The Trade Capture Report Request Ack (tag 35-MsgType=AQ) message is used by CME STP FIX to communicate status of subscription request (acknowledgment or rejection) back to FIX Client.
Tag | Name | FIXML Abbr | Req | Format | Description | Enumerations |
Standard Message Header | Y | Tag 35-MsgType = AQ | ||||
568 | TradeRequestID | ReqID | Y | String | Unique ID from client. | |
569 | TradeRequestType | ReqTyp | Y | Int | Type of Trade Capture Report requested. |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | SubReqTyp | N | Char | Subscription request type. |
749 | TradeRequestResult | ReqRslt | Y | Int | Result of trade subscription. |
750 | TradeRequestStatus | ReqStat | Y | Int | Status of trade subscription. |
58 | Text | Txt | N | String | Free format text string for error messaging. | |
Standard Message Trailer | Y |