CME STP - Reject
FIX - Tag 35-MsgType = 3
FIX Tag | Field Name | Data Type | Description | Supported Values |
45 | RefSeqNum | int | Reference message sequence number | |
371 | RefTagID | int | The tag number of the FIX field being referenced. | |
372 | RefMsgType | String | The MsgType (35) of the FIX message being referenced. | 0 - Heartbeat |
1130 | RefApplVerID | String | Specifies the service pack release being applied to a message at the session level. Enumerated field with values assigned at time of service pack release. Uses same values as ApplVerID | 0 - FIX27 1 - FIX30 2 - FIX40 3 - FIX41 4 - FiX42 5 - FIX43 6 - FIX44 7 - FIX50 8 - FIX50SP1 9 - FIX50SP2 10 - FIXLatest |
1406 | RefApplExtID | int | The extension pack number associated with an application message. | |
1131 | RefCstmApplVerID | String | Specifies a custom extension to a message being applied at the session level. | |
373 | SessionRejectReason | int | Code to identify reason for a session-level Reject message. | 0 - Invalid Tag Number 1 - Required Tag Missing 2 - Tag not defined for this message type 3 - Undefined tag 4 - Tag specified without a value 5 - Value is incorrect (out of range) for this tag 6 - Incorrect data format for value 7 - Decryption problem 8 - Signature problem 9 - CompID problem 10 - Sending Time Accuracy Problem 11 - Invalid MsgType 12 - XML Validation Error 13 - Tag appears more than once 14 - Tag specified out of required order 15 - Repeating group fields out of order 16 - Incorrect NumInGroup count for repeating group 17 - Non "Data" value includes field delimiter (<SOH> character) 18 - Invalid/Unsupported Application Version 99 - Other |
58 | Text | String | Free format text string | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | Length | Byte length of encoded (non-ASCII characters) EncodedText (355) field. | |
355 | EncodedText | data | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text (58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding (347) field. If used, the ASCII (English) representation should also be specified in the Text(58) field. |
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