SBE - Testing and Certification Requirements

For all streamlined SBE feed types, certification is mandatory for customer systems that will receive streamlined SBE market data. Streamlined SBE certification is available through AutoCert+, CME Group's automated certification tool.

CME Group strongly encourages all customers and system providers to test the enhancements thoroughly in New Release before accessing the new market data format in production.


Certification for CME CF streamlined Bitcoin Market Data is not mandatory for client systems already certified for streamlined SBE Equity Indices.

New customers and system providers can certify their applications using the Bitcoin test suite in AutoCert+.


Certification for CME CF streamlined Bitcoin Market Data data in AutoCert+ entails:

  • Incremental  Market Data Refresh Messages

  • Security Definition Messages

  • Recovery via TCP Replay for streamlined Bitcoin Market Data

  • Recovery of Security Definition Messages via TCP Replay


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