iLink 3 Binary Order Entry - Business Layer
iLink 3 allows customers to optimize business message construction by pre-registering administrative information or by submitting administrative information per message (on-demand) as follows.Â
Pre-registered administrative information
for most efficient business messaging (i.e., New Order Single, Mass Quote), customers pre-register administrative information in the new Service Gateway weekly.
Full iLink 3 certification is required for customers to add this pre-registered administrative information functionality into their systems.
On-demand administrative information
customers send the administrative information to MSGW with every business message.
iLink 3 business messages always include a reference to the pre-registered or on-demand administrative information.
Administrative information includes:Â
Information required to accept and match the order on the central limit order bookÂ
tag 2362-SelfMatchPreventionIDÂ
tag 8000-SelfMatchPreventionInstructionÂ
Information required to clear the tradeÂ
tag 1031-CustOrdHandlIngInst
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupIDÂ
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicatorÂ
tag 1598-ClearingTradePrice
tag 9708-CmtaGiveUpCDÂ
tag 5149-MemoÂ
Information required for market regulation complianceÂ
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=96 (take up firm)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1000 (take up account)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1 (executing firm)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=118 (operator) -Â identifies the person responsible for the party detail information
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=24 (customer account)
tag 582-CustOrderCapacity
tag 1816-ClearingAccountType
All fields may not be applicable to all messages; for example, Customer Account does not apply to messages such as Request For Quote.
- 1 Order Entry Service Gateway
- 2 Party Details
- 3 iLink 3 Order Types and Order Type Qualifiers
- 4 Application Messages
Order Entry Service Gateway
There will be a new Order Entry Service Gateway (OESGW) for customers to register administrative information.
For the OESGW:
No new session will be required; customers can use the same MSGW session to connect.
The Service Gateway supports FIXP Party Detail Request messages only; any other messages will be rejected.
Customers will be able to use the same MSGW session to connect to the Service Gateway using FIXP protocol, and submit Party Details Definition Request messages and Party Details List Request messages.
OESGW - SFTP Site InformationÂ
The OESGW configuration information (i.e. market segments and IPs) will be added to the MSGW config file via an SFTP site ( and accessed via a CME Globex network direct connection. This SFTP site contains the configuration files for all environments. The SFTP site is a secure site that requires a user name and password for access.
New Market Segment is defined for each OESGWÂ as follows:
Market Segment ID | OESGW | Market |
6 | CME Globex Order Entry Service Gateway for all CGWs | Futures and Options |
8 | EBSÂ Order Entry Service Gateway for all CGWs | EBS |
12 | CME Globex Order Entry Service Gateway for all MSGWs | Futures and Options |
14 | BTEC US Order Entry Service Gateway | BrokerTec US |
16 | BTEC EU Order Entry Service Gateway | BrokerTec EU |
18 | EBSÂ Order Entry Service Gateway for New York MSGW | EBS FX Spot and Metals |
20 | EBS Order Entry Service Gateway for London MSGW | EBS FX Spot and NDFs |
Information applies as follows in the table:
Environment - specific environment (i.e. Certification, New Release, Production).
  Note: the AutoCert+ tool will use the NR MSGW config file.
Service - the Configuration service.
SFTP Site - address of SFTP site.
User Name - identifies the user name.
Password - identifies the password.
Directory Location - identifies the directory.
Client System Update Schedule - Client systems should download updates according to the schedule specified.
Environments | Service | SFTP Site | User Name | Password | Directory | Client System Update Schedule |
Production | Configuration | cmeconfig | G3t(0nnect3d | /MSGW/Production/Configuration | daily | |
Certification | /MSGW/Cert/Configuration | daily | ||||
New Release Certification | /MSGW/NRCert/Configuration | daily |
In addition to the generic User Name/Password, client systems can connect using the same credential currently used for CME SFTP site. Additional information pertaining to the CME Secure SFTP site is available in CME Clearing Advisory Notice 15-105.
Party Details
Party details will consist of administrative information to facilitate business message processing.
