RMI Business Reject

The RMI responds to malformed messages using the FIXML Business Message Reject message. The following criteria can result in a Business Reject message:

  • Header information is inaccurate

  • Message type is not recognized or supported

  • Information within a recognized message is missing

  • Request is submitted for an Execution Firm or Exchange the Clearing Member Firm (CMF) is not authorized to act upon.

  • Message does not conform to xml schema.

Supported Values

The values that support the Business Reject message are:

  • 0=Other

  • 1=Unknown ID

  • 2=Unknown security

  • 3=Unsupported message type

  • 5=Conditionally required field is missing

  • 6=Not authorized

  • 100= PtyEntlmntReq accepted but unable to return PtyEntlmntRpt

  • 101= Request Timed Out

Business Reject Message Example

The following diagram depicts the message flow for Business Reject Message when the Execution Firm number is not entered in the header.

Below is an example of a Business Reject message:

<FIXML v="FIX5.0 SP2" xv="109" s="20090815" cv="CME.1000">

    <BizMsgRej RefMsgTyp="UA" BizRejRsn="0 " Txt="content was found starting with element 'Entlmnt'. One of '{&quot;http://www.fixprotocol.org/FIXML-5-0-SP2&quot;:PtyDetl}' is expected. " BizRejRefID=”HT1234”>

    <Hdr SID="CME" SSub="CMAPI" TID="CMF" TSub="user123"/>



All risk management services are offered by CME Group on a best-efforts basis. Clearing Member Firm (CMF) Risk Administrators only have access to the Execution Firms and Exchanges that they guarantee. Any attempt to take action on an Executing Firm and Exchange assigned to a different CMF will be rejected.

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