Give-Up - Reject Rules

Sending tag 78-NoAllocs and tag 79-AllocAccount without sending tag 9707-GiveUpFirm and tag 9708-CmtaGiveupCD is not recommended, but CME Globex does not send a reject message if this occurs. The initial information that CME Clearing needs is the firm followed by which account to give the transaction to based on the account provided. CME Group will not reject the order in Globex since this scenario is based on clearing information.

Tag 78-NoAllocs has a length of 1 byte, while tag 79-AllocAccount is 11 bytes long. These tags must be used in conjunction with each other or the following reject scenarios occur:

  • If tag 78-NoAllocs is sent without tag 79-AllocAccount, a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message is returned.

Reject Message - 'Missing Tag 78'

8=FIX.4.2|9=158|35=3|34=1360823|69=40617|52=20080922-21:03:47.334|49=CME|50=G|56=qa4648P|57=648|45=40617|58=Business Reject: Required Field Missing 'Required Tag 78 missing'|10=063


  • If tag 79-AllocAccount is sent without tag 78-NoAllocs, a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message is returned.

Reject message - 'Missing Tag 79'

8=FIX.4.2|9=158|35=3|34=1528993|69=41090|52=20080926-15:19:52.933|49=CME|50=G|56=qa4648P|57=648|45=41090|58=Business Reject: Required Field Missing 'Required Tag 79 missing'|10=085


  • If tag 78-NoAllocs is sent with a value other than '1', a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message is returned.

Reject Message - 'Tag 78 Not Equal to 1'

8=FIX.4.2|9=179|35=3|34=1358783|69=4061452=20080922-21:00:18.374|49=CME|50=G|56=qa4648P|57=648|45=40614|58=Business Reject: Required Field Missing 'Value is incorrect (out of range) for Tag 78'|10=032

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