CME BrokerTec Front End Applications DR Process

This topic describes CME BrokerTec EU and US Disaster Recovery (DR) processing for CME Group front-end trading applications.

BrokerTec Global Front End

BrokerTec Global Front End (GFE) is the intended front-end for all CME BrokerTec markets.

Normal Production Processing

GFE and your connection are in a normal production state.

DR Event

As quickly as feasible, the DR event is communicated by the Global Command Center (GCC) via the emergency targeted messaging system.

The DR Event will require Customers to reconnect to the DR environment

  • All existing GFE sessions are severed by CME Group when the match engines are failed over and orders are removed. 

  • Customers may begin reconciliation of trades and deleted orders for entry into the DR environment. See more details about the reconciliation process. 

  • GCC will communicate the DR event status and timeline to initiate market open activities in the GFE DR environment 30 minutes in advance of the market opening.

Connection & Trading in DR Environment

After notification by GCC that GFE is available in the DR environment, you can access GFE and sign on with your normal User Name and Password.

Return to Production

GCC will notify customers when the DR event is resolved and the timeframe for connecting back to the Production environment. This reconnection to the Production environment will be a scheduled procedure over a weekend with sufficient notification time.

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