Risk Management Tools

CME Group Risk Management Tools is a browser-based application permissioned by account for access to various functions described within this section.

Risk administrators are issued a CME Group Login ID and password to log into the application. A CME Clearing Member Firm (CMF) or exchange partner Clearing administrator authorizes access to the risk administrator for one or more of the following functions:

See CME Globex Customer Roles and Entitlements for details on various roles of risk management.

All risk management services are offered by CME Group on a best-efforts basis. Clearing Member Firm (CMF) Risk Administrators only have access to the Execution Firms and Exchanges that they guarantee. Any attempt to take action on an Executing Firm and Exchange assigned to a different CMF will be rejected.

User Help System

For details about using Risk Management Tools, refer to this User Help System.

For a listing of other front-end User Help Systems, visit the WebHelp page.

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