Trade Correction messaging supports:
A Common Trade ID that links each trade execution across CME Globex and through CME Clearing as follows:
iLink tag 37711-MDTradeEntryID
MDP 3.0 tag 37711-MDTradeEntryID
CME STP and CME STP FIX MdtradeentryID
Real-time trade price adjustments reporting to participating traders and market as a whole via iLink and MDP 3.0 messages.
Info |
Table of Contents |
Common Identifier
A common identifier tag 37711-MDTradeEntryID associates order routing, market data, and Clearing messages for a given trade.
Trade Adjustment for Outrights and Spreads
Of the four trade correction scenarios listed below, tag 527-SecondaryExecID will increment in scenarios 1 and 2 in the Trade Correction message.
Correction is made to:
Spread and all legs
Spread and some legs
All legs only
Some legs only
iLink Trade Correction Identifiers
Scenario 1 - Outright Trade Correction - Many Trades
Given the following:
The instrument has traded four times since the beginning of the session:
TradeID=1, TradePx =100, TradeQty=5, MDTradeEntryID=1123
TradeID=2, TradePx =99, TradeQty=25, MDTradeEntryID=1179
TradeID=3, TradePx =92, TradeQty=31, MDTradeEntryID=1267
TradeID=4, TradePx =99, TradeQty=29, MDTradeEntryID=1399
Market data statistics prior to modification:
electronic volume=90
high trade px=100
low trade px=92
1. GCC modifies trade price of previously reported fill for the instrument with TradeID=1, MDTradeEntryID=1123, New TradePx =95, New TradeQty=5 (no change)
2. Order Entry messages
Trade Correction Notice for Trader A
8=FIX.4.2 9=221 35 35=8 8 34=0 49=CME 50=G 52=20120121-10:25:17.013 56=FB1135 57=dummy 143=Brio
1=TEST 6=0 11=FB1173433 14=0 17=1177:7805 19=36 20=2 31=95 32=5 37=231 39 31=95 32=5 37=231 39=G 48=CME003206521 54=1 55=ON 60=20120121-10:25:16.948 75=20120124 107=ONF2 C10100 150=G 167=OPT 393=0 442=1 9717=FB117343310=156
Trade Correction Notice for Trader B
8=FIX.4.2 9=221 35 35=8 8 34=0 49=CME 50=G 52=20120121-10:25:17.013 56=FB1135 57=dummy 143=Brio 1=TEST 6=0 11=FB1173434 14=0 17=1177:7806 19=36 20=2 31=95 32 31=95 32=5
37=135 39=G 135 39=G 48=CME003206521 54=2 55=ON 60=20120121-10:25:16.948 75=20120124 107=ONF2 C10100 150=G 167=OPT 393=0 442=1 9717=FB1173434 10=161
3. Market Data message generated:
Trade Summary Message
35=X 60=<TransactTime> 5799=00000001 268=1
279=1 269=2 48=320652 83=123 270=95 (New Price) 271=5 (Qty- not changed) 346=2 5797=0 (no aggressor) 37711=1123
37705=2 37=231 32=5 (FillQty, in this case didn't change) 37=135 32=5 (FillQty, in this case didn't change)
No electronic volume update is generated
SessionStatistics message is generated - High Trade price change from 100 to 99.
35=X 60=<TransactTime>9 5799=10000100 268=1
279=0 269=7 48=320652 83=124 270=99
4. Market data statistics after the event:
electronic volume=90
high trade px=99
low trade px=92
Scenario 2 - Trade Cancellation of Previously Adjusted Trade & Electronic Volume Update
Previously adjusted trade is later canceled by GCC.
Market Data statistics:
electronic volume=90
high trade px=99
low trade px=92
1. GCC cancels TradeID=1, MDTradeEntryID=1123, New TradePx =95, New TradeQty=5 (no change)
Two Trade Cancel execution reports - for Buy and Sell outright fills
3. Market Data FIX Message:
Trade Summary for the bust
35=X 60=<TransactTime> 5799=00000001 268=1
279=2 269=2 48=320652 83=125 270=95 (Last modified price) 271=5 346=2 5797=0 (no aggressor) 37711=1123 (original MDTradeEntryID)
37705=2 37=231 32=5 37=135 32=5
Electronic Volume - EoV and EoE
35=X 60=<TransactTime> 5799=10000010 268=1
279=1 269=e 48=320652 83=126 271=85
Session Statistics - not sent (no change)
4. Market Data statistics after the event:
electronic volume=85
high trade px=99
low trade px=92