UDS - Display Names for Exchange Unrecognized and Recursive Spread Types

 Display Name for Exchange Unrecognized UDS

For front-end display of unrecognized, or generic UDS instruments:

  • Implement Process to Build spread Display Name.

  • Additional considerations:

    • The spread type from tag 762-SecuritySubType is ':GN'. Client systems may choose to represent this as a 'generic' name or omit from the display name.

    • A recursive spread type is a spread which has at least 1 leg that is a user-defined spread. Only one level of recursion is allowed. Client systems should leverage the Process to Build spread Display Name to decompose the instrument.

Display Name for a Recursive UDS

For a recursive UDS, the display name must be constructed from the related market data Security Definition (35=d) messages.

For this example, the display names for this spread would be obtained from the market data Security Definition (tag 35-MsgType=d) messages for Spread 1 component legs:

  1. Spread 1: UD:U$: GN 0306123410. Based on the lookup of the legs, the spread contains the following legs.

    • Leg 1: SR1X3 C9450

    • Leg 2: UD:U$: VT1025924175

  2. Spread 2: UD:U$: BO 0306123089. Based on the lookup of the legs, the UDS contains the following legs.

    • Leg 1: SR1X3 C9460

    • Leg 2: SR1X3 C9456

    • Leg 3: SR1X3 C9459

A possible display name in this example is SR1: GN: SR1: BO.

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