Name | Abbr | Datatype | Description | Enumerations |
Product Symbol |
| String | Common, "human understood" representation of the security. SecurityID value can be specified if no symbol exists |
Price Negotiation Method |
| int | Contains all the allowable methods to negotiate Price. | - 0 - Percent of Par
- 1 - Deal Spread
- 2 - Upfront Running
Product Code |
| String | Used as the primary identifier for the traded instrument. For listed derivatives this is generally an exchange or CCP defined value. |
Source of the Product Code |
| String | Identifies the source of the SecurityID If it is not specified the default of Clearing is used. | - 1 - CUSIP
- 4 - ISIN number
- 8 - Exchange Symbol
- 100 - TCC Alias
- 101 - ITC Alias
- 102 - IXM Number
- 103 - Globex Alias
- 104 - Red Code
- 105 - Preferred Reference Obligation
- 106 - Pair Clip
- 107 - PRS Commodity Code Alias
- 108 - PRS Put Commodity Code Alias
- 109 - PRS Call Commodity Code Alias
- 110 - TAS or TAM Trading Symbol
- 111 - Red Index Ticker
- 112 - TAM Marker Price Symbol
- 113 - Clearing GUID
- 114 - Clearing Spread GUID
- 115 - Standard Reference Obligation
- H - Clearing House / Clearing Organization
- L - Letter of Credit
- N - Markit RED entity CLIP
- P - Markit RED pair CLIP
- T - Legal entity identifier
CFI Code |
| String | Indicates the type of security using ISO 10962 standard, Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code) values. It is recommended that CFICode be used instead of SecurityType for non-Fixed Income instruments. |
Security Type |
| String | Indicates type of instrument or security being traded or defined. | - BDBSKT - Bond Basket
- CAP - Cap
- CASH - Cash
- CLLR - Collar
- CMDTYSWAP - Commodity Swap
- COLLBSKT - Collateral Basket
- COMBO - Multileg (Combo)
- EQBSKT - Equity Basket
- FLR - Floor
- FRA - Forward Rate Agreement
- FUT - Future
- FWD - Forward
- FXFWD - FX Forward
- FXNDF - Non-deliverable forward
- FXSPOT - FX Spot
- FXSWAP - FX Swap
- INDEX - General type for a contract based on an established index
- IRS - Interest Rate Swap
- LOFC - Letter Of Credit
- MF - Mutual Fund
- MLEG - Multi Leg (Combo)
- OOC - Options on Combo
- OOF - Options on Futures
- OOP - Options on Physical - use not recommended
- OPT - Option
- REPO - Repurchase
- SEC - Security Collateral
- SWAPTION - Swaption
Contract Period Code |
| MonthYear | Specifies the month and year of maturity. Applicable for standardized derivatives which are typically only referenced by month and year (e.g. S&P futures). |
Maturity Date |
| LocalMktDate | Date of maturity or the Settlement date. |
Assignment Method |
| char | Method under which assignment was conducted |
Next Coupon Date |
| LocalMktDate | This is used to indicate the next date on which Coupon Premium is due. |
Seniority |
| String | Specifies which issue (underlying bond) will receive payment priority in the event of a default. | - SB - Subordinated
- SD - Senior Secured
- SR - Senior
Notional Percent Outstanding |
| Percentage | Indicates the notional percentage of the deal that is still outstanding based on the remaining components of the index. |
Strike Price |
| Price | Used for derivatives, such as options and covered warrants |
Price Multiplier |
| float | The value when multiplied to the Price will give you the $ value of a single Position.It is also known as the Price multiplier. |
Settlement Method |
| char | Settlement method for a contract. Can be used as an alternative to CFI Code value | - C - Cash settlement required
- E - Election at exercise
- P - Physical settlement required
Put Or Call |
| int | Used to express option right | |
Coupon Rate |
| Percentage | The premiun rtae expressed in percentage paid by the buyer of protection to the seller of protection. |
Product Exchange |
| Exchange | The exchange where the Security is listed. | - CBT - Chicago Board of Trade
- CEE - Stock Exchange Group
- CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
- COMEX - Commodities Exchange, Inc
- DME - Gulf Mercantile Exchange
- DUMX -
- ERIS - Eris Exchange
- KCB -
- NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange
- SX - SGX
- TRU -
- XCBT -
- XCEC -
- XCME -
- XKBT -
- XNYM -
Next Coupon Date |
| LocalMktDate | Represents the start date used to calculate the accrued interest. |
Price Quote Currency |
| Currency | The currency at which the Price is quoted. |
SecAltIDGrp (repeating) |
→ Alternate Identifier |
| String | The value of the Alternate security identifier. |
→ Alternate Identifier Source |
| String | The source of the Alternate security identifier. | - 1 - CUSIP
- 4 - ISIN number
- 8 - Exchange Symbol
- 100 - TCC Alias
- 101 - ITC Alias
- 102 - IXM Number
- 103 - Globex Alias
- 104 - Red Code
- 105 - Preferred Reference Obligation
- 106 - Pair Clip
- 107 - PRS Commodity Code Alias
- 108 - PRS Put Commodity Code Alias
- 109 - PRS Call Commodity Code Alias
- 110 - TAS or TAM Trading Symbol
- 111 - Red Index Ticker
- 112 - TAM Marker Price Symbol
- 113 - Clearing GUID
- 114 - Clearing Spread GUID
- 115 - Standard Reference Obligation
- H - Clearing House / Clearing Organization
- L - Letter of Credit
- N - Markit RED entity CLIP
- P - Markit RED pair CLIP
