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This topic provides the descriptions of three CSV-format reports which CME Group will be producing for clearing firms participating in the new cross-margin program with the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC), a subsidiary of the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation (DTCC.)  The new program is expected to go live in early 2023.  The three reports are produced in the CME Group New Release testing environment, for all firms which are participants in the existing agreement.

The reports are available via New Release Enterprise Reporting Portal (EREP):

  • NR_XMFICCCUSIP – shows positions in individual treasury securities as allocated to the program by DTCC
  • NR_XMFICCPOSN – shows positions as allocated to the program by FICC, converted to futures-equivalent for processing in SPAN
  • NR_XMFICCMARGINSAVINGS – shows the savings from the program at each cycle, together with all numbers needed to follow the logic

The following cycle codes will be provided in the NR_XMFICCCUSIP and NR_XMFICCPOSN reports:

  • ITD - intraday – positions as allocated to the program by DTCC to be used in intraday settlement cycles at both DTCC and CME Group
  • EOD – preliminary end-of-day positions as allocated to the program by DTCC, to be used in the end-of-day settlement cycle at CME Group
  • EODXM – final end-of-day positions as allocated to the program by DTCC, used to adjust the margin requirement provided in the end-of-day settlement cycle
  • CUR - "current" – hourly files showing positions as allocated to the program at that point in time, beginning at approximately 7 a.m. CT.  The 5 p.m. CT file can be used by participating clearing firms to determine the optimal set of Treasury futures to be allocated to the program in that day's end-of-day settlement cycle.


BusDateBusiness date as mm/dd/yyyy
CycleCycle code, will be one of ITD, EOD, EODXM, CUR
RunRun number, positive integer
COClearing organization -- CME
CMFClearing member firm ID – for example, 001
PBAPerformance bond account ID – for example, 001XMFIC
SegSegregation type -- HOUS
FICC_IDDTCC Participant ID
ExchExchange ID of the synthetic contract for margining – CBT
PFCodeProduct code of the synthetic – for example, XM21
PFTypeProduct type of the synthetic -- FUT
PeriodPeriod code of the synthetic– for example 202209
CUSIPCUSIP of the individual Treasury security
MatDateMaturity date of the Treasury security
CouponCoupon rate of the Treasury security, if applicable
PositionNotional position in this security, positive (long) or negative (short)
ConvFactorConversion factor for translating to futures-equivalent
ScalarContract size used for this conversion, either 100,000 or 200,000
EquivPositionFutures-equivalent position for margining, rounded to four decimals

NR_XMFICCPOSN - XM FICC Equivalent Firm Position Report

BusDateBusiness date as mm/dd/yyyy
CycleCycle code, will be one of ITD, EOD, EODXM, CUR
RunRun number, positive integer
COClearing organization -- CME
CMFClearing member firm ID – for example, 001
PBAPerformance bond account ID – for example, 001XMFIC
SegSegregation type -- HOUS
FICC_IDDTCC Participant ID
PAPosition account ID
CME_TMFTrade management firm ID for CME products
CBT_TMFTrade management firm ID for CBOT products
ExchExchange ID of the synthetic contract for margining – CBT
PFCodeProduct code of the synthetic – for example, XM21
PFTypeProduct type of the synthetic -- FUT
PeriodPeriod code of the synthetic– for example 202209
LongPosnTotal notional long position for this bucket (two decimals)
ShortPosnTotal notional short position for this bucket (two decimals)
LongEquivPosnTotal long equivalent position
ShortEquivPosnTotal short equivalent position
NetEquivPosnNet converted equivalent position for margining (integer)
FutAllocQtyTreasury Futures allocation quantity


BusDateBusiness date as mm/dd/yyyy
CycleCycle code - ITD or EODXM
RunRun number, normally 1
COClearing organization
CMFClearing member firm ID
SASettlement account
FSegFunds segregation type, always NSEG
PBA_XMXM performance bond account ID
PBA_MainMain (Non-XM) performance bond account ID
SegSegregation type – always HOUS
FICC_IDDTCC participant ID
CcyCurrency, always USD
Risk_CME_AllocatedRisk of CME positions in the Allocated acct as calculated by CME
Risk_CME_UnallocatedUSD-equivalent risk on CME side for the Unallocated account
Risk_CME_StandaloneUSD-equivalent risk on CME side in the main account assuming no allocation occurred
Savings_CME_CycleUSD-equivalent XM savings on CME side at cycle time
Risk_CME_CycleUSD-equivalent requirement on CME side at cycle time
Risk_FICC_AllocatedRisk of FICC positions in the Allocated acct as calculated by FICC
Risk_Combined_CMEPortfolio risk in the Allocation acct as calculated by CME Group
Risk_Combined_FICCPortfolio risk in the Allocated acct as calculated by FICC
Savings_Pct_CMESavings percentage for the Allocation acct using CME’s portfolio rqmnt
Savings_Pct_FICCSavings percentage for the Allocation acct using FICC’s portfolio rqmnt
Min_Threshold_PctMinimum XM Savings Threshold Percentage
Max_Threshold_PctMaximum XM Savings Threshold Percentage
Savings_Pct_AppliedFinal XM Savings Percentage i.e. minimum of Savings_Pct_CME and Savings_Pct_FICC
Risk_CME_Allocated_w_SavingsTotal CME-side requirement in the Allocation acct after the credit has been adjusted
Risk_FICC_Allocated_w_SavingsTotal FICC-side requirement in the Allocation acct after the credit has been adjusted
Risk_CME_XMTotal USD-equivalent requirement on CME-side that is sum of Unallocated acct and Allocation acct with credit adjustment
Risk_CME_FinalTotal USD-equivalent requirement on CME side after adjustment
Adjustment_CMECME-side XM Requirement adjustment amount

USD-equivalent XM savings on CME side after adjustment


BusDateBusiness date as mm/dd/yyyy
CycleCycle code - EOD
RunRun number, normally 1
COClearing organization
CMFClearing member firm ID
SASettlement account
FSegFunds segregation type, always NSEG
PBA_XMXM performance bond account ID
PBA_MainMain (Non-XM) performance bond account ID
SegSegregation type – always HOUS
FICC_IDDTCC participant ID
CcyCurrency, always USD
Risk_CME_AllocatedRisk of CME positions in the Allocated acct as calculated by CME
Risk_CME_UnallocatedUSD-equivalent risk on CME side for the Unallocated account
Risk_CME_StandaloneUSD-equivalent risk on CME side in the main account assuming no allocation occurred
Savings_CME_CycleUSD-equivalent XM savings on CME side at cycle time
Risk_CME_CycleUSD-equivalent requirement on CME side at cycle time
Risk_FICC_AllocatedRisk of FICC positions in the Allocated acct as calculated by FICC
Risk_Combined_FICCPortfolio risk in the Allocated acct as calculated by FICC
Savings_Pct_CMESavings percentage for the Allocation acct using CME’s portfolio rqmnt
Min_Threshold_PctMinimum XM Savings Threshold Percentage
Max_Threshold_PctMaximum XM Savings Threshold Percentage
Risk_CME_Allocated_w_SavingsTotal CME-side requirement in the Allocation acct after the credit has been adjusted
Risk_CME_XMTotal USD-equivalent requirement on CME-side that is sum of Unallocated acct and Allocation acct with credit adjustment

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