Asian Gold Spot

This page describes Asian Gold Spot historical data available from CME DataMine.

The Asian Gold Spot dataset includes historical data for the daily Asian market closing price of COMEX gold Futures Spot month contracts.

This data can be used to identify COMEX gold futures spot month contracts at the Asian market closing price, which represents gold Futures value at the Asian market close (7:30 AM UTC). Since the value is the best estimation of COMEX gold Futures nearest contract month at local market closing time, the data can be used for risk management, simulation, or modelling by financial institutions and professionals in Asia.

Dates Available

Asian Gold Spot files start on November 7, 2019 until present day.

Sample Files 


Sample File


Sample File

Asian Gold Spot



How is data calculated?

COMEX gold futures Asia marker - gold futures calendar spread (between active month and spot)

What format is the file delivered in?

Data is provided in .csv format.

Are files compressed?


How many files are available per day?

The database structure allows for 1 file/day.

How far back do you maintain these records?

The Asian Gold Spot offering goes back to the early to November 7, 2019.

Are there any dates for which files cannot be produced?


Do you have sample files available?

Yes, see the Sample Files section above.

Can the data be accessed online?

Asian Gold Spot prices are available on the CME Group website today for public use, but the data is only displayed and is not available for download. Also, the data displayed is for the last 5 trading days only.

For example:





Feb 22, 2023


Feb 21, 2023


Feb 17, 2023


Feb 16, 2023


Feb 15, 2023


When are these files delivered?

Files are available daily (1 file / day).

What time will the files be delivered (Daily, Monthly + Time of Day + Day of week)?

6:30-8:00 PM (Central Time) each CME Group business day

Files are delivered at approximately 3:00 AM EST (4:00 AM EST with DST), on COMEX gold product calendar business day.

How large are the average daily files?

Daily files average 1KB

Is there a specific process that must be followed in order to use the data?

No specific process is required.

How is the Asian Gold Spot price calculated?

Asian gold spot price = COMEX gold futures Asia marker - gold futures calendar spread (between active month and front month from the last COMEX gold settlements)

What content is included in a data file?

The data file includes three columns: Date (trading date), Dataset Name, and Price. 


Dataset Name



Dataset Name



Asian Gold Spot Historical


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