Party Detail Role
The Parties block allows many different types of entities to be expressed through use of the PartyDetailRole <1693> field and identifies the Parties reference data through the PartyDetailID <1691>.Â
This table lists all the relevant Party Roles that will be used in the Party Detail messages:
Party Detail Role | Description |
1 | Executing Firm |
24 | Customer Account |
96 | Take Up Firm |
118 | Operator |
1000 | Take Up Account |
Party Details Definition Messaging
This section describes message processing for customers pre-registering administrative information.Â
Party Details Definition Request
The new Party Details Definition Request message (tag 35-MsgType=CX) defines all customer administrative information i.e. clearing instructions, order source, self match parameters, etc. The Party Details Definition Request message can be sent to both Service Gateway and MSGW. Â
Pre-register administrative information in the new Service Gateway
Customer sends Party Details Definition Request to the new Service Gateway beforehand (recommend beginning of the week on Sunday) with unique value in Party Details List RequestID (duplicate values will be rejected for that FirmID).
Party Detail Definitions are valid only for the week and must be resubmitted at the start of each week on Sunday.
Customer assigns tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID when submitting the Party Details Definition Request message to CME.
A single tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID is able to use across all MSGW instances.
Tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID cannot be equal to 0 when pre-registering administrative information on the Service Gateway.
Modification and Deletion of existing Party Details Definition messages are not allowed.
Customer receives Party Details Definition Request Ack Message (tag 35-MsgType=CY) and can cross-reference tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID in any subsequent business message sent to MSGW.
Any business message sent with an unknown or invalid tag 1505-PartyDetailsList RequestID will be rejected.
There will be a limit of 2500 Party Detail Definition combinations allowed for each FirmID beyond which further submissions will be rejected.
On-demand administrative information to MSGW
If the customer opts not to pre-register their administrative information, they MUST send a Party Details Definition Request message directly preceding each business message.
The Party Details Definition Request MUST have tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=0, else it will be rejected.
Deletions of Party Details Definition messages are not available since they are for single use only.
There will be no limit on the number of Party Detail Definition combinations allowed for each FirmID.
With on-demand administrative information, the Party Detail Definition Request message sent directly preceding each business message will be counted towards the messaging thresholds. More information on iLink 3 Messaging Controls is available in the Client Systems Wiki.
Scenario | Messages sent from Client Systems to MSGW | Message Count toward the Messaging Threshold |
Pre-registered Messaging | New Order | 1 |
On-demand Messaging | PartyDetailsDefinitionRequest + New Order | 2 |
For Good 'Till Cancel(GTC)/Good 'Till Date(GTD) orders:
When the customer submits Good ‘Till Cancel (GTC) and/or Good ‘Till Date (GTD) orders using the pre-registered administrative information, CME Globex will respond with Execution Report - Confirmation/Acknowledgment (tag 35 - MsgType=8) with the pre-registered tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID for the current week.
If GTC/GTD orders remain working across weeks, CME Globex will return the Party Details Definition Request Acknowledgment message with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=0 before every Execution Report - Confirmation/Acknowledgment (tag 35 - MsgType=8) for the following weeks.
This is applied to Order Status Request and Mass Order Status Request for GTC/GTD orders as well.Â
For example:Â
Customer sends GTC orders using the pre-registered administrative information with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=1 for Account=123
CME returns ExecutionReport - New Order with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=1
Customer sends Party Details Definition Request to the new Service Gateway with tag 1505-PartyDetailsList RequestID=1 for Account = 456
CME returns the subsequent fill: Party Details Definition Request Ack with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=0 + ExecutionReport - Trade with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=0Â
For unsolicited quote cancels:
CME Globex will return the Party Details Definition Request Acknowledgment message with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=0 before every Quote Cancel Acknowledgment message (tag 35-MsgType = b, tag 297-QuoteStatus = 1,3,4,100).
This is applied to unsolicited cancels from CME One (tag 378-ExecRestatementReason=105).Â
For the New Order Cross:Â
Pre-registered party information – Client registers party information in the Service Gateway in advance; in the New Order Cross message, the client identifies the party detail ID for each side in tag 1505-PartyDetailsListReqID.
On-demand party information – to submit a Cross, send the following messages to the MSGW:
Party Details Definition Request for Buy side of cross
New Order Cross message
Party Details Definition Request for Sell side of cross
Party Details Message Sequence
The process for pre-registering administrative information in the new Service Gateway and submitting business messages to MSGW is shown below.
On-Demand Messaging Scenarios
For non–pre-registered clients, message processing follows the sequence shown in the following scenarios.
On Demand - Accepted
In this scenario the Party Details Request message is submitted and accepted prior to the New Order - Single message is submitted and accepted. Upon acceptance of the New Order -Single message, CME Globex sends the Party Definition Request Acknowledgment then the Execution Report - New Order messages.
