iLink 2 Execution Report - Order Status Request Acknowledgment
The Execution Report - Order Status Request Acknowledgment (tag 35-MsgType=8, tag 150-ExecType=I) message is sent in acknowledgment of the iLink 2 Order Status Request message or for each requested order status in response to an Order Mass Status Request.
Tag | Name | Enumeration | Req | Description | |
35 | MsgType | String(2) | 8=Execution Report | Y | Header tag identifying message type. |
584 | MassStatusReqID | String(20) | N | Unique ID of Order Mass Status Request as assigned by the client system. | |
37 | OrderID | Int(17) | Y | CME Globex assigned order identifier; globally unique for each message published. | |
1 | Account | String(12) | N | Unique account identifier. Note: This tag value is always uppercase, regardless of the case in the inbound message tag. Client systems are not required to submit capitalized account values to CME Globex. | |
11 | ClOrdID | String(32) | N | CME Globex returns this value from the original New Order message up to 32 bytes (this tag is only 32 bytes for order status ack). | |
41 | OrigClOrdID | String(20) | N | Last accepted ClOrdID in the order chain. | |
6 | AvgPrice | Price(1) | 0 (zero). | Y | Always '0'. |
1028 | ManualOrderIndicator | Boolean(1) | N | Value sent on inbound message from client system indicating the order as sent manually or generated by automated trading logic. CME Globex returns the Manual Order Indicator value from tag 1028 submitted by the client system in the corresponding order message. | |
9717 | CorrelationClOrdID | String(32) | Y | CME Globex returns the value of tag 11-ClOrdID from the original Execution Report (tag 35-MsgType=8, tag 39-OrdStatus=0) New Order Acknowledgment message. Note: This tag is returned 'NA' when the Order Mass Status is not found. | |
548 | CrossID | String(32) | N | Identifier for a Cross order. | |
17 | ExecID | String(1) | 0 | Y | CME Globex assigned execution report message identifier; globally unique for each message published. Always '0'. |
150 | ExecType | Char(1) | I=Order Status | Y | Indicates type of execution report. Always 'I'. |
39 | OrdStatus | Char(1) | 0=New 1=Partially Filled 2=Filled 4=Cancelled 5=Replaced C=Eliminated 8=Rejected U=Undefined 6=Pending Cancel E=Pending Replace | Y | Indicates order status. New: outstanding order with no executions and remaining quantity. (also applicable to orders that have been modified) Partially Filled: outstanding order with executions and remaining quantity. |
14 | CumQty | Int(9) | Y | Contains cumulated traded quantity throughout the lifespan of an order. | |
549 | CrossType | Int(2) | 3=Cross One Side | N | Identified transaction type if other than standard order execution. |
20 | ExecTransType | Char(1) | 3=Status | Y | Identifies transaction type. ‘3’ indicates this execution report is in response to an order status request message/order mass status request message. |
107 | SecurityDesc | String(20) | Y | Instrument identifier. e.g. "ESM0' | |
961 | HostCrossID | String(32) | N | Unique ID generated at the Cross level. | |
55 | Symbol | String(6) | Y | This tag contains the Group Code of the instrument. | |
48 | SecurityID | Int(12) | Y | Identifier of the instrument defined in tag 107-SecurityDesc. | |
372 | RefMsgType | String(2) | AF=Order Mass Status Request | N | Tag 35-MsgType of the message being rejected. Note: This tag is returned only when the Order Mass Status is not found. |
380 | BusinessRejectReason | Int(2) | 0=Other | Y | Code identifying reject Note: This tag is returned only when the Order Mass Status is not found. |
167 | SecurityType | String(6) | FUT=Future OPT=Option IRS=Interest Rate Swap FXSPOT=FX Spot | Y | Indicates whether the instrument is a future or an option. Note: for options strategy including UDS COMBO or COVERED, send OPT. For UDS Futures, send FUT. |
54 | Side | Char(1) | 1=Buy 2=Sell | Y | Side of order. |
38 | OrderQty | Int(9) | Y | Order quantity submitted by client. The format of this tag is different from FIX protocol specifications. | |
40 | OrdType | Char(1) | 1=Market order (with Protection) 2=Limit order 4=Stop Limit order K=Market-Limit order | N | Order type. The state of an order type can change over the life of an order. For example, a submitted stop order (3) can turn into a market order (1) when the stop price level has been crossed. |
44 | Price | Price(20) | N | Required for limit or stop-limit orders. Designates the price per single contract unit. The decimal, and if applicable the negative sign of the price are each one character. Client systems should not supply more than 9 characters to the left and 9 characters to the right of the decimal. | |
99 | StopPx | Price(20) | N | Designates stop trigger price specified by the individual entering the order or cancel/replace. | |
59 | TimeInForce | Char(1) | 0=Day 1=Good Till Cancel (GTC) 3=Fill and Kill 6=Good Till Date (GTD) | N | Specifies how long the order remains in effect. If not present, DAY order is the default. |
432 | ExpireDate | LocalMktDate(8) | N | Required only if tag 59-TimeInForce=Good Till Date (GTD). | |
151 | LeavesQty | Int(9) | Y | Amount of contract units open for further execution. The format of this tag is different from FIX protocol specifications. | |
75 | TradeDate | LocalMktDate(8) | N | Indicates date of trade referenced in this message in YYYYMMDD format. This will be the trade date for the last partial fill. | |
60 | TransactTime | UTCTimestamp(21) | N | UTC format YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss | |
110 | MinQty | Int(9) | N | Minimum quantity of an order to be executed. The value of MinQty must be between 1 and the value in tag 38-OrderQty. This tag must be an integer. | |
210 | MaxShow | Int(9) | N | See Order Display Quantity in Electronic Trading Concepts.
| |
912 | LastRptRequested | Boolean(1) | N=Not Last Message Y=Last Message | N | Indicates whether this message is the last report message in response to an Order Mass Status Request. |
58 | Text | String(200) | Y | Free-form text. | |
5979 | RequestTime | Int(20) | Y | Information carried on a response to convey the time (UTC) when the request was received by the MSGW application. UTC timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since UNIX epoch with microsecond precision. | |
End of message. |
Y: Required by FIX protocol, Y*: Required by CME Globex (not by FIX protocol), N: Not Required, C: Conditionally
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