Comprehensive product and instrument reference data for EBS is available on the Reference Data Warehouse in the following tables:
- v_product_ebs - all product reference data
- v_instrument_ebs - all instrument reference data
Product Schema
Instrument Schema
Sample Queries
Query For ON-SEF Products
SELECT * /*add specific fields or use star for all*/ FROM `/*insert project name */.cmeg_refdata_ebs.v_product_ebs` WHERE on_sef_ind="Y" and run_date="2023-06-12" /* add query terms and run_date value to limit results */
Query For All eFIX Instruments Using BFIX Fixings
SELECT * /*add specific fields or use star for all*/ FROM `/*insert project name */.cmeg_refdata_ebs.v_instrument_ebs` WHERE fixing_name LIKE "BFIX%" and run_date="2023-06-12"