On-Demand Party Details Request Accepted, New Order Rejected
In this scenario the Party Details Request message is accepted but the subsequent New Order -Single rejected with a Business Reject message.
On-Demand Party Details Definition Request - Message Out of Sequence
In this scenario the Party Details Definition Request is submitted with a higher than expected sequence number.
On-Demand New Order - Invalid Party Details ID
In this scenario a New Order message is submitted with the PartyDetailListReqID not equal to zero.
Pre-Registered Messaging Scenarios
Pre-Registered Party Details Definition Request - Message Out of Sequence
In this scenario the Party Details Definition Request is submitted with a higher than expected sequence number.
Pre-Registered New Order - Invalid Party Details ID
In this scenario a New Order message is submitted with the PartyDetailListReqID not equal to zero.
Party Details List Request
The new Party Details List Request message (tag 35-MsgType=CF) is used to request all of the Party Details Definition information for a particular Firm ID.
Party Details List Request message should be sent only to the Service Gateway.
Party Details List Request message can be used to request all Party Details Definitions for a firm or specific Party Details Definitions belonging to that firmÂ
Customers can submit a Party Details List Request message and receive the Party Details List Report message (tag 35-MsgType=CG) detailing active Party Detail Definitions.
The Party Details List Request message should be used in these circumstances:
To confirm submission of Party Details Definition messages sent earlier to the Service Gateway. This can be done:
Sunday at the beginning of the week before the start of trading but after Party Details Definition messages have been sent earlier in the day
Before the start of each trading session
After the close of each trading session
Anytime there is a need to confirm which Party Details Definitions have been registered with CME
There are two types of the Party Details List request:
 by Executing Firm - Request all Party Details for a single firm using tag 1657- NoRequestingPartyIDs repeating group
 by PartyID - Request specific Party Details using tag 453-NoPartyIDs repeating group
Each Party Details List RequestID will be unique per firm. If a firm is hosted on more than one session, the same Party Details List Request ID can be used across all sessions.
For Example: Executing Firm="123" is hosted both Session ID = "ABC" and Session ID = "XYZ". PartyDetailsListRequestID = "1001", created by session ABC, can be used on both sessions.
Because Party Details are associated with the CME Globex Firm ID (GFID) and not individual sessions:
A GFID cannot support duplicate Party Detail ID Â (i.e. tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID)
GFIDs that share a session cannot use the same Party Detail ID (i.e. tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID)
iLink 3 Order Types and Order Type Qualifiers
For iLink 3 order entry, the following order types and order type qualifiers are supported:
Order Types (tag 40-OrderType)
OrderType=1 (Market order with protection)
OrderType=2 (Limit order)
OrderType=3 (Stop order with protection)
OrderType=4 (Stop limit order)
OrderType=K (Market limit order)
Order Type Qualifiers
Time In Force (tag 59-TimeInForce)
TimeInForce=0 (Day)
TimeInForce=1 (GTC)
TimeInForce=3 (FAK)
TimeInForce=6 (GTD)
Minimum Quantity (tag 110-MinQty)
Used in combination with tag 59-TimeInForce=3 (FAK) as the minimum quantity for immediate execution.
Display Quantity (tag 1138-DisplayQty)
Display quantity for the order to show on the order book at any given time. When the quantity of the order shown on the book reaches zero, the quantity will be reinstated as this value at the bottom of the order book until the entire quantity is filled.
Detailed information on supported order types and qualifiers is available in iLink Order Management.
iLink 3 Messaging Impacts
All iLink 3 business messages must contain tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID.
