Type S - Expanded Format and Paris Expanded
Length | From | To | Datatype | Format | Description and Comments |
2 | 1 | 2 | AN | X(2) | Record ID - "S " |
6 | 3 | 8 | AN | X(6) | Combined Commodity Code |
2 | 9 | 10 | AN | X(2) | Scanning / Intercommodity Spreading Method Code: |
2 | 11 | 12 | N | 9(2) | Number of Tiers |
2 | 13 | 14 | N | 9(2) | Tier 1 - Tier number |
6 | 15 | 20 | N | 9(6) | Tier 1 - Starting Contract Month as CCYYMM |
6 | 21 | 26 | N | 9(6) | Tier 1 - Ending Contract Month as CCYYMM |
2 | 27 | 28 | N | 9(2) | Tier 2 - Tier number |
6 | 29 | 34 | N | 9(6) | Tier 2 - Starting Contract Month as CCYYMM |
6 | 35 | 40 | N | 9(6) | Tier 2 - Ending Contract Month as CCYYMM |
2 | 41 | 42 | N | 9(2) | Tier 3 - Tier number |
6 | 43 | 48 | N | 9(6) | Tier 3 - Starting Contract Month as CCYYMM |
6 | 49 | 54 | N | 9(6) | Tier 3 - Ending Contract Month as CCYYMM |
2 | 55 | 56 | N | 9(2) | Tier 4 - Tier number |
6 | 57 | 62 | N | 9(6) | Tier 4 - Starting Contract Month as CCYYMM |
6 | 63 | 68 | N | 9(6) | Tier 4 - Ending Contract Month as CCYYMM |
2 | 69 | 70 | N | 9(2) | Tier 5 - Tier number |
6 | 71 | 76 | N | 9(6) | Tier 5 - Starting Contract Month as CCYYMM |
6 | 77 | 82 | N | 9(6) | Tier 5 - Ending Contract Month as CCYYMM |
1 | 83 | 83 | AN | X(1) | Weighted Futures Price Risk Calculation Method - 1 for the normal calculation in which price risk is evaluated and then divided by net delta, 2 for the normal method but where the value is capped at the futures price scan range, and 3 for the special method in which the value is set to the futures price scan range |
2 | 84 | 85 | AN | X(2) | Tier 1 - Starting Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 86 | 87 | AN | X(2) | Tier 1 - Ending Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 88 | 89 | AN | X(2) | Tier 2 - Starting Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 90 | 91 | AN | X(2) | Tier 2 - Ending Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 92 | 93 | AN | X(2) | Tier 3 - Starting Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 94 | 95 | AN | X(2) | Tier 3 - Ending Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 96 | 97 | AN | X(2) | Tier 4 - Starting Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 98 | 99 | AN | X(2) | Tier 4 - Ending Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 100 | 101 | AN | X(2) | Tier 5 - Starting Contract Day or Week Code |
2 | 102 | 103 | AN | X(2) | Tier 5 - Ending Contract Day or Week Code |
7 | 104 | 110 | N | 9(7) | Tier 1 -- Short Option Minimum Charge Rate |
7 | 111 | 117 | N | 9(7) | Tier 2 -- Short Option Minimum Charge Rate |
7 | 118 | 124 | N | 9(7) | Tier 3 -- Short Option Minimum Charge Rate |
7 | 125 | 131 | N | 9(7) | Tier 4 -- Short Option Minimum Charge Rate |
7 | 132 | 138 | N | 9(7) | Tier 5 -- Short Option Minimum Charge Rate |
Type "S" records are optional. If not present for a combined commodity, scanning method "01" -- standard scanning -- is assumed.
The tier fields are not meaningful for scanning methods "01" or "02".
If there are more than five scanning tiers and/or intercommodity spread tiers for a combined commodity, additional type "S" records follow the first immediately.
If values are provided which are non-null, non-blank or non-zero in the "Starting Contract Day or Week Code" or "Ending Contract Day or Week Code" fields, then these should be appended to the starting contract month or ending contract month fields, respectively, in order to determine the true starting or ending contract period code for the tier.
For example, suppose the Tier 1 Starting Contract Month field contains 200406, the Tier 1 Ending Contract Month field contains 200412, the Tier 1 Starting Contract Day or Week Code contains 12, and the Tier 1 Ending Contract Day or Week Code contains 23. This means that the starting period code for the tier is 20041212 (the 12th of December, 2004), and the ending period code for the tier is 20041223.
Normally in SPAN delta periods are defined only to the month level, and in this case the starting and ending periods for a tier are specific to the month. However, it is possible, for futures or forwards with period codes specific to the day, to have delta periods to the day. In this case, it may similarly be desired to make the starting or ending periods of a tier be specific to the day.
Support for tiered short option minimum charge rates (method code "30") was added in November 2010, although it has long been supported in the XML-format SPAN files.
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