The EBS Spot Foreign Exchange historical data provides information on the Spot FX & Precious Metals order book, created on a time-slice basis and includes a Price Record and Deal Record. The Price Record lists the EBS Market Best Prices at the end of a time-slice and the Deal Record lists the highest paid and the lowest given deal prices during the period of a time-slice.
EBS Spot FX history is available in three levels of granularity: Tick, Level 1, Level 2 / Level 2 USDJPY.
- EBS Spot FX Tick History:
- Top of Book; Best Bid and Best Offer
- Dealt Prices (no volume)
- EBS Spot FX Level 1 History:
- Top of Book; Best Bid and Best Offer
- Volume at Best Bid/Offer
- EBS Spot FX Level 2 History / EBS Spot FX Level 2 USDJPY History:
- Depth of Book (five or ten levels of order book (bid/offer) depending on currency pair
- Highest Paid and Lowest Given
- Volume traded at the Highest Paid and Lowest Given
- Number of trades at the Highest Paid and Lowest Given
- Total Volume traded
- Block Trades
- End of Market Summary
- Eris PAI Dataset
- Market Depth
- BrokerTec Historical Data
- Time and Sales
- Top of Book - BBO
- Volume and Open Interest
- Order Book AI
- STL INT Settlements
- GovPX Historical Data
- Packet Capture Dataset
- GovPX End of Day Historical Data
- Premium FX Feed Historical Data
- SOFR Strip Rates
- CME Liquidity Tool Datasets
- EBS Historical Data
- Registrar
- Collateral Eligibility Lists
- CME Group Petroleum Index
- AIR Futures
- FX Options Vol Converter
- OTC IRS Curves
- CryptoQuant
- Fixing Prices
- Historical Margin Data
- Asian Gold Spot
- Settlements FAQ
- Daily Bulletin
- Commodities Indices
- Repo Fund Rates
- TFS-ICAP FX Options
- MXN Price Alignment Amount Rate
- Cleared OTC IRS
- FX Close Quotes
Dates Available
EBS Spot FX Historical data is available from December 1996 to present day.
Please note that the time-slice interval changed for EBS Level 2 history for the following dates:
- From January 1, 1997 to January 1, 2008 - One-second time-slice interval
- From January 1, 2008 to August 31, 2008 - 250 millisecond time-slice interval
- From September 1, 2008 to present day - 100 millisecond time-slice interval
The first historical files available are:
- EBS Tick - October 11, 2019
- EBS Level 1 - January 2, 1997
- EBS Level 2 - December 29, 1996
Please note, for individual currency pairs, the presence of a file will depend on trading activity and/or availability in the market. If there are no markets for a certain currency pair, there will be no file available that day.