Messaging Changes for iLink 3
Changes from iLink 2 to iLink 3 messages include:
No Standard FIX header and Trailer
Header tag 50-SenderSubID is replaced with new tag 5392-SenderID
Header tag 57-TaregetSubIDÂ is replaced with new tag 5392-SenderID
Header tag 142-SenderLocationID is replaced with new tag 9537-LocationÂ
Header tag 143-TargetLocationIDÂ is replaced with new tag 9537-LocationÂ
Tag 39006-Session ID is used only when Negotiating/Establishing the TCP connection
No market segment ID specified
Tag 9726-SequenceNumber is referred to in FIXP messages as NextSeqNo
To facilitate sequence number gap detection of messages from CME, the following FIXP tags will be added to the outbound messages:
Tag 39001-CurrentUUID
Tag 39015 -PreviousUUID
Tag 39021-PreviousSequenceNo
Tag 52-SendingTime, timestamp at the time of message processing, is now user defined field; i.e. tag 5297-SendingTimeEpoch
Tag 60-TransactTime will be expressed as nanoseconds since epoch time
Tag 5979-RequestTime is replaced with tag 60-TransactTime on outbound messages from CME Globex to Client SystemÂ
Tag 60-TransactTime is deprecated from inbound messages from Client System to CME GlobexÂ
Tag 9717-CorrelationCIOrdID is deprecated
Tag 2422-OrderRequestID will be leveraged to tie back responses to requests
Tag 11-ClOrdID is to be used only as an entity identifier of an order in so that customers could provide their own order ID but not as a message identifier
Tag 11 value can remain the same through the life of an order
Tag 107-SecurityDesc is replaced with tag 48-SecurityID for instrument identification
Fields related to clearing instructions, account number, account type, self match prevention, etc. have been moved to the Party Details Definition Request message
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=96 (take up firm)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1000 (take up account)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1 (executing firm)
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=118 (operator)Â identifies the person responsible for the party detail information
tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=24 (customer account)
tag 582-CustOrderCapacity
tag 1816-ClearingAccountType
tag 2362-SelfMatchPreventionIDÂ
tag 8000-SelfMatchPreventionInstructionÂ
tag 1031-CustOrdHandlInstructionÂ
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupIDÂ
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicatorÂ
tag 1598-ClearingTradePrice
tag 9708-CmtaGiveUpCDÂ
tag 5149-MemoÂ
Good ‘Till Cancel (GTC) and Good ‘Till Date (GTD) orders
When iLink 2 sessions migrate to iLink 3 sessions,  Good ‘Till Cancel (GTC) and Good ‘Till Date (GTD) orders on the migrated market segments will reflect the following messaging changes:
CME will return the Party Details Definition Request Acknowledgment message with tag 1505-PartyDetailsListRequestID=0 before every Execution Report - Confirmation/Acknowledgment (tag 35 - MsgType=8)
For iLink 3 Application messages from CME Globex to Client System,
tag 2422 - OrderRequestID will be set to 0
tag 9537-Location will contain the truncated 5 bytes from the right of iLink 2 tag 142-SenderLocationID from the GT order
tag 527-SecondaryExecId and tag 1506-SideTradeID will contain Trade Number  on tag 17-ExecID, except the spread leg trade execution. To enable client systems to link the spread instrument with each component leg, Execution Report - Trade Spread Leg will contain the same tag 527 value as  Execution Report - Trade Spread
For example, a calendar spread trade: 6BM7-6BJ7
iLink 3 Execution Report -Trade | Tag 17 | Tag 527- SecondaryExecId | Tag 1506- SideTradeID |
Spread: 6BM7-6BJ7 | 5081:M:45601TN0000007 | 7 | 7 |
Spread Leg 1: 6BM7 | 5081:M:45601TN0000014 | 7 | 14 |
Spread Leg 2: 6BJ7 | 5081:M:45601TN0000025 | 7 | 25 |
 The following iLink 2 tags will be deprecated and will not be present on iLink 3 outbound messages
tag 20-ExecTransType
tag 41-OrigClOrdID
tag-50-SenderSubID contains Market Segment ID.
tag 55-Symbol
tag 107-SecurityDesc
tag 167-SecurityType
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicator
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupID
tag 9717- CorrelationClOrdID
Order Cancel and Cancel-Replace Requests by ClOrdID
Order Cancel and Cancel-Replace Requests by ClOrdID is a risk management feature that allows clients to cancel and modify resting orders using FIX tag 11-ClOrdID without providing tag 37-OrderID.
All iLink 3 sessions for futures, options on futures, and EBS Market on CME Globex sessions are enabled for Order Cancel and Cancel/Replace by ClOrdID functionality.
Clients intending to use this feature must complete an AutoCert+ certification before using the functionality.
Rejects for ClOrdID (tag 11) Uniqueness
To support order cancellation and order modification by tag 11-CIOrdID, this value must be unique per SenderComp (Session ID + Firm ID) for all working orders on a single market segment.
