BrokerTec on RDW

Comprehensive product and instrument reference data for BrokerTec is available on the Reference Data Warehouse in the following tables:

  • v_product_btec - all product reference data

  • v_instrument_btec - all instrument reference data



Product Schema

Instrument Schema

Sample Queries

Query Products By Exchange ID

SELECT * /*add specific fields or use star for all*/ FROM `/*insert project name */.cmeg_refdata_btec.v_product_btec` WHERE exch_id="BTEU" AND run_date="2023-06-05" /* add query terms and run_date value to limit results */

Query All Instruments Listed for 2 Year Note Product

SELECT a.long_name, a.sec_type, a.glbx_sym, a.glbx_security_id, b.prod_guid /* For convenience, the Instruments table is referred to as "a" and the Products table is referred to as "b". */ FROM `/*insert project name */.cmeg_refdata_btec.v_instrument_btec` a INNER JOIN `/*insert project name */.cmeg_refdata_btec.v_product_btec` b ON a.prod_guid=b.prod_guid WHERE a.prod_guid_int=/* integer value for 2 Year Note product */ AND a.run_date="2023-06-05" AND b.run_date="2023-06-05"

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