Name | Abbr | Datatype | Description | Enumerations |
Message ID | ID
| String | Unique identifier for this Allocation Instruction Alert message |
Transaction Type | TransTyp
| char | i.e. New, Cancel, Replace | 0 - New 1 - Replace 2 - Cancel
Allocation Type | Typ
| int | Specifies the purpose or type of Allocation message | 12 - Incomplete Group 13 - Complete Group 16 - Cancel Group
Allocation Instruction Ref ID | RefAllocID
| String | When responding to an Allocation Instruction, references the ID. |
Group ID | GrpID
| String | Used by the CCP to group allocations. |
Buy Sell Code | Side
| char | Side of allocation group. | 1 - Buy 2 - Sell 7 - Undisclosed
Quantity | Qty
| Qty | Quantity of the group changed in this transaction. When adding trades to a group, this is the quantity added. When removing trades from a group, this is the quantity to be removed, and is negative. When the group quantity is unchanged, such as when the group changes status to Completed, this is 0. |
Group Quantity | GrpQty
| Qty | Indicates the total quantity of an allocation group. Includes any allocated quantity. |
Trading Session | SesID
| String | Identifier for the Trading Session. | |
Trading Session Sub ID | SesSub
| String | Optional market assigned sub identifier for a trading phase within a trading session. | E - Electronic P - Pit X - X-Pit
Venue Type | VenuTyp
| char | Identifies the type of venue where a trade was executed. | |
Price Type | PxTyp
| int | In most cases, represents the type of price in the Last Price field. | 1 - Percentage (i.e. percent of par) 2 - Per unit (i.e. per share or contract) 6 - Spread (basis points spread) 10 - Fixed cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options) 11 - Variable cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options) 24 - Interest rate 100 - Tentative placeholder price 101 - Updated actual price
Average Price | AvgPx
| Price | The average price of all trades in the allocation group. |
Trade Date | TrdDt
| LocalMktDate | The trade date assigned to an execution on the trading platform. For privately negotiated trades, the date on which the trade has been received by the CCP. |
Transaction Time | TxnTm
| UTCTimestamp | Date/time of the action performed on the allocation group. |
Status | Stat
| int | Identifies status of allocation. | 1 - block level reject 2 - account level reject 6 - allocation pending
Average Price Group ID | AvgPxGrpID
| String | Firm designated group identifier for the average price group. |
Clear Date | ClrDt
| LocalMktDate | The Clearing Date for the allocation or trade. |
Trade Type | TrdTyp
| int | Indicates Trade Type of Allocation. | 0 - Regular Trade 1 - Block Trade 2 - EFP (Exchange for physical) 3 - Transfer 11 - Exchange for Risk (EFR) 12 - Exchange for Swap (EFS) 22 - Over the Counter Privately Negotiated Trades (OPNT) 23 - Substitution of Futures for Forwards 50 - Portfolio Trade 58 - Block swap trade
Trade Sub Type | TrdSubTyp
| int | Indicates TradeSubType of Allocation. Necessary for defining groups. | 0 - CMTA 1 - Internal transfer or adjustment 7 - Differential spread 8 - Implied spread leg executed against an outright 9 - Transaction from exercise 10 - Transaction from assignment 36 - Converted SWAP (Aged Deal) 40 - TAS - Traded at settlement 42 - Auction Trade 43 - TAM - Traded at marker 48 - Multilateral Compression 200 - Delivery Transfer
Input Source | InptSrc
| String | Indicates input source of original trade marked for allocation. |
Input Device | InptDev
| String | Specific device number, terminal number or station where the trade was entered. | |
Post Trade Type | PostTrdTyp
| int | Defines the post trade type, e.g. give up, average price, cross exchange give up, etc. | |
Multi Leg Reporting Type | MLegRptTyp
| char | Indicates MultiLegReportType of original trade marked for allocation. | |
Rounded Price | RndPx
| Price | Specifies the rounded price to quoted precision. |
Customer Order Handling Instruction | CustOrdHdlInst
| MultipleStringValue | Contains the FIA Execution Source. | A - Phone simple B - Phone complex C - FCM-provided screen D - Other-provided screen E - Client provided platform controlled by FCM F - Client provided platform direct to exchange G - FCM API or FIX H - Algo Engine J - Price at Execution (price added at Initial order entry, trading, middle office or time of give-up) W - Desk - Electronic X - Desk - Pit Y - Client - Electronic Z - Client - Pit
