note: This tag value is always uppercase, regardless of the case in the inbound message tag. Client systems are not required to submit capitalized account values to CME Globex. | |
17 | ExecID | 1506 | SideTradeID | SideTradeID represents the trade number on fill messages that contains the trade number which is embedded in the FIX ASCII field in tag 17-ExecID | ||
19 | ExecRefID | 1507 | OrigSideTradeID | OrigSideTradeID represents the original on trade cancel/correction messages which is embedded in the FIX ASCII field in tag 19-ExecRefID | ||
55 | Symbol | 1151 | SecurityGroup | This tag contains the Group Code of the instrument. | ||
59 | TimeInForce | 59 | TimeInForce | FIX: 0=Day Binary: 0=Day 4=Fill and Kill | Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Binary: Synthetic FOK (where MinQty Tag 110 = OrderQty Tag 38) has been replaced with an actual TimeInForce designation (Tag 59 = 4) | |
79 | AllocAccount | 1691 1693 | PartyDetailID PartyDetailRole=1000 | Binary: When PartyDetailRole = 1000, this indicates that the corresponding PartyDetailID value is equivalent to AllocAccount value. | Returned on Execution Report if sent on inbound message. Note: This tag value is always uppercase, regardless of the case in the inbound message tag. Client systems are not required to submit capitalized account values to CME Globex. | |
107 | SecurityDesc | 48 | SecurityID | Instrument identifier. | ||
129 | DeliverToSubID | 1691 1693 | PartyDetailID PartyDetailRole=118 | Binary: When PartyDetailRole = 118, this indicates that the corresponding PartyDetailID value is equivalent to operator value. | This value represents the individual or team submitting the message. | |
210 | MaxShow | 1138 | DisplayQty | See Order Display Quantity in Electronic Trading Concepts.
| ||
1028 | ManualOrderIndicator | 1028 | ManualOrderIndicator | FIX: Y=manual Binary: 1=manual | Value sent on inbound message from client system indicating the order as sent manually or generated by automated trading logic. | |
1057 | AggressorIndicator | 1057 | AggressorIndicator | FIX: Y=Match aggressor N=Resting at match Binary: 1=Match aggressor 0=Resting at match | Indicates if order was incoming or resting for the match event. | |
2807 | CancelText | 2807 | CancelText | Represents the SenderComp which initiates the cancellation of orders or quotes for the original SenderComp. See iLink 3 Trading on Behalf of a Client for more information. | ||
5979 | RequestTime | 7552 | DelayToTime | Information carried on a response to convey the time (UTC) when the request was received by the MSGW application. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. |
Administrative Information on Drop Copy Message Payloads
Drop Copy Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) payload messages contain customer optimized business messages constructed by:
pre-registered administrative information weekly through the new Service Gateway.
submitted administrative information per business message from iLink 3 source sessions.
iLink 3 business messages on Drop Copy Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) payload messages always include a reference to the pre-registered or on-demand administrative information.
Administrative information on Drop Copy payload messages include:
Information required to accept and match the order on the central limit order book
iLink 3 source session | Drop Copy MSGW message payload |
tag 2362-SelfMatchPreventionID | tag 7928-SelfMatchPreventionID |
tag 8000-SelfMatchPreventionInstruction | Identical to iLink 3 source session |
Information required to clear the trade
iLink 3 source session | Drop Copy MSGW message payload |
tag 1031-CustOrdHandlIngInst | Identical to iLink 3 source session tags |
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupID | |
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicator | |
tag 1598-ClearingTradePrice | |
tag 9708-CmtaGiveUpCD | |
tag 5149-Memo |
Information required for market regulation compliance
iLink 3 source session | Drop Copy MSGW message payload |
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=96 (take up firm) | tag 9707-GiveUp Firm |
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1000 (take up account) | tag 79-AllocAccount |
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1 (executing firm) | tag 49-SenderCompID |
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=24 (customer account) | tag 1-Account |
tag 582-CustOrderCapacity | tag 9702-CTICode |
tag 1816-ClearingAccountType | tag 204-CustomerOrFirm |
Summary of FIX Tag Changes from iLink 2 to iLink 3
Find information for iLink 2 tags that have been migrated and deprecated for inbound and outbound messages.
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