FIXML Message Flows - Bunched Order Allocation Instructions

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This page describes the FIXML message flows associated with allocating a previously cleared bunched trade.

Supported messages by function

Message Type



Message Type



Submit Allocation Instruction

Sent by the platform / clearing firm to submit an allocation instruction.

Allocation Instruction (AllocInstrctn)

Cancel Allocation

Sent by the platform / clearing firm to cancel an allocation instruction.

Allocation Instruction (AllocInstrctn)

Clearing System Reject

Sent by the clearing system in response to an invalid request.

Allocation Instruction Acknowledgment (AllocInstrctnAck)

Pending Clear Notification

Sent by the clearing system to the platform when the allocation needs to be claimed explicitly by the clearing firm.

Allocation Report (AllocRpt)

Cleared Allocation Notification

Sent by the clearing system to the platform when the allocation is cleared.

Allocation Report (AllocRpt)

Allocation Instruction Submission - Successfully processed

Allocation instruction submission - Pre approved for Credit 

In this scenario, a platform / clearing firm submits a pre-approved allocation instruction for a previously cleared bunched trade into CME ClearPort designating one or more accounts/funds, the the following message flow is triggered. The bunched trade (offset) and the allocations are pre-approved for credit.

The steps are:

  • The platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of New and a Typ of Give-up. The platform specifies the allocations in the Alloc block.

  • An Allocation Report is sent to the platform with a TransTyp of New, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Claimed. The message will include the cleared UTI. The Cleared Trade ID optionally may be included. The inclusion of the TradeID on platform messages varies by asset class.

A bilateral UTI (/Alloc/RegTrdID) may also be assigned for the allocation if the submitter did not assign one and sent back on the response message.

Allocation instruction submitted with multiple allocations - Partially processed

When a platform / clearing firm submits a pre-approved allocation instruction for a previously cleared bunched trade into CME ClearPort designating one or more accounts/funds, the following message flow is triggered:

  • The Platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of New and a Typ of Give-up. The allocations will be specified in the Alloc block.

  • One of the allocations fails account validation.

  • A response is sent to the platform an Allocation Instruction Ack message with TransTyp of New, Typ of Give-up, and Stat of Account level reject for the rejected allocation.

  • All the other allocations will be processed normally. 

Allocation instruction submission – allocation rejected by CME ClearPort due to over-allocation

When a platform / clearing firm submits a pre-approved allocation instruction for a previously cleared bunched trade into CME ClearPort designating one or more accounts/funds, the following message flow is triggered:

  • The platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of New and  a Typ of Give-up. The allocations will be specified in the Alloc block.

  • The allocation instruction fails quantity validation. The allocated quantity is greater than the bunched order quantity.

  • A  response is sent to the platform an Allocation Instruction Ack message with TransTyp of New, Typ of Give-up, and Stat of Block level reject.

Allocation instruction submission (explicit claim) – clearing firm claims

When a platform / clearing firm submits an allocation instruction that has not been previously approved for a previously cleared bunched trade into CME ClearPort designating one or more accounts/funds, the following message flow is triggered:

  • The platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of New and a Typ of Give-up. The allocations will be specified in the Alloc block.

  • Upon successful validation, a pending clear notification is sent using an Allocation Report message with a TransTyp of New, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Allocation Pending.

A bilateral UTI (/Alloc/RegTrdID) may also be assigned for the allocation if the submitter did not assign one and sent back on the response message.

  • The clearing firm claims the allocation. An Allocation Report is sent to the platform with a TransTyp of New, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Claimed. The message will include the cleared UTI. The Cleared Trade ID optionally may be included. The inclusion of the TradeID on platform messages varies by asset class.

Allocation instruction submission (explicit claim) – clearing firm rejects

When a platform / clearing firm submits an allocation instruction that has not been previously approved for a previously cleared bunched trade into CME ClearPort designating one or more accounts/funds, the following message flow is triggered:

The steps are:

  • The Platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of New and  a Typ of Give-up. The allocations will be specified in the Alloc block.

  • Upon successful validation, a pending clear notification is sent using an Allocation Report message with a TransTyp of New, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Allocation Pending.

A bilateral UTI (/Alloc/RegTrdID) may also be assigned for the allocation if the submitter did not assign one and sent back on the response message.

  • One of the clearing firms rejects the allocation. An Allocation Report is sent to the platform with a TransTyp of New, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Refused.

Cancel allocation submission – processed by CME Clearing - (IRS Submission only)

When a platform / clearing firm submits an IRS allocation instruction that has not been previously approved for a previously cleared bunched trade into CME ClearPort designating one or more accounts/funds, the following message flow is triggered:

The steps are:

  • The platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of New and a Typ of Give-up. The allocations will be specified in the Alloc Block.

  • Upon successful validation, a pending clear notification is sent using an Allocation Report message with a TransTyp of New, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Allocation Pending.

  • One of the clearing firms claims the allocation. The allocation is still in pending clear state.

  • The platform sends an Allocation Instruction message with a TransTyp of Cancel and  a Typ of Give-up. The cancellation is successful because the allocation is still in pending clear state.

  • An Allocation Report is sent to the Platform with a TransTyp of Cancel, a RptTyp of Give-up, and a Stat of Cancelled.

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