This section illustrates the interactions between the various organizations using conceptual messages, which depict the messaging function.
- The executing firm marks a trade (trade amendment) for average pricing by specifying an average price group ID.
- The clearing system:
- Acknowledges the executing firm of the trade amendment that marked it for average pricing.
- Creates a new group, if it does not exist, and sends a group summary creation notification to the executing firm, or
- Alternatively, if the group already exists, updates the group and sends a group summary notification to the executing firm.
Scenario 2: Specifying an Average Price Group Later
- The executing firm marks a trade (trade amendment) for average pricing without specifying a group.
- The clearing system acknowledges the executing firm of the trade amendment and marks it for average pricing.
- The executing firm updates the trade again by specifying an average price group.
- The clearing system:
- Acknowledges the executing firm of the group update.
- If the group does not exist, creates a new group and sends a group summary creation notification to the executing firm, or
- Alternatively, if the group already exists, the clearing system updates the group and sends a group summary notification to the executing firm.
Scenario 1: Group has no Pending Allocations
In this scenario, the executing firm has added trades to an average price group and completed the average price group:
- The executing firm un-completes the average price group.
- The clearing system sends the executing firm a group summary, indicating the group is incomplete.
- The claiming firm requests a reversal.
- The clearing system:
- Acknowledges receipt of the request to the claiming firm
- Notifies the executing firm of the reversal request.
- The executing firm refuses the reversal.
- The clearing system:
- Acknowledges the refusal of the reversal to the executing firm.
- Notifies the claiming firm of the refused reversal.
Executing Firm Requests Reversal
This scenario is the same as (Claiming Firm Requests Reversal – Claimed by Executing Firm). In this case the reversal request is initiated by the executing firm instead of the claiming firm, and then claimed by the claiming firm.