This topic lists the iLink 3 BrokerTec reject codes and the accompanying text explanation in 58-Text sent in the reject response to an inbound iLink 3 message from the client to BrokerTec markets on CME Globex which has been rejected.
iLink 3 Binary Order Entry for BrokerTec uses the same reject text and error code as CME Globex futures and options except those listed below.
- New BrokerTec error codes are in the range of 5000 to 6000
- Certain BrokerTec rejects use different text, but the same error code as CME Globex futures and options.
Error Code | Tag 58-Text |
Sent in response to New Order - Single (tag 35-MsgType=D) | Text explanation of error code |
1013 | Invalid order qualifier Symbol: % is ineligible for Display Quantity Order |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: 'XXXX' SenderSubID: 'XXXX' ProductGroup: 'XXXX'' |
2130 | Order type not permitted while the market is in Post Close/Pre-Open (PCP) |
2137 | Order price is outside the limits 'Ask of % violates High Limit of % |
2137 | Order price is outside the limits 'Ask of % violates Low Limit of % |
2179 | Order price is outside bands 'Ask of % violates High Band % using Delta .00, Stlmt equals % |
2179 | Order price is outside bands 'Bid of % violates Low Band % using Delta .00, Stlmt equals % |
2311 | Order type not permitted for group Symbol: % order type: %, Allowed types: % |
5000 | Bid of % not better than current Best Bid % |
5001 | Ask of % not better than current Best Ask % |
5003 | Order Quantity is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5004 | Order Max Show is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5005 | Order Minimum Qty is less than the Minimum Trade Volume: XX |
5006 | Order quantity is not compatible with increment size 'Quantity: '7' isn't compatible with OrderIncrementSize: '5' |
5010 | ExecInstruction Only Best not allowed for this contract |
5512 | Order type not permitted for group 'group: XXX, order type: XXXXXXXXX' |
7047 | Order Type / Duration Combo invalid. TIF: '%' / Allowed types: '%' |
Sent in response to Order Cancel-Replace Request (tag 35-MsgType=G) message | |
1014 | The user is not authorized to trade 'FirmID: 'XXXX' SenderSubID: 'XXXX' ProductGroup: 'XXXX'' |
2103 | Attempt to modify an order with a different TraderID than the original order 'Order: XXXXXXXXXX SenderCompID: XXXXXXXX |
5003 | Order Quantity is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5004 | Order Max Show is less than the Min Trade Volume: XX |
5005 | Order Minimum Qty is less than the Minimum Trade Volume: XX |
5006 | Order quantity is not compatible with increment size 'Quantity: '7' isn't compatible with OrderIncrementSize: '5' |
5010 | ExecInstruction Only Best not allowed for this contract |
5102 | Modification of orders from Iceberg to Non-iceberg & vice-versa is not allowed |
5512 | Order type not permitted for group 'group: USR, order type: XXXXXXXXX' |
5558 | Order modify has different Managed order tag than existing order |
7015 | Order modify has different side than existing order 'Order: XXX SenderCompID: XXXXXXX' |
Sent in response to Order Cancel Request (tag 35-MsgType=F) message | |
2130 | Order type not permitted while the market is in Post Close/Pre-Open (PCP) |
5000 | Bid of % not better than current Best Bid % |
5001 | Ask of % not better than current Best Ask % |
5100 | Display Quantity increase not allowed in this market |
5101 | Quantity increase not allowed in this market |