Product Classification

Products are sorted by the following Classification Codes:

  • F - Futures

  • O - Options

  • S - Spreads

  • I - Cash Instruments

  • A - Administrative




Valid Values


Product Classification




Valid Values


Product Classification


Product Classification Type 


  • Space = No Further Definition Included

  • I = Index Values 

Represents a special type of futures contract 

F - Futures 

27 - 29

Future Commodity Code


ITC product code

 F - Futures


Future Day Code


  • 1 - 9  = Day 1 – 9

  • 0  = Day 10

  • A - U = day 11- 31

Future maturity  date

 F - Futures


Future Month Code


  • F = January

  • G = February

  • H = March

  • J = April

  • K = May

  • M = June

  • N = July

  • Q = August

  • U = September

  • V = October

  • X = November

  • Z = December

  • Y = Spot Expiration/Index Information

Future maturity  month

 F - Futures

32 - 33

Future Year Code


The last two digits of the year

Future maturity year

Year code is Blank for Spot Expiration/Index Information.

 F - Futures


Last Trading Date Day Code


  • 1 - 9  = Day 1 – 9

  • 0 = Day 10

  • A - U = day 11- 31

  • Space = Not Applicable

Future last trading date

 F - Futures


Last Trading Date Month Code


  • F = January

  • G = February

  • H = March

  • J = April

  • K = May

  • M = June

  • N = July

  • Q = August

  • U = September

  • V = October

  • X = November

  • Z = December

  • Y = Spot Expiration/Index Information

Future last trading month

 F - Futures

36 - 37

Last Trading Date Year Code


The last two digits of the year

Future last trading year

Year code is Blank for Spot Expiration/Index Information.

 F - Futures


Product Classification Type


Space = No Further Definition included                      

Represents a special type of options contract.

O - Options

27 - 29

Option Instrument Code


ITC product code

O - Options


Option Day Code


  • 1 - 9  = Day 1 – 9

  • 0 = Day 10

  • A - U = day 11- 31

Option maturity  date

O - Options 


Option Month Code


  • F = January

  • G = February

  • H = March

  • J = April

  • K = May

  • M = June

  • N = July

  • Q = August

  • U = September

  • V = October

  • X = November

  • Z = December

  • Y = Spot Expiration/Index Information

Option maturity  month

O - Options

32 - 33

Option Year Code


The last two digits of the year

Option maturity year

 O - Options


Put/Call Code


  • P = Put

  • C = Call

Identify put or call options

 O - Options

35 - 41

Strike Price


The delineation of the whole number portion of the price(e.g. a price of 123 4/8th cents will be displayed as 0001234).

 O - Options


Strike Price Sign


  • "+"  =  a positive number (including Zero where appropriate)

  • "-"  =  negative number

Represent positive or negative strike

 O - Options


Expiration Indicator


  • A  = American Style

  • E  = European Style

Identifying the style of Expiration for the Option

 O - Options

44 - 46

Underlying Future Commodity Code


Indicate the product complex

 O - Options


Underlying Future Day Code


  • 1 - 9  = Day 1 – 9

  • 0      = Day 10

  • A - U = day 11- 31

  • Space = Not Applicable

Underlying Future maturity  date

 O - Options


Underlying Future Month Code


  • F = January

  • G = February

  • H = March

  • J = April

  • K = May

  • M = June

  • N = July

  • Q = August

  • U = September

  • V = October

  • X = November

  • Z = December

  • Y = Spot Expiration/Index Information

Underlying  Future maturity  month

O - Options 


Underlying Future Year Code


The last two digits of the year

Underlying Future maturity year   

 O - Options


Last Trading Date Day Code


  • 1 - 9  = Day 1 – 9

  • 0  = Day 10

  • A - U = day 11- 31

  • Space = Not Applicable

Option last trading date

 O - Options


Last Trading Date Month Code


  • F = January

  • G = February

  • H = March

  • J = April

  • K = May

  • M = June

  • N = July

  • Q = August

  • U = September

  • V = October

  • X = November

  • Z = December

  • Y = Spot Expiration/Index Information

Option last trading month

 O - Options

53 - 54

Last Trading Date Year Code


 The last two digits of the year

Option last trading year

 O - Options

55 -56

Strike Price Fractional Indicator


All fractions are expressed as fractions or in decimals as is customary for the particular commodity.

 O - Options


Strike Price Indicator


  • Space = Normal

  • D = Differential

Identify the manner in which the Strike Prices are coded.

 O - Options


 Product Classification Type


Space = No Further Definition included

Represents a special type of Combination

 S - Spreads

 27 - 46

 Spread Description


Used to define the type of spread being traded

 S - Spreads

 47 - 48

 Spread Type


See Spreads and Combinations Available on CME Globex

Represent the type of spread  traded

 S - Spreads

 49 - 50

Number of Spread Legs 


Number of underlying legs that make up the spread

 S - Spreads


Product Classification Type


  • Space = No Further Definition included

  • I = Index Values             

Represents a special type of index values

 I - Cash Instruments

 27 - 44

Index Description


An alphanumeric field that is used to identify, in a standard industry-common format, the specific Cash Instrument being traded

 I - Cash Instruments

 45 - 56



The base number of 6 digits (the 6th digit of which may be alpha or numeric), and a 2 character suffix (either numeric, alphabetic, or both) known as the Issue Number. The 9th character is a check digit.

 I - Cash Instruments

 57 - 61



A 5 digit field containing Cash Instrument yield in 99.999 format (decimal is implied). The Yield is calculated from the Dollar Price via the Securities Industry Association (SIA).

 I - Cash Instruments

 26 - 71

 Control Message


Text  messages are provided to update vendors' systems with notification of significant exchange system status changes and to test system integrity.

 A - Administrative

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