This Market Data Security Definition message is sent for Fixed Income markets. This message maps to the MDInstrumentDefinitionFixedIncome template in the SBE MDP Core schema.
Tag | FIX Name | Type | Semantic Type | Valid Values | Description |
5799 | MatchEventIndicator | MatchEventIndicator | MultipleCharValue | example: 10000000 – Security Definition message is the last message of the event example:00000000 – Security Definition is not the last message of the event | Bitmap field of eight Boolean type indicators reflecting the end of updates for a given CME Globex Event: Bit 0: (least significant bit) Last Trade Summary message for a given event Bit 1: Last electronic volume message for a given event Bit 2: Last customer order quote message for a given event Bit 3: Last statistic message for a given event Bit 4: Last implied quote message for a given event Bit 5: Message resent during recovery Bit 6: Reserved for future use Bit 7: (most significant bit) Last message for a given event |
911 | TotNumReports | uInt32NULL | int | Total number of instruments in the Replay loop. Used on Replay Feed only | |
980 | SecurityUpdateAction | SecurityUpdateAction | char | A=Add D=Delete M=Modify | Included in the message on the Incremental feed when a mid-week deletion or modification (i.e. extension) occurs. Add represents Security Definition messages that are:
Modify represents modifications to a Security Definition Delete represents deletions of a Security Definition |
779 | LastUpdateTime | uInt64 | UTCTimestamp | Timestamp of when the instrument was last added, modified or deleted. UTC Timestamps are sent in number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch synced to a master clock to microsecond accuracy. | |
1682 | MDSecurityTradingStatus | SecurityTradingStatus | int | 2=Trading Halt 4=Close 17=Ready to trade (start of session) 18=Not available for trading 21=Pre Open | Identifies the current market state of the instrument |
1180 | ApplID | Int16 | int | MD channel ID as defined in the XML Configuration file | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | uInt8 | int | Identifies the market segment. Populated for all CME Globex instruments. | |
462 | UnderlyingProduct | uInt8 | int | Indicates the product complex 2=Commodity/Agriculture | |
207 | SecurityExchange | SecurityExchange | Exchange | Exchange used to identify a security XCBT=Chicago Board of Trade XCME=Chicago Mercantile Exchange XNYM=New York Mercantile Exchange XCEC=COMEX (Commodities Exchange Center) XMGE=Minneapolis Grain Exchange DUMX=Gulf Mercantile Exchange XKLS=Bursa Malaysia XKFE=Korea Exchange NYUM=XNYM-DUMX inter-exchange spread MGCB=XMGE-XCBT inter-exchange spread CBCM=XCME-XCBT inter-exchange spread XFXS=CME FX Link spread GLBX=FX Spot leg BTEC=BrokerTec US BTEE=BrokerTec EU (UK Gilts & Notes) BTAM=BrokerTec Amsterdam (All EU except UK Gilts & Notes) | |
1151 | SecurityGroup | SecurityGroup | String | Security Group Code | |
6937 | Asset | Asset | String | The underlying asset code also known as Product Code | |
55 | Symbol | Symbol | String | Instrument Name or Symbol | |
48 | SecurityID | Int32 | int | A unique instrument ID value will not be reused until the next trade date following an instrument expiration or deletion. | |
22 | SecurityIDSource | SecurityIDSource | char | 8=Exchange symbol | Identifies class or source of Tag 48-SecurityID value |
167 | SecurityType | SecurityType | String | TBOND=US Treasury Bond TBILL=US Treasury Bill TNOTE=US Treasury Note TB=Non-US Treasury Bill SOV=UK Gilts Financing=EGB (Euro Government Bonds) EUSUP=Euro Supranational SUPRA=US Supranational REPO=REPO instruments TIPS=Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities TINT=U.S. Treasury STRIPS | Security Types |
461 | CFICode | CFICode | String | ISO standard instrument categorization code | |
15 | Currency | Currency | Currency | Identifies the currency used for price | |
120 | SettlCurrency | Currency | Currency | Identifies currency used for settlement, if different from trade price currency | |
1142 | MatchAlgorithm | CHAR | char | F=First In, First Out (FIFO) | Matching Algorithm |
562 | MinTradeVol | uInt32 | Qty | The minimum trading volume for a security The minimum order quantity for SPOT instruments | |
1140 | MaxTradeVol | uInt32 | Qty | The maximum trading volume for a security | |
969 | MinPriceIncrement | PRICENULL9 | Price | Minimum constant tick for the instrument. For VTT-eligible products, this tag will contain 'NULL' for Options and '0' for User Defined Spreads (UDS). | |
9787 | DisplayFactor | Decimal9 | float | Contains the multiplier to convert the CME Globex display price to the conventional price | |
37702 | MainFraction | uInt8NULL | int | Price Denominator of Main Fraction | |
37703 | SubFraction | uInt8NULL | int | Price Denominator of Sub Fraction | |
9800 | PriceDisplayFormat | uInt8NULL | int | Number of Decimals in Displayed Price | |
996 | UnitOfMeasure | UnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure for the products' original contract size. This will be populated for all products listed on CME Globex. | |
1147 | UnitOfMeasureQty | Decimal9NULL | Qty | This field contains the contract size for each instrument. Use in combination with tag 996-UnitofMeasure. SOFR futures Live Cattle futures | |
1150 | TradingReferencePrice | PRICENULL9 | Price | Reference price for prelisted instruments or the last calculated Settlement whether it be Theoretical, Preliminary or a Final Settle of the session. | |
5796 | TradingReferenceDate | LocalMktDate | LocalMktDate | Indicates session date corresponding to the reference price in tag 1150-TradingReferencePrice | |