Price Sub Type | PxSubTyp
| int | This is a further qualification of the Price Type. For example if the Last Price is a TAS Price, the Price Sub Type conveys whether it is an initial price when the trade is first being reported or the final settlement price. | 0 - Initial Price 1 - Final Price
True Average Price | TrueAvgPx
| Price | For give-up allocations, indicates the true average price. This field is temporary. RndPx contains the rounded price, and AvgPx will change to indicate the true average price. |
StandardHeader | Hdr
OrdAllocGrp (repeating) | OrdAlloc
→ Client Order ID | ClOrdID
| String | Client Order ID of the trade being added to or removed from the group. |
ExecAllocGrp (repeating) | AllExc
Instrument | Instrmt
UnderlyingInstrument (repeating) | Undly
Parties (repeating) | Pty
→ Party ID | ID
| String | Used to identify the Party. |
→ Party ID Source | Src
| char | Used to identify the source of PartyID value. | C - Generally accepted market participant identifier D - Proprietary / Custom code G - MIC (ISO 10383 - Market Identificer Code) H - Clearing house participant/member code
→ Party Role | R
| int | Indicates the type of Party or the role of the party in the Party Block. Note that Clearing Organization (21) is always "CME" while Exchange (22) represents the firm exchange. | 1 - Executing Firm 2 - Broker of Credit (formerly FIX 4.2 BrokerOfCredit) 12 - Executing Trader (associated with Executing Firm - actually executes) 21 - Clearing Organization 22 - Exchange 24 - Customer Account 28 - Custodian 44 - Order Entry Operator ID 52 - Large Trader Reportable Account 101 - Collateral asset account 103 - Calculation agent 110 - Borrower 111 - Primary Obligor 112 - Guarantor 114 - Determining party 115 - Hedging party 116 - Reporting entity 200 - FEC GUI User ID 4100 - Depository
→ PtysSubGrp (repeating) | Sub
→→ Party Qualifier ID | ID
| String | A Sub ID provides additional information about the Party. |
→→ Party Qualifier Type | Typ
| int | The Type of Party Sub ID in the Party Sub Tag. | 3 - System 4 - Application 5 - Full legal name of firm 6 - Postal address 7 - Phone number 8 - Email address 10 - Securities account number (for settlement instructions) 11 - Registration number (for settlement instructions and confirmations) 15 - Cash account number (for settlement instructions) 24 - Department 26 - Account type or Origin 31 - Location 51 - Business center 57 - System trade identifier 58 - System trade sub-identifier 59 - Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) code 60 - Delivery terminal customer account/code (aka HUB code) 61 - Voluntary reporting entity 62 - Reporting obligation jurisdiction 63 - Voluntary reporting jurisdiction 64 - Company Activities [ID: A = Assurance undertaking authorized in accordance with Directive 2002/83/EC C=Credit institution authorized in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC F=Investment firm in accordance with Directive 2004/39/EC I=Insurance undertaking authorized in accordance with Directive 73/239/EC L=Alternative investment fund managed by AIFMs authorized or registered in accordance with Directive 2011/61/EC O=Institution for occupational retirement provision within the meaning of Article 6(a0 of Directive 2003/41/EC R=Reinsurance undertaking authorized in accordance with Directive 2005/68/EC U=UCITS and its management company, authorized in accordance with Directive 2009/65/EC or blank in case of coverage by LEI or in case of non-financial counterparties.] 65 - European Economic Area domiciled [ID: Y or N] 66 - Contract linked to commercial or treasury financing for this counterparty [ID: Y or N] 67 - Contract above clearing threshold for this counterparty [ID: Y or N] 74 - Payer 75 - Receiver 4000 - Customer Order Capacity (CTI) for Claiming Firm
PositionAmountData (repeating) | Amt
→ Amount Type | Typ
| String | The type of amount being expressed in the Trade Report. | 5YREN - 5 Year Equivalent Notional ACTPNL - Actual Profit and Loss CRES - Cash Residual Amount CTDNV - Cheapest To Deliver Notional Value MTD - Mark-to-model PV01 - Change in value if yield curve shifts 0.01% TNV - Total Notional Value UMTM - Undiscounted mark-to-market VMTD - Mark-to-model variance VMTM - Mark-to-market variance
→ Amount | Amt
| Amt | The amount associated with the trade. |
→ Amount Currency | Ccy
| String | The currency in which the Amount associated with the trade is being denominated in. |
StandardTrailer | StandardTrailer