Futures and Options Reject Codes
This topic lists the CME-defined iLink reject codes and the accompanying text explanation in 58-Text sent in the reject response to an inbound iLink message from the client to CME Globex which has been rejected.Â
For questions on error codes not defined below, contact the GCC.Â
Error Code | Tag 58-Text |
Sent in response to New Order (tag 35-MsgType=D) | Text explanation of error code |
1003 | Orders may not be entered while the market is closed |
1003 | Orders may not be entered while the market is paused |
1011 | FIX field incorrect |
1012 | Price must be greater than zero |
1013 | Invalid order qualifier |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade |
2013 | Market price orders not supported by opposite limit |
2019 | Order's GTD Expire Date is before the current (or next, if not currently in a session) trading session end date |
7000 | Order rejected |
2046 | Disclosed Quantity cannot be greater than total or remaining qty |
2047 | Order contract is unknown |
2051 | The Order was submitted with a different side than the requesting Cancel |
2058 | Stop price maxi-mini must be greater than or equal to trigger price |
2059 | Stop price maxi-mini must be smaller than or equal to trigger price |
2060 | Sell order stop price must be below last trade price |
2061 | Buy order stop price must be above last trade price |
2115 | Order quantity is outside of the allowable range |
2130 | Order type not permitted while the market is in Post Close/Pre-Open (PCP) |
2137 | Order price is outside the limits |
2179 | Order price is outside bands |
2311 | Order type not permitted for group |
2500 | Instrument has a request for cross in progress |
2501 | Order Quantity too low |
4999 | Order not allowed on Instruments without a valid Value Date |
7027 | Order type not permitted while the market is reserved |
7028 | Order session date is in the past |
7029 | Orders may not be entered while the market is forbidden |
7613 | Disclosed quantity cannot be smaller than the minimum quantity |
7614 | Self Match Prevention ID is not associated with the given Firm ID |
Sent in response to Order Cancel-Replace Request (tag 35-MsgType=G) message | |
1003 | Orders may not be entered while the market is closed |
1003 | Orders may not be entered while the market is paused |
1012 | Price must be greater than zero |
1013 | Invalid order qualifier |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade |
2013 | Market price orders not supported by opposite limit |
2019 | Order's GTD Expire Date is before the current (or next, if not currently in a session) trading session end date |
2046 | Disclosed Quantity cannot be greater than total or remaining qty |
2047 | Order contract is unknown |
2048 | The order was submitted with a different SenderCompID than the requesting cancel |
2058 | Stop price max-min must be greater than or equal to trigger price |
2059 | Stop price max-min must be smaller than or equal to trigger price |
2060 | Sell order stop price must be below last trade price |
2061 | Buy order stop price must be above last trade price |
2100 | The modify was submitted on a different product than the original order |
2101 | Attempt to modify an order with a different in-flight-fill mitigation status than first modification |
2102 | Attempt to modify an order with a different SenderCompID than the original order |
2115 | Order quantity is outside of the allowable range |
2130 | Order type not permitted while the market is in Post Close/Pre-Open (PCP) |
2137 | Order price is outside the limits |
2179 | Order price is outside bands |
2311 | Order type not permitted for group |
2500 | Instrument has a request for cross in progress |
2501 | Order Quantity too low |
5102 | Modification of orders from Iceberg to Non-Iceberg & vice-versa is not allowed. |
7000 | Order rejected |
7016 | This order is not on the book |
7024 | Order cannot be modified or cancelled while the market is in No Cancel |
7027 | Order type not permitted while the market is reserved |
7028 | Order session date is in the past |
7029 | Orders may not be entered while the market is forbidden |
7613 | Disclosed quantity cannot be smaller than the minimum quantity |
7614 | Self Match Prevention ID is not associated with the given Firm ID |
Sent in response to Order Cancel Request (tag 35-MsgType=F) message | |
1003 | Orders may not be canceled while the market is closed |
1003 | Orders may not be canceled while the market is paused |
2045 | This order is not on the book |
2048 | The order was submitted with a different SenderCompID than the requesting cancel |
