How is this data relevant for Eris swap futures?
Past fixed and floating payments (Eris "B" value) is all fixed and floating coupon payments that have already taken place, i.e. moved from being in the future (and out of Eris NPV), into the Eris B value. This value only changes on fixed and floating coupon payment dates.
ErisPAI ("C"), Price Alignment Interest, is analogous to the interest payment that would be paid (or received) on the pledged collateral received in lieu of a positive Swap NPV (Eris A value, the swap mark to market) for the equivalent collateralized OTC swap. Or collateral posted in lieu of a negative mark to market for the equivalent collateralized OTC swap. PAI is the accumulated overnight SOFR interest on the previous days SwapNPV adjusted for today’s cash flows, and it is calculated at the start of each trading day. Prior to the SOFR publication, an estimate is published using the previous day’s SOFR rate (hence the PAI RATE PREV file). Once SOFR is published, PAI RATE TOP published the final ErisPAI (C) for the trading date.
PV01 is the change in value given a one basis point (0.01%) change in the underlying fixed rate. This measure is necessary to determine the implied par rate equivalent of Eris swap futures trading quoted in Futures Price terms for comparison against other yield based products.
DV01 is the change in value given a one basis point parallel shift in the forward curve used to determine portfolio risk and hedge ratios against other fixed income products.
How large are these files?
The average file size is approximately 90KB.
Are there any anomalies in the files?
Yes, before July 12, 2019 columns BG-BM were not available in the dataset and starting on October 5th 2020, columns were updated for Eris SOFR futures.
How is the data structured?
Click here to download the full Eris PAI file data glossary in CSV format.