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Margin Service API - Requests

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Use any of the following Requests:   


MarginCalculate/marginsPOSTNoYesNoNoThe calculate margin request performs a margin calculation on an existing portfolio with optional additional transactions.
Get/margins/{id}GETYesNoNoYesThe get margin request returns the status and results of a margin request by its identifier. 
List/marginsGETYesNoYesYesThe list margins request returns the status and results of margin requests based on query parameters.

Margin Service API - Optimize - Calculate
The calculate optimize request performs an optimize calculation on an existing portfolio. Optimize in this context specifically refers to the CME Optimizer algorithm/tool, which identifies appropriate interest rate listed derivative products which can offset CME-clearing OTC IRS product, thereby producing portfolio margin efficiencies.

For more information regarding the Optimizer deployable software see here. For more information about CME's portfolio margin program for interest rate products see here.


Margin Service API - Optimize - Get
The get optimize request returns the status and results of an optimize request by its identifier.

PortfolioAdd/portfoliosPOSTNoYesNoYesThe add portfolio request creates a new portfolio into the CME CORE database. 
Delete/portfolios/{id} DELETEYesNoNoYesThe add portfolio request deletes an existing portfolio and its associated content in the CME CORE database. 
Get/portfolios/{id}GETYesNoNoYesThe get portfolio request returns a portfolio from the CME CORE database by its identifier. 
List/portfoliosGETYesNoYesYesThe list portfolios request returns a list of portfolios from the CME CORE database based on search criteria. 
Update/portfolios/{id}PUTNoYesNoYesThe update portfolio request updates attributes of an existing portfolio into the CME CORE database. 
TransactionAdd/transactionsPOSTNoYesNoYesThe add transaction request creates a new transaction in the CME CORE database. 
Delete/transactions/{id}DELETEYesNoNoYesThe delete transaction request deletes a transaction from the CME CORE database. 
Get/transactions/{id}GETYesNoNoYesThe get margin request returns the transaction by its identifier. 
List/transactionsGETYesNoYesYesThe list transactions request returns transactions for a portfolio based on search criteria. 
Update/transactions/{id}PUTNoYesYesYesThe update transaction request updates attributes of an existing transaction in the CME CORE database. 
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