EBS Market and eFix Disaster Recovery Overview

CME Group has a comprehensive business continuity management program in place.

In keeping with CME Group’s focus on availability and systems resilience, we have designed and built the production EBS Market environment with multiple layers of redundancy. As a result, we are able to perform component-level failover within the production environment, and with less impact. CME Group views a disaster recovery event as a catastrophic datacenter failure, which requires us to bring up our systems in our geographically disparate backup data centers. This topic describes DR information for EBS Market and eFix Matching Service on CME Globex.

Clients must manage their own connections to the acting production environment IPs and ports. CME Group will issue both Production and DR IPs and ports to client during solution onboarding.

CME Group supports a robust Production and DR ecosystem, including:

  • Redundant service gateways and components in both the Production and DR environments

    • A service failure in Production is resolved by failing over to the backup component in the same environment

  • A and B feeds for Multicast market data (UDP)

  • Regionally diverse data centers for both Production and DR environments

  • Extensive real-time environment and component monitoring, alerting and reporting

For more information on solution failovers within the Production environment from Primary to Backup components, please see the information for each service:

Web Service Failover

CME Reference Data API and EBS Risk Manager API are not affected by data center events, due to the nature of web services.


DR Process

An EBS Market on CME Globex DR Event occurs when CME Group moves the trading platform and all client-facing solutions from Production to the DR environment. The event follows four distinct states:

State 1: Normal Production Processing (Pre-DR)

EBS Market on CME Globex and your connections are in a normal production state.

State 2: DR Event

As quickly as feasible, GCC will declare a DR event using the notification procedure described in the Overview.

Transition to DR Environment

In this state:

  • Any existing EBS Market on CME Globex Production connections in a failed region and CME Group Application and Risk Management Support Tools sessions will be made unavailable.

  • All open orders from EBS Market on CME Globex in the failed region will be cancelled.

    • Customers must clear their systems of any working orders.

  • Customers must begin reconciliation of open orders for entry into the DR environment.

Trade Reconciliation

If an EBS Market on CME Globex DR event occurs, CME Group post-trade is the application of record for what has traded. GCC will announce an HH:MM:SS timestamp in the DR event notification message. Customers should utilize CME FirmSoft or contact the GCC to confirm the status of orders and trades.

The Client system must:

  1. Retrieve all trades executed from CPT2.0 TOF or CPT2.0 FIX at the HH:MM:SS timestamp provided by GCC.

  2. Match these trades against order execution acknowledgments at the client front end or trading application.

    1. There are 2 scenarios to be prepared for. The first is where the trade executed but the Client did not receive a trade notification on the front-end systems. Alternatively, clients may receive a front-end trade notification, but there is no trade record in CPT2.0. The below action should be taken by the Customer for each scenario, respectively.

      1. If there are trades in CPT2.0 that were not sent on the front end, decrease the open order quantity by the filled quantity.

      2. If there are trades received on the front end that are not shown in CPT2.0, increase the order quantity by the filled quantity.

GCC will communicate DR event status and timeline in advance of the Market opening.

CME Group will support a 2-hour Recovery Time Objective (RTO) for EBS Market and eFix Matching Service on CME Globex.

State 3: Connect and Trade in the DR Environment

In this state, clients connect to and/or login to EBS Market in the DR Environment.

The EBS Market and eFix Matching Service instruments will Open and clients can re-establish their working orders on the book and begin trading.

State 4: Return to Production

GCC will notify customers when the DR event is resolved and the timeframe for moving EBS Market and eFix Matching Service instruments back to the Production environment.

In this state, clients connect to and/or login to EBS Market in the Production Environment.

State 4 will be a scheduled procedure over a weekend with sufficient notification time.

The markets will open in Production and trading will recommence.

Disaster Recovery Event Notification

CME Global Command Center (GCC) implements procedures to enhance information sharing with customers in emergency situations. If CME Group determines that a DR event has occurred, the GCC provides DR event notification to clients who are enrolled in GCC Notifications.

Clients can enroll by sending their name, email address and firm to the Global Command Center. GCC Alerts are sent via email, SMS text, cell, and land line phones and updates are posted to the CME Group website for CME Globex market halts.

EBS Market and eFix Matching Service Data Centers

The DR environments for each Production environment are detailed below.

Production Data Center

EBS Market and eFix Products†


Disaster Recovery

Production Data Center

EBS Market and eFix Products†


Disaster Recovery

DC3 (Chicago)


Credit and Risk Management


NY5 (New Jersey)

New York FX Spot

New York Metals

New York eFix

EBS Workstation

iLink 3

EBS Ai on CME Globex

All MDP services

Drop Copy

EBS Central Post Trade

LD 4.2 (London)

LD 4.2 (London)

London FX Spot



London eFix

EBS Workstation

iLink 3

EBS Ai on CME Globex

All MDP services

Drop Copy

EBS Central Post Trade


TY5 (Tokyo)

Routing only

EBS Workstation

iLink 3 Convenience Gateway (CGW) only

EBS Ai on CME Globex

Credit Screened MDP

EBS Central Post Trade

Regional diversity only

†More information on products and regions is available in the EBS Market Product Overview.

Client-Facing Solutions

Detailed information on the client DR process and necessary actions for each solution is available at the following links:

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