Streamlined SBE Market Data

Streamlined SBE Market Data

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This topic provides the information required for client system developers to build a new system or adapt an existing system to process streamlined SBE (Simple Binary Encoding) market data.

Certain feeds can also have product specific streamlined messaging formats. Please refer to SBE - Product Specific Streamlined Market Data Implementations for complete details.

CME Group provides an SBE platform geared for non-Globex data. Streamlined SBE market data has a dedicated SBE message specification and message schema distinct from those available for CME Globex. This implementation guide provides the information required for client system developers to build a new system or adapt an existing system to process market data via streamlined SBE.

Streamlined SBE is distinct from SBE format used for CME Globex market data dissemination. As such, streamlined SBE has a dedicated message specification, message schema, and Market Data Platform configuration.

New customers developing to streamlined SBE should first review the MDP 3.0 - Simple Binary Encoding and MDP 3.0 - Message Schema topics.

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