FIX: Embedded repeating group
FIX Tag | Field Name | FIXML Attribute Name | Req | Data Type | Description | Supported Values |
552 | NoSides | Y | NumInGroup | Number of Side (54) repeating group instances. | ||
54 | Side | Side | Y | char | Side of order for Trading Firm (R=7). | 1 - Buy |
526 | SecondaryClOrdID | ClOrdID2 | C | String | Client Order ID of counterparty provided on EBS Direct tickets to LPs where LC was disclosed. | |
11 | ClOrdID | ClOrdID | C | String | Client Order ID. | |
5106 | FundDesignation | FundDsgntn | C | String | Fund Designation as specified at order submission time. Note: Only present on EBS Direct Trades. | |
578 | TradeInputSource | InptSrc | Y | String | Venue from which the trade was entered. | GLBX - Globex EBSD - EBS Direct |
1057 | AggressorIndicator | AgrsrInd | Y | Boolean | Used to identify if the Trading Firm (R=7) is an aggressor or non-aggressor in the trade. | N - Order initiator is passive |
37 | OrderID | OrdID | C | String | Order ID for the trade. For EBS Direct LCs, this is the execution report OrderID (tag 37). | |
9373 | LiquidityFlag | LqdtyFlg | Y | Boolean | Indicates if an order was submitted for market making obligation as required for MIFID. | |
5149 | Memo | Mem | C | String | Free format text field. Supported as follows, depending on source:
| |
1028 | ManualOrderIndicator | ManOrdInd | Y | Boolean | Indicates if the order was created manually or through API. | N - No |
453 | Parties | Pty | ||||
10034 | SideRegulatoryTradeIDGrp | RegTrdID | ||||
1016 | SideTrdRegTS | TrdRegTS |