For an iLink 3 New Order tag 11-ClOrdID:
CME Globex will reject an order having the same ClOrdID and SenderComp as a currently working order on the given market segment. A duplicate ClOrdID will generate an iLink 3 Business Reject (tag 35-MsgType=j) message with tag 380-BusinessRejectReason = 133 and tag 58-Text = Duplicate ClOrdID: X not allowed.
A ClOrdID value can be re-used on the same Market Segment only when the prior order is no longer resting, for instance:
the prior order has been completely filled, or
the prior order has been cancelled, or
the prior order has been eliminated.
Processing for ClOrdID and OrderID Values
Effective with iLink 3 schema v8, FIX tag 37-OrderID is an optional tag in iLink 3 Order Cancel Request and iLink 3 Order Cancel/Replace Request messages for CME Group Futures and Options on Futures markets.
If an Order Cancel Request or Order Cancel Replace Request contains both CIOrdID and OrderID, then the OrderID will be used to look up the original order.
If a ClOrdID in an Order Cancel Request or Order Cancel/Replace Request is changed from what was in the original order,
the client should send an Order Cancel Request or Order Cancel/Replace Request with the latest CIOrdID accepted by CME Globex.
the client sending an Order Cancel Request or Order Cancel/Replace Request with the previous CIOrdID must provide an OrderID as well; otherwise, the Order Cancel/Replace Request will be rejected as order not found.
An Execution Report - Cancel and Execution Report - Modify message will return both ClOrdID and OrderID values.
An Order Cancel Reject and Order Cancel Replace Reject message will return both ClOrdID and OrderID values.
Summary of FIX Tag Changes from iLink 2 to iLink 3
This table shows iLink 2 tags that have been migrated and deprecated for inbound and outbound messages.
From Client System to CME Globex:
iLink 2 | iLink 3 | |
Inbound | ||
tag 50-SenderSubID | Convert | tag 5392-SenderID |
tag 142-SenderLocationID | tag 9537-Location | |
tag 52-SendingTime | tag 5297-SendingTimeEpoch | |
tag 34-MsgSeqNum | tag 9726-SequenceNumber | |
tag 210-MaxShow | tag 1138-DisplayQty | |
tag 55-Symbol | tag 1151-SecurityGroup | |
tag 9707-GiveUp Firm | Moved to: Party Details Definition Request | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=96 (take up firm) |
tag 79-AllocAccount | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1000 (take up account) | |
tag 49-SenderCompID (i.e. Firm ID) | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1 (executing firm) | |
tag 1-Account tag 9771-MMAccount | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=24 (customer account) | |
tag 9702-CTICode | tag 582-CustOrderCapacity | |
tag 204-CustomerOrFirm | tag 1816-ClearingAccountType | |
tag 7928-SelfMatchPreventionID | tag 2362-SelfMatchPreventionID | |
tag 8000-SelfMatchPreventionInstruction | ||
tag 1031-CustOrdHandlInstruction | ||
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupID | ||
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicator | ||
tag 1598-ClearingTradePrice | ||
tag 9708-CumtaGiveUpCD | ||
tag 5149-Memo | ||
n/a | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=118 (operator) | |
tag 21-HandInst | Delete | Deprecated |
tag 78-NoAllocs | ||
tag 60-TransactTime | ||
tag 107-SecurityDesc | ||
tag 9717-CorrelationCIOrdID |
From CME Globex to Client System:
iLink 2 | iLink 3 | |
Outbound | ||
tag 57-TargetSubID | Convert | tag 5392-SenderID |
tag 143-TargetLocationID | tag 9537-Location | |
tag 52-SendingTime | tag 5297-SendingTimeEpoch | |
tag 5979-RequestTime | tag 60-TransactTime Note - the following application messages will continue to use tag 5979: | |
tag 34-MsgSeqNum | tag 9726-SequenceNumber | |
tag 210-MaxShow | tag 1138-DisplayQty | |
tag 55-Symbol | tag 1151-SecurityGroup | |
tag 5904-DelayDuration | tag 7552-DelayToTime | |
tag 79-AllocAccount | Moved to: Party Details Definition Request Acknowledgment | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1000 (take up account) |
tag 56-SenderCompID (i.e. Firm ID) | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=1 (executing firm) | |
tag 1-Account tag 9771-MMAccount | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=24 (customer account) | |
tag 7928-SelfMatchPreventionID | tag 2362-SelfMatchPreventionID | |
tag 8000-SelfMatchPreventionInstruction | ||
tag 1031-CustOrdHandlInstruction | ||
tag 1731-AveragePriceGroupID | ||
tag 819-AveragePriceIndicator | ||
tag 1598-ClearingTradePrice | ||
tag 5149-Memo | ||
n/a | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=118 (operator) | |
n/a | tag 1693-PartyDetailRole=96 (take up firm) | |
n/a | tag 9708-CumtaGiveUpCD | |
n/a | tag 582-CustOrderCapacity | |
n/a | tag 1816-ClearingAccountType | |
tag 6-AvgPx | Delete | Deprecated |
tag 20-ExecTransType | ||
tag 78-NoAllocs | ||
tag 107-SecurityDesc | ||
tag 337-ContraTrader | ||
tag 375-ContraBroker | ||
tag 442-MultiLegReportingType | ||
tag 9717-CorrelationCIOrdID |
Application Messages
All iLink application messages always include a reference to the registered or pre-submitted administrative information (i.e. Party Details List Request ID).
