Matching Single-Sided Trades

This page describes the fields that will be used to match single-sided trades. These fields are the same across all asset classes. Any match criteria that is specific to an asset class is mentioned for the asset class.

Match Criteria for Outright Trades

The following fields are used for matching of single-sided outright trades.




Applicable to Security Type




Applicable to Security Type

Contract Attributes



The Exchange where the contract trades.


Security Type


The Security Type

Supported Values:

FUT – Future

OPT – Option

FWD- Forward


Product ID


The Product ID assigned by Clearing




The Contract Period Code.

OTC FX Forwards – this field must contain the contract’s Fixing Date.


Put or Call


Put or Call for the Option

Supported Values:

0 – Put

1 – Call


Strike Price


The Strike price of the Options Contract


Underlying Contract Attributes

Underlying Exchange


The Exchange of the Underlying Product.


Underlying Security Type


The Security Type of the Underlying.

Supported Values:

FUT – Future

FWD - Forward

MLEG – Spread/Combo


Underlying Product ID


The Product ID of the Underlying


Underlying Maturity

TrdCaptRpt/ Undly/@MMY

The contract period code of the underlying product.


Party Attributes

Trading Firm /Broker and corresponding trader ids

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @R

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @ID

Supported Values:

7 - Trading Firm

30 – Broker

36 – Trader ID

62 – Broker User ID


Opposite Trading Firm and corresponding trader IDs

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @R

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @ID

Supported Values:

17 – Opposite Trading Firm

37 – Opposite Trader ID


Other Trade Attributes

Buy Sell Code


Supported Values:

1 – Buy

2 – Sell


Trade Type


The Trade Type


Notional Amount/ Trade Qty




The Trade Price


Price Type


Supported Values:

1 – Percentage

2 - Unit

Original Trade Date


The Original Trade Date. Typically specified if the trade date is less than the trade date.


Trade Sub Type


Supported Values:

36 – Aged Deal

40 – Traded at settlement


Other Rules and Validation for Outright Matching

  • The Src attribute in the Instrument block is required on all trade submissions even though it is not a match criterion.

  • The Underlying (Undly) block must be specified for all Options contracts.

  • Party Role matching rules

  • Opposite Trading firm (Party Role 17) is always required. This is matched against the Trading firm or Broker Firm on the opposite trade.

  • An Opposite Trader ID (Party role 37) is required on single side trade submissions. This is matched against a Party Role 36 (specified for the Trading firm or Asset Manager Firm) or against Party Role 62 (specified for the Broker firm).

  • Quantity matching rules

  • The Quantity type (QtyTyp) is required even though it is not a match criterion.

  • Quantities can be specified in contracts or units as specified in the Quantity type by both sides. The quantities are converted to contract terms before matching.

  • An alternate Time Unit (TmUnit) is supported optionally for certain products. The quantity is standardized to the default time unit before the match.

  • OTC FX transactions can match only if the notional quantities are entered in the same currency terms (base or settlement).

  1. OTC FX Options prices on each side must be expressed in the same price method (PIPs price vs. Percentage price) in order to match.

  2. The negotiated price must be submitted. All the prices and amounts that were negotiated on must be specified by both sides for a match to occur. All other trades are matched on trade price.

If Original Trade Date (OrigTrdDt) is specified, the Trade Sub type (TrdSubTyp=36) must be specified. Original Trade Dates must be equal for two sides to match.

Match Criteria for Spread Trades

The following fields are used for matching of single-sided Spread trades.




Security Type




Security Type

Contract Attributes



The Exchange where the contract trades.


Security Type


The Security Type

Supported Values:

MLEG – Spread/Combo


Leg Contract Attributes

Leg Exchange


The Exchange for the leg contract


Leg Security Type

TrdCaptRpt/TrdLeg/Leg/ @SecTyp

The Security Type of the Underlying.

Supported Values:

FUT – Future

FWD- Forward

OPT – Option


Product ID


Leg Product Id


Leg Maturity

TrdCaptRpt/Instrmt/TrdLeg /Leg/@MMY

The Contract Period Code.

OTC FX Forwards – this field must contain the contract’s Fixing Date.


