

CryptoQuant data provides the most comprehensive on-chain and network data gathered from blockchains and major cryptocurrency exchanges. We cover Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stablecoins, and Altcoins. Over 1M traders worldwide and 150+ financial institutions are using our data, and more than 10,000 articles cite our data every month through major media, including Bloomberg, Forbes, and Nasdaq.

CryptoQuant analyzes every single transaction on the Bitcoin and Ethereum (+ ERC20) blockchains in real-time. In general, major participants in the blockchain ecosystem are classified into three types: exchange, miner, and whale. An exchange is where the actual trading events occur, reflecting the demand side. A miner controls supply on the blockchain by mining blocks. A whale makes and exploits market inefficiencies by controlling both demand and supply.

On-chain Data summarizes on-chain activities via transactions recorded on blockchain networks. It shows capital flows among key entities. With on-chain data, traders can see what happens in the networks that finally results in price movement. For example, how many bitcoins all exchanges hold, in/outflows, the number of in/outflow addresses, and the transaction count.

It includes the top 10 major Exchanges and 99% of Mining Pools.

Network Data

Network data offers the blockchain network's fundamental data, including hash rate, total supply, number of active addresses, transactions, tokens transferred, fees, etc.

On-chain Indicators

CryptoQuant combines on-chain and network data to examine the market condition and evaluate the current price's valuations.


Products Available

CryptoQuant offers Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain data, including Network Data and Exchange Flows via CME DataMine.

See more details about Exchange Flows Data and Miners Flows Data.

Dates Available

Historical data is available for a year (2020-07 ~ 2021-07).

Note that the earliest available CryptoQuant dates vary by data endpoint. 

The historical data points begin with the following dates:

  • BTC network data - January 1, 2009

  • BTC onchain indicators - January 3, 2009

  • BTC exchange flows - April 2, 2012

  • BTC miner flows - January 9, 2009

  • ETH network data - July 30, 2015

  • ETH exchange flows - August 9, 2015




What is the file format of this data?


How is this data calculated?

CryptoQuant is running Bitcoin and Ethereum nodes ourselves in order to fetch the data through JSON RPC. In addition, we combine the blockchain data with our labelled addresses. In terms of labeling wallet addresses, we are able to trace wallet addresses by depositing/withdrawing cryptocurrencies to/from exchanges and cluster them to identify the anonymous address's owner. Labeling addresses are non-public and CryptoQuant has been collecting labelled addresses internally since 2017.

We do not provide the wallet address, but we provide processed and derived on-chain flow data in the block, hour, and day units that help our clients understand the behavior of major market participants.

See more details

What is the average daily file size?

Size of daily updated files

Size of full historical data

Size of daily updated files

Size of full historical data

  • BTC: 5Mb

  • ETH: 20Mb

  • BTC: 8Gb~

  • ETH: 40Gb~

How many files are available per day?

Onchain Data:

  • BTC: 190~

  • ETH: 210~

Are there any missing dates to the data I should know? If so, what are they?


Is there a process I must use to be able to use this data?


Does CryptoQuant want to allow free trials of their dataset?

CryptoQuant will provide trials with certain restrictions and limitations depending on the client’s demand.

See "CryptoQuant#Sample Files" section above.

What is the delivery frequency of the data?

On-chain data:

  • Update Frequency: Day/Hour

  • Delivery Frequency: Day/Hour

  • Processing Time: 1~20 Min

What time will the files be delivered each day?

We calculate our data with the following units, and we will deliver the files either hourly or EOD.

For all metrics, the window parameter specifies the time intervals for which the data is aggregated. Windows are provided in window=hour, window=day, and each metric supports different windows. For on-chain data, the smallest period available is an hour. Daily units are provided for added versatility.

Please note that end-of-day data of exchange/miner/inter-entity flow will be ready to serve from UTC 00:00 AM, which may take up to an hour. Since block confirmation takes time due to the nature of the blockchain, blocks created before 00:00 AM are reflected in the calculation sequentially. The block confirmation time varies from time to time, so the safe time to query the endpoint for a full day would be an hour after the day. (i.e., UTC 1:00AM).



From To Parameter Format



From To Parameter Format


Data were calculated for all blocks produced in an hour. An hourly data is from 12:00:00 UTC to 12:59:00 UTC.



Data were calculated for all blocks produced in a day. Each day begins at 00:00:00 UTC and ends at 23:59:59 UTC.



Are the files compressed? 


What is the value proposition and/or CME Group product correlations?

Many institutional customers hesitate to invest in cryptocurrency because it is difficult to persuade their risk management department.

Our on-chain data are vital for customers in order to analyze the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies as well as manage their risks. Many customers have been using our data for risk management, building fundamental or quantitative strategies, and market research to gain more Liquidity Providers (LPs).

CryptoQuant is able to deliver fundamental on-chain data to more institutional customers through CME DataMine and induce more customers to start investing in cryptocurrency markets via our partnership with CME DataMine.

Are there risks using the data?

Unlike many other data types, blockchain data is public and immutable. However, crypto services such as exchanges often create new wallets and move their funds for security reasons, so CryptoQuant periodically updates exchange flows by adding newly created wallets. Therefore, historical data of certain on-chain data associated with exchanges and mining pools is mutable.

Check mutable metrics

Where can I find collateral on how to understand this data?



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