Trade Date | A | 20120801 | YYYYMMDD | The trade date in YYYYMMDD format. |
Exchange Code | B | XCME | XCME, XCBT, XNYM, XCEC | The exchange where the product is traded. |
Asset Class | C | EQUITY INDEX | AGRICULTURE, ENERGY, EQUITY INDEX, INTEREST RATES, FX, METALS | Identifies an entire suite of products. | * |
Product Code | D | EZ | String | The code assigned to a particular product. |
Clearing Code | E | EZ | String | Identifies a contract as it is known to CME Clearing. | * |
Product Description | F | E-MINI S&P 500 OPTIONS | String | The textual description of a product. |
Product Type | G | O | F, O | Designates whether the contract is a Future (F) or Option (O). |
Underlying Product Code | H | 0 | String | If an option, the Product Code assigned to the underlying future. | * |
Put/Call | I | C | P, C | Designates whether the contract is a Put (P) or Call (C). |
Strike Price | J | 1200 | String | If an option, the strike price. |
Contract Year | K | 2012 | YYYY | The year the contract expires. |
Contract Month | L | 8 | MM | The delivery month for the future or option contract. |
Contract Day | M | 0 | DD | Indicates the expiration day of the option contract. Only used for daily options. |
Settlement | N | 170.8 | String | Settlement Price. |
Settlement Cabinet Indicator | O | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. |
Open Interest | P | 54 | String | The open interest for the contract. |
Total Volume | Q | 2880 | String | The total number of contracts traded -- the sum of Globex, Floor, and PNT. |
Globex Volume | R | 998 | String | The number of contracts traded on Globex. |
Floor Volume | S | 0 | String | The number of contracts traded on the Floor. | * |
PNT Volume | T | 0 | String | The number of contracts traded in Privately-Negotiated Transactions. | * |
Block Volume | U | 1805 | String | The number of contracts traded as Blocks. | * |
EFP Volume | V | 2 | String | The number of contracts traded as Exchange-for-Physical. | * |
EOO Volume | W | 11 | String | The number of contracts traded as Exchange-of-Options-for-Options. | * |
EFR Volume | X | 6 | String | The number of contracts traded as Exchange-for-Risk. | * |
EFS Volume | Y | 24 | String | The number of contracts traded as Exchange-of Futures-for-Swaps. | * |
EFB Volume | Z | 1 | String | The number of contracts traded as Exchange-for-Basis. | * |
EFM Volume | AA | 42 | String | The number of contracts traded as Exchange-for-Minis. | * |
SUB Volume | AB | 4 | String | The number of contracts traded as Substitution-of-Futures-for-Forwards. | * |
OPNT Volume | AC | 1 | String | The number of contracts traded as OTC Privately Negotiated Transactions. | * |
TAS Volume | AD | 101 | String | The number of contracts traded as Trading-at-Settlement. | * |
TAS Block Volume | AE | 16 | String | The number of TAS contracts traded as Blocks. | * |
TAM Singapore Volume | AF | 3 | String | Trade-at-Marker volume for the Singapore marker. | * |
TAM Singapore Block Volume | AG | 0 | String | Trade-at-Marker block volume for the Singapore marker. | * |
TAM London Volume | AH | 102 | String | Trade-at-Marker volume for the London marker. | * |
TAM London Block Volume | AI | 6 | String | Trade-at-Marker block volume for the London marker. | * |
Globex Open Price | AJ | 177.3 | String | The opening price for the Globex session. |
Globex Open Price Bid/Ask Indicator | AK | B | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Globex Open Price Cabinet Indicator | AL | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. | * |
Globex High Price | AM | 174.5 | String | Indicates the high price for the Globex session. |
Globex High Price Bid/Ask Indicator | AN | B | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Globex High Price Cabinet Indicator | AO | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. | * |
Globex Low Price | AP | 173.5 | String | The low price for the Globex session. |
Globex Low Price Bid/Ask Indicator | AQ | A | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Globex Low Price Cabinet Indicator | AR | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. | * |
Globex Close Price | AS | 174.5 | String | The closing price for the Globex session. |
Globex Close Price Bid/Ask Indicator | AT | A | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Globex Close Price Cabinet Indicator | AU | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. |
Floor Open Price | AV | 177.3 | String | The opening price for the Floor session. |
Floor Open Price Bid/Ask Indicator | AW | A | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Floor Open Price Cabinet Indicator | AX | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. |
Floor Open Second Price | AY | 176 | String | Lists a second price if there were multiple prices. |
Floor Open Second Price Bid/Ask Indicator | AZ | B | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. | * |
Floor High Price | BA | 177.3 | String | The high price for the Floor session. |
Floor High Price Bid/Ask Indicator | BB | A | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Floor High Price Cabinet Indicator | BC | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. | * |
Floor Low Price | BD | 173.5 | String | The low price for the Floor session. |
Floor Low Price Bid/Ask Indicator | BE | A | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Floor Low Price Cabinet Indicator | BF | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. | * |
Floor Close Price | BG | 162.5 | String | The closing price for the Floor session. |
Floor Close Price Bid/Ask Indicator | BH | B | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Floor Close Price Cabinet Inidicator | BI | CAB | Null, CAB | Indicates that the price is based off a Cabinet (CAB) price. |
Floor Close Second Price | BJ | 177.7 | String | Lists a second price if there were multiple prices. |
Floor Close Second Price Bid/Ask Indicator | BK | A | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. |
Floor Post-Close Price | BL | 173.5 | String | The post-close price for the Floor session. | * |
Floor Post-Close Price Bid/Ask Indicator | BM | B | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. | * |
Floor Post-Close Second Price | BN | 174.3 | String | Lists a second price if there were multiple prices. | * |
Floor Post-Close Second Price Bid/Ask Indicator | BO | B | Null, B, A, N, $ | Indicates that the price is based off a trade (null), Bid (B), Cabinet ($), Ask (A), or Nominal (N) price. | * |
Delta | BP | 0.986 | String | If an option, the Delta for the contract. | * |
Implied Volatility | BQ | 0.291 | String | If an option, the Implied Volatility for the contract. |
Last Trade Date | BR | 20120817 | YYYYMMDD | The last day the contract can trade. | * |