- T - Legal entity identifier
SecondaryAssetGrp (repeating) |
EvntGrp (repeating) |
→ Event Date Value |
| LocalMktDate | Represents the value or date associated with the Type of event. |
→ Event Date Type |
| int | Represents the type of event associated with the contract.Typically event types are dates like an effective date, last trade date for the contract. | - 5 - Activation
- 7 - Last Eligible Trade Date
- 8 - Swap / Start Date
- 9 - Swap / End Date
- 13 - First Delivery Date
- 19 - Position Removal Date
- 23 - First notice date
- 24 - Last notice date
- 25 - First exercise date
- 26 - Redemption date
- 100 - Next Trade Date
- 101 - Previous Prior Coupon date
- 102 - Effective Date
- 103 - First Coupon Date
- 104 - Clearing Business date prior to the Next Coupon Date
- 105 - Last EFP Date
- 106 - First Block TAS Date
- 107 - Last Block TAS Date
- 108 - Credit Event Determination Date
- 109 - Credit Event Initial Processing Date
- 110 - Erosion Start Date
- 111 - Unadjusted Next Coupon Date
- 112 - Unadjusted Previous Coupon Date
- 113 - Unadjusted Previous Previous Coupon Date
- 114 - Previous Clearing Business Date
- 115 - Next Banking Business Date in PAI currency
- 116 - Invoice Date
- 117 - Margin Release Date Long and cycle
- 118 - Margin Release Date Short and cycle
- 119 - Unadjusted Swap End Date
- 121 - Fixing Date
→ Additional Text |
| String | Communicates additional comments associated with the event type. |
InstrumentParties (repeating) |
→ Instrument Party ID |
| String | Used to identify party id related to instrument |
→ Instrument Party ID Source |
| char | Used to identify source of instrument party id | - B - BIC (Bank Identification Code - SWIFT managed) code (ISO9362)
- D - Proprietary / Custom code
- G - MIC (ISO 10383 - Market Identificer Code)
- M - CFTC reporting firm identifier
- N - LEI
→ Instrument Party Role |
| int | Used to identify the role of instrument party id | - 2 - Broker of Credit (formerly FIX 4.2 BrokerOfCredit)
- 4 - Clearing Firm
- 5 - Investor ID
- 12 - Executing Trader (associated with Executing Firm - actually executes)
- 21 - Clearing Organization
- 25 - Correspondent Clearing Organization
- 26 - Correspondent Broker
- 28 - Custodian
- 32 - Beneficiary
- 37 - Contra trader
- 38 - Position account
- 43 - Internal Carry Account
- 44 - Order Entry Operator ID
- 46 - Foreign Firm
- 47 - Third Party Allocation Firm
- 48 - Claiming Account
- 49 - Asset Manager
- 52 - Large Trader Reportable Account
- 53 - Trader mnemonic
- 54 - Sender Location
- 55 - Session ID
- 73 - Execution Venue
- 74 - Market data entry originator
- 101 - Collateral asset account
- 102 - Data Repository (e.g. SDR)
- 103 - Calculation agent
- 109 - Beneficiary's bank or depository institution
- 110 - Borrower
- 111 - Primary Obligor
- 112 - Guarantor
- 113 - Excluded reference entity
- 114 - Determining party
- 115 - Hedging party
- 116 - Reporting entity
- 200 - FEC GUI User ID
- 201 - Previous Executing Firm
- 4100 - Depository
→ InstrumentPtysSubGrp (repeating) |
→→ Instrument Party Sub ID |
| String | PartySubID value within an instrument party repeating group. Same values as PartySubID (523) |
→→ Instrument Party Sub ID Type |
| int | Type of InstrumentPartySubID (1053) value. Same values as PartySubIDType (803) | - 4 - Application
- 5 - Full legal name of firm
- 6 - Postal address
- 7 - Phone number
- 8 - Email address
- 10 - Securities account number (for settlement instructions)
- 11 - Registration number (for settlement instructions and confirmations)
- 15 - Cash account number (for settlement instructions)
- 24 - Department
- 31 - Location
- 43 - Funds segregation type
- 44 - Guarantee Fund
- 51 - Business center
- 56 - Deal identifier
- 57 - System trade identifier
- 58 - System trade sub-identifier
- 59 - Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) code
- 60 - Delivery terminal customer account/code (aka HUB code)
- 61 - Voluntary reporting entity
- 62 - Reporting obligation jurisdiction
- 63 - Voluntary reporting jurisdiction
- 64 - Company Activities [ID:
- A = Assurance undertaking authorized in accordance with Directive 2002/83/EC
- C=Credit institution authorized in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC
- F=Investment firm in accordance with Directive 2004/39/EC
- I=Insurance undertaking authorized in accordance with Directive 73/239/EC
- L=Alternative investment fund managed by AIFMs authorized or registered in accordance with Directive 2011/61/EC
- O=Institution for occupational retirement provision within the meaning of Article 6(a0 of Directive 2003/41/EC
- R=Reinsurance undertaking authorized in accordance with Directive 2005/68/EC
- U=UCITS and its management company, authorized in accordance with Directive 2009/65/EC
- or blank in case of coverage by LEI or in case of non-financial counterparties.]
- 65 - European Economic Area domiciled [ID: Y or N]
- 66 - Contract linked to commercial or treasury financing for this counterparty [ID: Y or N]
- 67 - Contract above clearing threshold for this counterparty [ID: Y or N]
- 74 - Payer
- 75 - Receiver
- 4000 - Customer Order Capacity (CTI) for Claiming Firm
StreamGrp (repeating) |