The iLink 3 Order Entry Application layer, entails the business transaction functionality provided by CME Globex. For more information about the business functionality, refer to iLink 2 Order Entry - Business Layer.
From Client System to CME Globex
Only the following iLink 3 application messages may be sent to CME Globex:
Message Name | Message Level Changes | Gateway |
Sent by customers wishing to enter an order in the system; the behavior of an order can be affected by many parameters such as order type and validity. | MSGW | |
Sent by a customer wishing to replace an existing order in the system; an order is typically modified a number of times during its life-cycle with the caution that various order characteristics (e.g. priority) behave differently with regard to modification.
| MSGW | |
Sent by a customer wishing to cancel an existing order in the system; an order may be cancelled by referencing the Order ID. | MSGW | |
Authorized market makers use Mass Quoting to submit bid/ask pairs and generate two-sided markets for multiple options instruments. Remove repeating group tag 296-NoQuoteSets. Add repeating group tag 295-NoQuoteEntries:
| MSGW | |
The Quote Cancel message is used by a market maker to cancel all quotes or a partial set of quotes submitted during a specific session:
Add repeating group tag 296-NoQuoteEntries:
Update repeating group tag 295-NoQuoteEntries:
| MSGW | |
The message is submitted by clients to obtain the current status of a specific order:
Minimum set of required fields for order status;Â no need to send all of the order fields again such as :
| MSGW | |
An Order Mass Action Request is sent by customers to cancel working orders for a given Executing Firm.
| MSGW | |
The Order Mass Status Request message requests the status for orders matching criteria specified within the request.
| MSGW | |
The cross order contains two order sides (buy and sell), each containing information about that side, including buyer, seller and ClOrdID field.
| MSGW | |
Customers who wish to trade an instrument for which the order book is blank or stale can request a quote to create the book using a quote request message.
Tag 9943-QuoteType is deprecated. | MSGW | |
User-Defined Spreads provide users the ability to create spreads composed of their choice of leg instruments, leg ratio, and leg side. New tags:
Update repeating group tag 555-NoLegs:
New repeating group tag 711-NoUnderlyings:
| MSGW | |
The Party Details Definition Request message (35=CX) is used to define all of the customer administrative information; e.g. clearing instructions, order source, self match parameters, etc. | SGW / MSGW | |
The Party Details List Request message (35=CF) is used to request all of the PartyDetailsDefinition information for a particular firm ID. Only one Party Details List Request is allowed at a time and the earlier one must be processed completely before a later request is allowed. | SGW | |
The Execution Report Acknowledgment message is an optional message that provides dual functionality to notify CME that an electronically received execution has either been accepted or rejected. | MSGW |
From CME Globex to Client System
Only the following iLink application messages will be received from CME Globex:
Message Name | Message Level Changes | Gateway |
The Business Message Reject message notifies customers a message has failed application-level business validation. Business Reject message will be used in these scenarios:
| MSGW | |
Execution Report - New is sent in response to New Order Single as well as activation of stop orders. Tag 2422-OrderRequestID is used to tie responses to requests. Execution Report - New message does not contain these fields:
| MSGW | |
Execution Report - Modify message is sent in response to Order Cancel Replace Request.
