Name | Abbr | Datatype | Description | Enumerations |
Product Code |
| String | Used as the primary identifier for the traded instrument. For listed derivatives this is generally an exchange or CCP defined value. | |
CFI Code |
| String | Indicates the type of security using ISO 10962 standard, Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code) values. | |
Security Type |
| String | Indicates type of instrument or security being traded or defined. |
Contract Period Code |
| MonthYear | Specifies the month and year of maturity. Applicable for standardized derivatives which are typically only referenced by month and year (e.g. S&P futures). | |
Strike Price |
| Price | Used for derivatives, such as options and covered warrants. | |
Put Or Call |
| int | Used to express option right. |
Product Exchange |
| Exchange | The exchange where the Security is listed. |
CashSettlTermGrp (repeating) |
| |||
→ CashSettlCurrency |
| Currency | Required if NoCashSettlTerms(40022) > 0. | |
→ CashSettlQuoteCurrency |
| Currency | Specifies the currency the CashSettlQuoteAmount(40028) is denominated in. Uses ISO 4217 Currency Code. |