Options with Truncated Strike Prices

A subset of options on futures have truncated strike prices in tag 55-Symbol of the market data Security Definition message. CME Group strongly encourages clients to use tag 202-StrikePrice to determine the full strike price. 

  • CME

    • SR3 - Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures

    • S0 - One-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures

    • S2 - Two-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures

    • SR1 - Options on One-Month SOFR Futures

    • S3 - Three-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures

    • EJ - Options on Euroyen Futures

    • BTC - Options on Bitcoin Futures

  • CBOT

    • OZQ - Options on 30 Day Federal Funds Futures

    • ZQ6 - One-Year Mid-Curve options on 30 Day Federal Funds Futures

    • ZQ1 - Two-Year Mid-Curve options on 30 Day Federal Funds Futures

    • OZT - Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures

      • Please note: the strike price for OZT options is also truncated in tag 202-StrikePrice. Clients must determine the full strike price by postpending "5" when the published price ends in the numbers "2" or "7"

    • WT1-WT5 - Weekly Wednesday Options on 2-Year T-Note Futures

    • (ZT1 – ZT5) - Weekly options on 2-Year T-Note Futures

    • OZF - Options on 5-Year T-Note Futures

    • (ZF1 – ZF5) - Weekly options on 5-Year T-Note Futures

If using tag 55-Symbol to determine the strike price, the following rules apply:

  • CME products:

    • If strike ends in "2" or "7", postpend "5"

  • CBOT products

    • If strike ends in "2" or "7", postpend "5"

    • If strike ends in "1" or "6", postpend "25"

    • If strike ends in "3" or "8", postpend "75"

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