Leg Put or Call

TrdCaptRpt/Instrmt/TrdLeg /Leg/@PutCall

Put or Call for the Option

Supported Values:

0 – Put

1 – Call

MLEG (with Option leg)

Leg Strike Price

TrdCaptRpt/Instrmt/TrdLeg /Leg/@Strk

The Strike Price for the leg

MLEG (with Option leg)

Leg Buy Sell Code

TrdCaptRpt/Instrmt/TrdLeg /Leg/@Side

Supported Values:

1 – Buy

2 - Sell


Leg Price Type


If leg prices are specified, then the price type has to be specified for OTC FX Options

Supported Values:

1 = Percentage

2 = Per unit (standard convention)

MLEG (with OTC FX Option leg)

Leg Price


The Leg Price


Leg Quantity


The trade Quantity associated with the leg


Leg Underlying Contract Attributes

Underlying Exchange


The Exchange of the Underlying Product

MLEG (with Option leg)

Leg Underlying Security Type

TrdCaptRpt/TrdLeg/Undlys/ Undly/@SecTyp

The Security Type of the leg Underlying.

Supported Values:

FUT – Future

FWD- Forward

MLEG (with Option leg)

Leg Underlying Product ID

TrdCaptRpt/ TrdLeg/Undlys/Undly/@ID

The Product ID of the leg Underlying

MLEG (with Option leg)

Leg Underlying Maturity

TrdCaptRpt/ TrdLeg/Undlys/Undly/@MMY

The contract period code of the leg underlying product.

MLEG (with Option leg)

Party Attributes

Trading Firm /Broker and corresponding trader ids

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @R

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @ID

Supported Values:

7 - Trading Firm

30 – Broker

36 – Trader ID

62 – Broker User Id


Opposite Trading Firm and corresponding trader ids

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @R

/TrdCaptyRpt/RptSide/Pty/ @ID

Supported Values:

17 – Opposite Trading Firm

37 – Opposite Trader ID


Other Trade Attributes

Buy Sell Code


Supported Values:

1 – Buy

2 - Sell


Trade Type

/TrdCaptRpt /@TrdTyp

The Trade Type


Trade Price


The Differential Price


Original Trade Date


The Original Trade Date. Typically specified if the trade date is less than the trade date.


Trade Sub Type


Supported Values:

36 – Aged Deal

40– Traded at settlement

Other Rules and Validation for Spread Matching

  • Party Role matching rules

  • Opposite Trading firm (Party Role 17) is always required. This is matched against the Trading firm or Broker Firm on the opposite trade.

  • An Opposite Trader ID (Party role 37) is required for single side trade submissions. This is matched against a Party Role 36 (specified for the Trading firm or Asset Manager Firm) or against Party Role 62 (specified for the Broker firm).

  • Quantity matching rules

  • Quantities must be specified at the leg level. Any quantity specified at the spread level is ignored.

  • The Quantity type (QtyTyp) is required even though it is not a match criterion.

  • Leg quantities can be specified in contracts or units as specified in the Quantity type by both sides. The quantities are converted to contract terms before matching.

  • An alternate Time Unit (TmUnit) is supported optionally for certain products. The quantity is standardized to the default time unit before the match.

  • OTC FX transactions can match only if the notional quantities are entered in the same currency terms (base or settlement).

  1. OTC FX Options prices on each side must be expressed in the same price method (PIPs price vs. Percentage price) in order to match.

  2. All trades are matched on trade price.

  3. If Original Trade Date (OrigTrdDt) is specified, the Trade Sub type (TrdSubTyp=36) must be specified. Original Trade Dates must be equal for two sides to match.

Price Matching Rules

  • Either the differential price or the leg prices must be submitted because it is used for matching. If both the leg prices and differential price are specified, the differential price is ignored and only the leg prices is used for matching purposes.

  • If a differential price is specified on the side (instead of leg prices), then both sides must specify the same differential price. Both price and sign must match (positive diffs can only match with positive diffs, negative diffs can only match with negative diffs).

4. If Original Trade date (OrigTrdDt) is specified on the trade, the Trade Sub type (TrdSubTyp 36 = Aged deal) must be specified.

5. Rules for specifying sides on spread trades for match

Both the submitters can specify the same buy sell code or the opposite buy sell code at the spread level.

If the buy sell code specified at the spread level are specified differently by each submitter

  • The buy sell code for the legs must match e.g. both the submitters must submit the same buy sell code for the leg contract.

  • The differential price if specified must be equal.

Note: The submitters can either provide leg prices or Diff Price. This is for illustration purposes only.


Spread Buy Sell Code

Leg 1

Leg 2

Diff Px


Spread Buy Sell Code

Leg 1

Leg 2

Diff Px



Buy CL-K11

Sell CL- M11




Buy CL-K11

Sell CL- M11


If each submitter submits the same buy sell code

  • The buy sell code specified at the leg level by each submitter must be on the opposite side or reversed.

  • The differential price if specified must be equal.

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