There are two MDP services available: Schema Dissemination Service and Market Data Configuration Service. An An FTP/SFTP Site is used to store the the template files and configuration files for all environments.
Service | Description |
Core Streamlined Schema | MDP is a template-based protocol wherein a given message is interpreted by means of its corresponding template. Each message contains a unique Schema ID that references the template to use to interpret the message. The schema dissemination service provides a method for client systems to receive all of the CME active templates, or the templates associated with either a schema ID or a Market Data Group. |
Global TCP Recovery SBE Schema for UDP | A Global TCP Recovery SBE Schema for UDP is an SBE schema dissemination service that provides a method for client systems to process TCP Recovery for UDP system administration messages for UDP market data groups. |
Market Data Configuration | The Market Data Configuration Service allows clients systems to receive the list of all Market Data Channel configurations. |