CME’s Adjusted Interest Rate (AIR) Total Return futures provide total return exposure with an overnight floating rate built in. The enhanced contract design provides similar economics to an equity index total return swap with the margin efficiency of listed futures.
AIR futures are typically quoted as such swaps are, by specifying the daily interest rate for the financing leg as a differential in basis points from a benchmark interest rate – in effect, a form of BTIC trading. CME’s dollar-denominated AIR futures use the Fed Funds benchmark, and the GBP-denominated contracts use Sonia. Every morning, when these rates are published, CME calculates and publishes the accrued funding value for each AIR contract. The GBP values are published at about 9:04am London time, and the USD values at about 9:04am New York time.
The AIR datafiles published in the morning – the “Final” files -- provide the final value of the accrued funding values for the current business day, together with all data used in their derivation. The files published in the afternoon – the “Next-Day” files – provide the settlement prices for today’s contracts as well as the preliminary value for accrued funding for the next business day.
In addition to CME DataMine, the AIR datafiles are available on CME’s website, public and private FTP sites, and via email, and the accrued funding values are also published via CME’s Reference Data API (RDAPI) and the Settlements & Valuation (“S&V”) Channel on CME’s market data platform. Full details are available at
- Block Trades
- End of Market Summary
- Eris PAI Dataset
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- STL INT Settlements
- GovPX Historical Data
- Packet Capture Dataset
- GovPX End of Day Historical Data
- Premium FX Feed Historical Data
- SOFR Strip Rates
- CME Liquidity Tool Datasets
- EBS Historical Data
- Registrar
- Collateral Eligibility Lists
- CME Group Petroleum Index
- AIR Futures
- FX Options Vol Converter
- OTC IRS Curves
- CryptoQuant
- Fixing Prices
- Historical Margin Data
- Asian Gold Spot
- Settlements FAQ
- Daily Bulletin
- Commodities Indices
- Repo Fund Rates
- TFS-ICAP FX Options
- MXN Price Alignment Amount Rate
- Cleared OTC IRS
- FX Close Quotes
Dates Available
AIR Futures data is available for the following Indices and time frames:
Index | Historical Data Available |
S&P 500 | 09/18/2020 - Present |
FTSE 1000 | 06/07/2021 - Present |