CME CF Cryptocurrency Indices and Daily Reference Price support the following message types.
Table of Contents |
Streamlined Market Data Incremental Refresh (tag 35-MsgType=X)
Header | ||||
Tag | FIX Name | Format | Valid Values | Description |
35 | MsgType | String (2) | X=Market Data Incremental Refresh | Defines message type. |
34 | MsgSeqNum | SeqNum (9) | - | Integer message sequence number. |
52 | SendingTime | UTCTimeStamp (21) | - | Time of message transmission (always expressed in UTC) Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. |
Body | ||||
60 | TransactTime | UTCTimeStamp (21) | - | Indicates time of trade referenced in this message Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. |
5799 | MatchEventIndicator | Boolean (1) | N – Not end of event Y – End of event | Boolean flag which indicates if the message denotes the start of an event or end of event. For CryptoFacilities this should be set to Y if there is no need to maintain continuity between messages to infer when a particular event started and ended. |
→50001 | BatchTotalMessages | Int(3) | Total number of messages contained within batch | |
→235 | YieldType | String | Reserved for future use. | |
→9633 | ReferenceID | String | Reserved for future use. | |
1022 | MDFeedType | NULL | -- | Describes a class of service for a given data feed. |
268 | NoMDEntries | NumInGroup (5) | Number of FIX Market Data Incremental Refresh Data Blocks in the Market Data Incremental Refresh message. | |
Repeating Group | ||||
→279 | MDUpdateAction | Char (1) | 0 = New | Indicates the type of Market Data update action. |
→269 | MDEntryType | Char (1) | 3 = Index Value 6 = Settlement Price | Indicates the type of market data entry. |
→83 | RptSeq | Int (3) | Sequence number per Instrument update or index. | |
→55 | Symbol | String (50) | Index identifier. | |
→270 | MDEntryPx | Price(20) | Price of the Market Data Entry | |
→451 | NetChgPrevDay | PriceOffset(20) | Net change from previous day's closing price. Applies to BRR only. | |
→6119 | NetPctChange | Percentage (20) | Index percentage change with respect to previous close Applies to BRR only. | |
→7017 | PercentTrading | NULL | -- | Percent trading of the underlying index constituents. |
1022 | MDFeedType | NULL | -- | Describes a class of service for a given data feed. |
→286 | OpenCloseSettlFlag | Int(3) | 102 = Settlement Index value | Flag that identifies a market data entry. Indicates whether price is daily open/close/settle from current trading session or from previous trading session. |
→235 | YieldType | String(50) | Reserved for future use. | |
→9633 | ReferenceID | String(50) | Reserved for future use. | |
→9988 | MDEntryCode | MultipleValueString (2) | 5 = Close | List of conditions describing an index value. See Streamlined Market Data tag 9988-MDEntryCode Valid Values Description. |
→272 | MDEntryDate | UTC_DATE_ONLY (8) | -- | Date of the Market Data Entry. Value is the number of days since UNIX epoch. |
→273 | MDEntryTime | UTC_TIMEONLY (12) | -- | Timestamp of Market Data Entry. Value is the number of milliseconds since GMT midnight. |
Tag | Field Name | DataType | Valid Values | Comment |
55 | Symbol | String (50) | Index identifier. | |
460 | Product | Int (2) | 7 = Index | Identifies the type of product |
207 | SecurityExchange | Exchange (4) | CRYP | Market used to help identify a security/Index |
15 | Currency | Currency (3) | Identifies currency used for price | |
864 | NoEvents | NumInGroup (1) | Number of repeating EventType entries | |
865 | EventType | Int (3) | 5 = Activation | Code to represent the type of event |
→1145 | EventTime | UTC_TIMEONLY (8) | Time of event. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. | |
870 | NoInstrAttrib | NumInGroup (2) | Number of repeating group InstrAttribType entries | |
→871 | InstrAttribType | Int (3) | Tag 871-InstAttribType and tag 872-InstAttribValue function together where tag 871 indicates the type of value that the following tag 872 will contain. See Tag 871-InstAttribType and Tag 872-InstAttribValue Table of Values. | |
→872 | InstrAttribValue | String (500) | Tag 871-InstAttribType and tag 872-InstAttribValue function together where tag 871 indicates the type of value that the following tag 872 will contain. Attribute value appropriate to the tag 871-InstrAttribType field. See Tag 871-InstAttribType and Tag 872-InstAttribValue Table of Values. | |
980 | SecurityUpdateAction | Char (1) | M = Modify | Included in the message on the incremental feed when a mid-week modification/deletion occurs. Not sent by default for new indices |
1180 | ApplID | String (50) | The channel ID as defined in the XML Configuration File | |
1022 | MDFeedType | NULL | -- | Describes a class of service for a given data feed. |
Tag 871-InstAttribType and Tag 872-InstAttribValue Table of Values
Tag 871-InstAttribType and tag 872-InstAttribValue function together where tag 871 indicates the type of value that the following tag 872 will contain. The following Index attributes may be included in the Security Definition Message:
Tag 871-InstrAttribType Valid Values | Description/Tag 872 Valid Values |
27 = Display Price Precision | Number of Decimals in Displayed Price |
117 = Index Long Name | Name of the Index |
118 = Index Key | Unique ID |
119 = Fee Code | When the preceding tag 871=119 (Fee Code), the following value is valid for tag 872:
122 = Frequency | Publishing frequency
123 = Start Publish Time | Time of calendar day that the message(s) will begin to be published. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. |
124 = End Publish Time | Time of calendar day that the message(s) will no longer be published. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. |
Heartbeat (tag 35-MsgType=0)