System Requirements
PC-SPAN version 4 is an easy-to-use Windows program that allows you to load SPAN risk parameter files for exchanges and clearing organizations of interest, define portfolios, calculate margins, and view or print results. Version 4 was first made available in 1999. The latest build of version 4 is numbered as 610.
PC-SPAN version 4:
Supports the XML-based SPAN file format and the Paris-expanded-unpacked format in addition to the original unpacked and expanded-unpacked formats.
Supports the XML-based position file format as well as the original unpacked and expanded-unpacked position file formats.
Supports the SPAN files produced by over 35 world exchanges currently leveraging SPAN margin methodology.
Minimum System Requirements
The latest PC-SPAN version 4 (build 610) requires:
A PC running a version starting with Windows 7 or higher (Windows server build 2012 R2 or higher).
Support x64 platform of Windows OS. Will not support x86 platform of Windows OS onwards.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher.
Visual C++ 2015 Runtime Libraries (x64)
Approx. 100 megabytes of disk space to install.
Approx. 500 megabytes of free space to be able to install and use the program.
Minimum of 4 gigabytes of RAM.
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