1149 | HighLimitPrice | PRICENULL9 | Price | Allowable high limit price for the trading day. A key parameter in validating order price. Used as the upper band for validating order prices. Orders submitted with prices above the upper limit will be rejected. This price protects off prices for quoting. Note: This value is indicative only and may not reflect the actual real-time high limit price. | |
1148 | LowLimitPrice | PRICENULL9 | Price | Allowable low limit price for the trading day. A key parameter in validating order price. Used as the lower band for validating order prices. Orders submitted with prices below the lower limit will be rejected. This price protects off prices for quoting. Note: This value is indicative only and may not reflect the actual real-time low limit price. | |
1143 | MaxPriceVariation | PRICENULL9 | Price | Differential value for price banding | |
1146 | MinPriceIncrementAmount | PRICENULL9 | Price | Currently under development. | |
225 | IssueDate | LocalMktDate | LocalMktDate | Issue Date. Value is number of days since Unix epoch. | |
873 | DatedDate | LocalMktDate | LocalMktDate | Dated Date. Value is number of days since Unix epoch. | |
541 | MaturityDate | LocalMktDate | LocalMktDate | Maturity Date. Value is number of days since Unix epoch. | |
223 | CouponRate | Decimal9NULL | Percentage | The rate of interest that, when multiplied by the principal, par value, or face value of a bond, provides the currency amount of the periodic interest payment | |
37723 | ParValue | PRICENULL9 | Price | The par value of the bond. | |
1949 | CouponFrequencyUnit | String3 | String | Time unit associated with the frequency of the bond's coupon payment | |
1948 | CouponFrequencyPeriod | uInt16NULL | int | Time unit multiplier for the frequency of the bond's coupon payment | |
1950 | CouponDayCount | String20 | String |
| The day count convention used in interest calculations for a bond or an interest bearing security |
470 | CountryOfIssue | CountryCode | String | Country of Origin, ISO alpha-2 country code | |
106 | Issuer | String25 | String | Name of security issuer or the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI - the International ISO standard 17442) | |
2714 | FinancialInstrumentFullName | LongName | String | Long name of the instrument | |
455 | SecurityAltID | String12 | String | Expanded instrument description. Will contain either ISIN or CUSIP | |
456 | SecurityAltIDSource | SecurityAltIDSource | int | 1=CUSIP 4=ISIN | Identifies class or source of the SecurityAltID (455) value |
1196 | PriceQuoteMethod | String5 | String |
| Price quotation method |
9736 | PartyRoleClearingOrg | String5 | String | Clearing organization | |
9779 | UserDefinedInstrument | UserDefinedInstrument | char | Y=User defined instrument N=Not a user defined instrument | User-defined Instrument flag |
37721 | RiskSet | String6 | String | Risk Set identifies the list of instruments sharing credit limits set up | |
37722 | MarketSet | String6 | String | Market Set defines the bilateral relationship and Self Match Prevention configuration for eligible markets | |
37513 | InstrumentGUID | uInt64NULL | int | Global unique instrument identifier. Additional product and instrument referential data can be gathered via CME Reference Data API using GUID fields. Currently unavailable for futures and options instruments. | |
Repeating Group 1 | |||||
864 | NoEvents | NuminGroup | Number of repeating entries. | ||
→865 | EventType | EventType | int | 5=Activation 7=Last eligible trade date | Code to represent the type of event |
→1145 | EventTime | uInt64 | UTCTimestamp | Date and Time of instrument Activation or Last Trade Datetime event sent as number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch | |
Repeating Group 2 | |||||
1141 | NoMDFeedTypes | Number of repeating entries. | |||
→1022 | MDFeedType | MDFeedType | String | Describes a class of service for a given data feed. GBX- Real Book, GBI-Implied Book | |
→264 | MarketDepth | Int8 | int | Book depth | |
Repeating Group 3 | |||||
870 | NoInstAttrib | NuminGroup | Number of repeating entries. | ||
→871 | InstAttribType | InstAttribType | int | 24=Eligibility | Instrument eligibility attributes |
→872 | InstAttribValue | InstAttribValue | MultipleCharValue | Tag 871-InstAttribType and tag 872-InstAttribValue function together where tag 871 indicates the type of value that the following tag 872 will contain. Bitmap field of 32 Boolean type indicators: 0 (least significant bit): Electronic Match Eligible 1: Order Cross Eligible 2: Block Trade Eligible 3: EFP Eligible 4: EBF Eligible 5: EFS Eligible 6: EFR Eligible 7: OTC Eligible 8: iLink Mass Quoting Eligible 9: Negative Strike Eligible 10: Negative Price Eligible 11: Is Fractional (indicates product has fractional display price) 13: RFQ Cross Eligible 14: Zero Price Eligible 15: Decaying Product Eligibility 16: Variable Quantity Product Eligibility 17: DailyProduct Eligibility 18: GT Orders Eligibility (Previously Tag 827) 19: Implied Matching Eligibility (Previously tag 1144) 21: Variable Cabinet Eligible 22: Inverted Book 23: All or None Instrument 24-31 – Reserved for future use | |
Repeating Group 4 | |||||
1234 | NoLotTypeRules | NuminGroup | Number of repeating entries. | ||
→1093 | LotType | Int8 | int | 2=minimum order entry quantity for an instrument | This tag is required to interpret the value in tag 1231-MinLotSize. |
→1231 | MinLotSize | DecimalQty | Qty | If tag 1093-LotType=2, this value is minimum quantity accepted for order entry. |