2051 | The order was submitted with a different side than the requesting Cancel |
7024 | Order cannot be modified or cancelled while the market is in No Cancel |
7027 | Order type not permitted while the market is reserved |
7029 | Orders may not be entered while the market is forbidden |
Sent in response to the New Order Cross (tag 35-MsgType=s) message | |
2502 | CrossType ineligible in Instrument |
2503 | RFQ for Cross is not allowed since contract is not RFQ for Cross eligible |
3000 | RFQ rejected, instrument/exchange not tradable |
3001 | RFQ rejected, instrument/exchange no known |
7610 | RFC not allowed during RTH. |
Sent in response to Security Definition Request (tag 35-MsgType=c) message | |
3002 | Error creating contract |
3010 | Business Reject: Other |
3011 | Business Reject: Unknown ID |
3012 | Business Reject: Unknown SECURITY |
3013 | Business Reject: Unsupported Message Type |
3014 | Business Reject: Application Not Available |
3015 | Business Reject: Required Field Missing |
3016 | : Contract claims to be a spread but its missing one or more legs |
4000 | Engine did not respond to request |
7005 | Order contract is unknown |
7009 | The contract for this order is past expiration date and may no longer be traded |
7009 | The contract for this order is has a future activation date and cannot yet be traded |
7010 | Invalid spread price |
7011 | The maximum amount of working orders for this contract has been exceeded |
7012 | Submission of this order would cause an overwrite of an existing order on book |
7013 | Order group does not match group of contract |
7014 | Order Security type does not match security type of contract |
7015 | Order modify has different side than existing order |
7020 | No Trading Calendar found on or after Order's GTD Expire Date |
7021 | Tag ExpireDate (432) beyond instrument expiration |
7022 | Tag ExpireDate (432) beyond UDS COMBO earliest leg expiration |
Sent in response to Mass Quote (tag 35-MsgType=i) message | |
2600 | Market Maker protection has tripped |
7101 | Quote rejected: Unknown instrument |
7102 | Quote rejected: Exchange (Security) closed |
7103 | Quote rejected: Quote exceeds limit |
7104 | Quote rejected:Â Quote entry quantity is outside of the allowable range |
7105 | Quote rejected: Unknown Quote |
7106 | Quote rejected: Duplicate Quote in same message |
7107 | Quote rejected: Invalid bid/ask spread |
7108 | Quote rejected: Invalid price |
7109 | Quote rejected: Not authorized to quote this instrument |
7110 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Too many rejects |
7111 | Quote rejected: Duplicate Quote, different ID |
7112 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Quote exceeds limit |
7113 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Duplicate Quote |
7114 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Invalid bid/ask spread |
7115 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Invalid price |
7116 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Not authorized to quote this instrument |
7117 | Quote rejected: Unspecified reason |
7118 | Quote rejected: Exchange (Security) is in pre open |
7119 | Quote rejected: Exchange (Security) is in no cancel |
7120 | Quote rejected: Exchange (Security) is reserved |
7121 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Quote entry quantity is outside of the allowable range |
7122 | Quote rejected, resting cancelled: Self Match Prevention ID is not associated with the given Firm ID |
9999 | Technical error - Function not performed. |
Sent in tag 380-BusinessRejectReason of the Business Reject (tag 35=j) message in response to messages sent for Cancel on Behalf (COB) functionality. | |
141 | Invalid On-Behalf Information if less than 6 characters (i.e. invalid tag 9937-OrigOrderUser) This text is not sent in tag 58-Text. |
142 | Invalid On-Behalf Information if both sender comp ID's are the same value (i.e. tag 9937-OrigOrderUser cannot be same as sending session and firm) This text is not sent in tag 58-Text. |
143 | Invalid On-Behalf Information if both GFID's are different (i.e. GFID does not match between tag 9937- OrigOrderUser and PartyDetailRole=1) This text is not sent in tag 58-Text. |
144   | Quotes cannot be blocked for instrument or quote set on-behalf |
145Â | Quote rejected: Blocked from quoting this instrument 'cannot quote group: xx' |
146 | Cancel On Behalf feature not available |
147 | Not Authorized to cancel for OrigOrderUser: xxxxxx |
148 | CancelOnBehalf not allowed on iLink2 order or quote |
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