Execution Report - Modify message does not contain these fields:
| MSGW | |
Execution Report - Cancel message is sent in response to Order Cancel Request as well as to report unsolicited cancellation of orders due to:
Tag 2422-OrderRequestID is used to tie back responses to request. Execution Report - New message does not contain these fields:
| MSGW | |
Execution Report - Status message is sent in response to Order Status Request or Order Mass Status Request.
To make the exchange FIX compliant, now current state of the order will be represented by tag 39-OrderStatus and the specific type of event will be represented in tag 150-ExecType.
Execution Report - Status message does not contain these fields:
| MSGW | |
The Execution Report - Trade (Outright/Spread/Leg) messages are sent upon fill or partial fill of client order:
To make the exchange FIX compliant, now current state of the order will be represented by tag 39-OrderStatus and the specific type of event will be represented in tag 150-ExecType.
Execution Report - Trade (Outright/Spread/Leg) messages does not contain these fields:
Execution Report - Trade Spread Leg message does not contain these fields:
| MSGW | |
MSGW | ||
MSGW | ||
The Execution Report - Elimination message is sent at order elimination. Execution Report - Elimination message does not contain these fields.
| MSGW | |
The Execution Report - Reject message notifies client system of rejected order.
Execution Report - Reject message does not contain these fields:
| MSGW | |
The Execution Report - Trade Addendum (Outright/Spread/Leg) message notifies client system of trade cancellation or correction for outright, spread, and leg.
Execution Report - Trade Addendum Outright/Spread/Legs message does not contain these fields:
Execution Report - Trade Addendum Spread Leg does not contain these fields:Â
| MSGW | |
MSGW | ||
MSGW | ||
The Order Cancel Reject message is issued upon receipt of a cancel request message, which cannot be honored, and a rejected cancellation will generate an Order Cancel Reject message.
State of the cancel/modification will be represented by tag 39-OrderStatus & tag 434-CxlRejResponseTo:
Execution Report - Order Cancel and Cancel Replace Reject messages do not contain does not contain tag 41-OrigCIOrdID. | MSGW | |
MSGW | ||
This message is sent in response to an attempt to create a new security definition. The Security Definition message is used for the following:
Tag 602-LegSecurityID is used for spread leg identification. The following tags are no longer being used:
| MSGW | |
The Mass Quote Acknowledgment message is used as the response to a Mass Quote to notify customers of accepted and rejected quotes. The Mass Quote Acknowledgment message contains the number of successfully processed quotes and a list of rejected quotes identified by tag 299-QuoteEntryID. Only one quote set allowed per message to avoid nested repeating groups—this means that quote set itself is not represented as a repeating group. | MSGW | |
Request for Quote Ack message is used in response to a Request for Quote message to either accept it or reject it. | MSGW | |
Quote Cancel Ack message is used in response to a Quote Cancel message to either accept it or reject it. | MSGW | |
An Order Mass Action Report is used to acknowledge an Order Mass Action Request and is sent by CME back to the customer since it is meant to verify that CME has successfully received and processed the Order Mass Action Request. | MSGW | |
Used to respond to the Party Details Definition Request message indicating whether the request has been accepted.
The Party Details Definition Request Acknowledgment message will be sent by CME via:
Only one party update allowed per message to avoid nested repeating groups. Customer and Account classification fields will be included to facilitate risk management functions via Drop Copy:
Also depending upon the type of message the amount of information contained in the Party Details Definition Request Acknowledgment could vary; for example:
Tag 1691-PartyDetaiID values on the following Party Detail Roles will be truncated to the required length from the right: | SGW/MSGW | |
Used to replay all of the Party Details Definition information such as clearing instructions, order source, self match parameters, etc., for a particular firm ID. Each Party Details Definition will be returned as a separate Party Details List Report message.
Tag 1691-PartyDetaiID values on the following Party Detail Roles will be truncated to the required length from the right: | SGW |
Order Request Identifier
Tag 2422-OrderRequestID will serve as a Request message identifier. Customer can use tag 2422 to identify a request to enter, modify, or delete an order. CME Gobex will echo this value on the corresponding Execution Report.
Scenario 1 - Cancel/Replace Accepted the Fill
This example shows the behavior of tag 2422-OrderRequestID in a scenario where Client System 2 submits an Order Cancel Replace Request and the modified order matches.
Scenario 2 - Cancel/Replace Rejected then Fill
This example shows the behavior of tag 2422-OrderRequestID in a scenario where Client System 2 submits an Order Cancel Replace Request that is rejected and the original order matches.
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